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Has the Aria 2 been officially discontinued?

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The Aria 2 is still mentioned as a product on the Fitbit website, but it has been unavailable for purchase for months now on the Fitbit Store.


Now I'm seeing that even resellers (Amazon, eBay, local outlets) no longer list the product. Wherever I look I can only find second hand listings. 


I figured a new version might be part of the announcements together with the Sense, but that didn't happen. And the support forum is filled with tons of support requests and bug reports.


So the questions remain:

  • Has the Aria 2 been discontinued as a product?
  • Will it still receive support going forward?
  • Will the Aria Air face the same fate?

A little transparency can go a long way, thanks!

Best Answer

This may be the time for me to move to a Garmin.  I'm not happy with this direction or how it's been handled.   Your not supporting your customers. 

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Has your Aria scale issue not been resolved? Mine is working fine now!
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LOL, this gets my vote for best answer.  Straight talking there, well done!!

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I am having the same issue. It seems the scale is useless at this point. 


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Hi LizzyFitbit,


Can you please explain how Aria air can have similar features as it "only" get weight and calculate BMI ?

As far as I remember, Aria 2 takes fat % etc... no ? 

So, these are not similar products.

My wife and I were looking for Aria 2 but only Air is available, so we won't buy a fitbit scale. Too bad for 2 fitbit watches users that would have bought another product.


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Did you ever get an answer on this? I also am bugged that they discontinued Aria and try to tell us a similar product is out there, but it doesn't do body fat %. That was the main (almost only) reason I wanted the Fitbit scale. 


Hi LizzyFitBit, 


Why did FitBit discontinue a scale that has body fat percentage? I think most people understand it isn't going to be 100% accurate but it is extremely helpful in setting a baseline and seeing if you are trending up or down. Does FitBit plan to release another scale that shows body fat? I can find a MUCH cheaper scale that just shows my weight and then calculate BMI using that and my height.



Moderator edit: merged reply

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Similar feeling about the Aria Air - who puts out a new model with LESS features?  

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Thanks @MrGlenn for posting this question. I was looking to replace my FitBit Aria with Aria 2 and noticed its no longer available from major sellers. I am disappointed that the Aria product line was discontinued. IMO the Aria Air looks like a toy and does not have the features with some of the other smart scales on the market. I worry about the quality of Aria Air as it seems they are no longer too invested in having a smart scale line. I see other options but unfortunately they don't sync to Fitbit profile.

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My issue is that my Aria that I have owned for years is no longer supported by newer internet services (i.e. Spectrum) so I can no longer connect to my wifi. Gets all the way through password setup for wifi and says password not saved and re-enters setup mode. 😞

Best Answer

My aria 2 was damaged in a flood and I couldn't replace it because it's no longer available. I bought the aria air and it is an inferior product by far. It no longer uses wifi, can't have user accounts, and no fat percentage. I would have been better off buying a regular digital scale from Walmart. This scale is a waste of money and I'm really upset that it is a step backwards from their now discontinued aria 2. I am not sure I'll be buying fitbit again.

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You may want to check on Facebook Marketplace for an Aria or Aria 2.  I too liked the wifi connect etc.  I picked up one locally for $30 and it works fine.

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I have an Aria 2 for 3 years now and I absolutely love it. My sister visited me another day and loved it too and, since her birthday is coming up, I thought it would be a nice gift but couldn’t find it anywhere to buy. I was considering buying the Aria Air one but from the answers here I’m convinced that it would only be a waste of money. So upsetting

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I got the Aira Air thinking it would do body fat, water weight etc. Like my older scale. But it just literally measures weight. I was pretty disappointed. 

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I don't think the aria air has the same features as the 2. The 2 offered more. I was disappointed that it was no longer offered. The aria air is very basic.  I wanted more . 

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Hi Lizzy,


Unfortunately, the Aria Air, does not provide as much information as the Aria 2.


I'm not that concerned about lbs. but I am very interested in knowing my body fat percentage.


This is unavailable on the Aria Air.  Will Fitbit, (Google), be introducing a product to address this consumer need?


I've been with Fitbit for almost a decade and use of Fitbit products has helped me improve my health considerably.  However, I am strongly considering moving to iOS or Garmin products given recent Fitbit product decisions.





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I gave up on mine and bought and Aria Air

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I didn’t think Fitbit would actually go backwards in their scale technology but they actually did. I don’t mind paying more for a quality product that has the stats I need. I’ve been a Fitbit scale user forever but couldn’t be more disappointed with the aria air. In an age of tech advancement, Fitbit taking 2 steps back here. Not sure why?  🤔

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But @LizzyFitbit the statement "similar features" isn't true is it? The Aria Air doesn't track body fat at all Considering the Aria 2 only has two features (Weight and Body Fat), then it would be true to say that the Aria Air has "half the features" ... correct?


Further, i have recently lost more than 10% of my body weight, but the app continues to report my "pre-Aria Air body fat" daily, desite that I have clearly worked off the body fat. 


In fact, what does it say about the FitBit scales products where a major feature like "body fat" is deleted from the product range quietley and without explaination to customers? 

Best Answer

Aria air does not have body fat measurements.  Please bring back a scale that does.  Otherwise we will be buying scales other than Fitbit.  It's really crappy that you got rid of that!

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Hi there,


along with many other people in this post, my Aria 2 is no longer working. I can weigh myself but it won’t connect to the app / app can’t see the device. I’ve deleted the device, gone through all set up processes multiple times and it’s no longer working. I’m disappointed to see it has been discontinued and, like others, question if this is connected. 

Also extremely disappointed to see your new scale uses BMI which has endlessly been proven to be useless and doesn’t factor in a whole range of variables, including gender. I myself on BMI terms are almost considered “overweight” when in fact a dexa scan shows me under due to muscle mass. BMI is so traumatising to so many women, who I’m sure make up a large proportion of your customers, and I could never own a scale using this measure. Is this a feature one can switch off on the scale? 

I have a Fitbit watch and scale so I can just use one app but this issue would cause me to change  to a different company completely across both products. 

Can you clarify that our Aria scales should still be working? 

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