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I bought and set up my Aria about a week ago. I immeidately noticed that it was reporting my weight about 2-2.5lbs lower than my existing scale.
Doing an experiement, I placed a 25lb. dumbell on each scale getting 10 readings each. My old scale reported 25.0 -25.1 lbs each time. The Aria reported 23.1 - 23.3 lbs. each time. Since the dumbell is a known weight, to me the Aria is about 7% below what it should be.
I've read elsewhere on these forums about how an individual's weight can vary and how the Aria can report a variance of about 2lbs. In this case, I'm looking at a static weight in the dumbell.
While I can understand that I guess, what I have a problem with is consistent underreporting that I am seeing.
Has anyone else done this type of experiement or observed something similar?
02-01-2018 11:22
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02-01-2018 11:22
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Would I buy it again when this one dies? Yes, it is my accountability partner in my journey to a healthier life.

02-01-2018 12:49
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02-01-2018 12:49
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gave up on it. Very frustrating when doing weight loss!
Good luck to you.

02-06-2018 14:37
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02-06-2018 14:37
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Sorry, was trying to make a post when my phone froze and I hit reply.
I've been experiencing the same issues with the Aria1 scale. I bought mine in June of 2017 I believe, placing my old digital scale under my bed.
But for some time the Aria scale has constantly made me suspicious as well.
I have been on my weight loss journey for 1 year and 1 month now. Starting at almost 340lbs (severe car accident placed my journey on hold for a few months due to injuries).
Anytime I weighed myself on the Aria I felt like I was working out hard enough even though physical results showed.
I would weigh myself at the gym (night workouts only for nightly weighing) and then why myself in the morning after I woke up using the Aria (before morning workouts). The gym scale had me at a lower weight (roughly 2-3lbs) vs the Aria scale.
Today I went and dusted off my old electronic scale and placed it next to the Aria scale. I weighed myself 3x times on the electronic scale:
1st time: 308.lbs
2nd time: 307.9lbs
3rd time: 308.0lbs
Then I did the same exact thing with the Aria scale:
1st time: 311.8lbs
2nd time: 310.9lbs
3rd time: 311lbs
Mind you the gym scale (old doctors office scale) from last night's workout (which I and all the members know it's accurate, do to calibration and dumbbell testing) had me teetering between 307lbs and 308lbs.
So the Aria scale has consistently been off by 2-3lbs (sometimes more around 5lbs). Also my BF% constantly rises on the Aria scale (I know that it's BF% isn't anywhere close to accurate).
Thankfully I saved my box and receipt for the Aria scale, I want my $100 back!
I get not everything will always be 100% accurate, but for me, my goals, my weight loss, my time and the money I'm investing into it I want it to be **ahem** near close (95%-99%). Fitbit has really started to go down hill, from customer service, to trying to avoid manufacturers issues with their trackers, etc.
Sorry for the long post, my apologies. But this has seriously got me pissed off.
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But I never move mone, put in a new battery and almost every day if I weigh myself twice it can differ by 8 or more pounds. If I weigh myself three minutes apart it can even give ma difference of 5 pounds. Useless to me but no box to return it.
But I never move mine, I put in a new battery and almost every day if I weigh myself twice and it can differ by 8 or more pounds. If I weigh myself three minutes apart it can even give ma difference of 5 pounds. Useless to me but no box to return it
Moderator edit: merged reply

02-24-2018 13:50
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02-24-2018 13:50
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So the weight isn’t the problem. It’s always within 1-2 range. But the bmi is ridiculous. I’m a tiny person. 5’5” and have trouble keeping weight on due to health. It says my bmi is 27%. That’s just insane. If you calculate it out, it’s like 18%. Mine is too old else I’d return it!

04-05-2018 17:06
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04-05-2018 17:06
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I dont understand why the scales cant be accurate. 2pds is too big a differential to make them worth buying. Thanks for saving me money.

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The scale never works accurately my weight n body fat % is always wrong
Smh hate it.
Thanks for the reply Matthew. I guess I will just note that the difference was almost exactly the same as I was seeing when weighing myself, about 158lbs on the Aria and 160 lbs on my other scale.
The scale never works accurately my weight n body fat % is always wrong
Smh hate it
Moderator edit: merged reply

04-25-2018 09:08
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04-25-2018 09:08
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I’m not comparing to another unit. I’m comparing multiple trials on The Avis itself.
I’m on a Keto diet and weighing myself very carefully a 3-4# fluctuation is shocking within one morning weight session.
Im so fed up with trying to get a reproducible read! As a test today I weighed myself. Then got dressed and weighed myself and weighed less!!! Ridiculous 😞
08-05-2018 23:05
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08-05-2018 23:05
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I was an earlier adopter of the Aria and for the most part it's been good but lately I've had the same problems as everybody here. I weighed myself three times in a row today and got 55.4kg, 56.8kg and 57.8kg within the space of minutes.

09-07-2018 04:16
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09-07-2018 04:16
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I know this thread is old but my experience has been good overall. I do weigh less when at the Doctor’s office even though I have more clothes on, but for me I just want to have something to compare from day to day and the scale works for me that way, I also love that since I’m an early adopter I can see my weight for the past 5 years, even though I’ve only lost about 30 pounds, I can see it’s the lowest I’ve been in all those years ... I was not remembering it that way, sort of kidded myself about how long I was at my highest weight, so those 30 pounds do seem even better.
I find for best results, fresh batteries, (near the end of the battery life I seem to weigh more) keep it flat on the floor where you will be weighing yourself so you don’t have to move it, obviously flat as you can, step on right in the middle and don’t even look down, just stand still and look straight ahead. Doing all this gives me good results and the beauty of years of data.
11-10-2018 11:31
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11-10-2018 11:31
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What do I do for a broken device? Answer : got to this page. 😬

11-14-2018 08:24
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11-14-2018 08:24
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@SleevesEnd Thank you so much for sharing your feedback and comments. I'm glad to hear that you've gotten good results from your Aria scale.
@Eric1199s Thank you for joining us in this thread and our Fitbit Community! I want to follow up on your case and would like to know what are the issues that your Aria scale is experiencing. Did it stop syncing your data? Did it stop turning its display on? Is the data inaccurate?
Keep me posted!
11-15-2018 17:26
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11-15-2018 17:26
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The new one is as reliable as the first three years of he old one.
Don’t know if there is a daily or periodic maintenance that should be
performed to extend the life of the unit. If there is, posting it would be
Sent from Gmail Mobile

11-17-2018 05:44
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11-17-2018 05:44
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@BobLee I'm glad to hear that you are back on track with a new scale. Thank you for posting the update here. Regarding your inquiry, I recommend cleaning the contacts of the scale every time you change the batteries in order to remove any dust that might affect the springs. Also, avoid putting stuff on the scale.
I'd like to invite you to visit our Discussions board where you can share your experiences, meet people and create new topics.
Hope to see you in our Fitbit Community more often!

04-30-2019 03:55
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04-30-2019 03:55
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You can't use the reply of the dumbbells being of different. I have weighed myself on 3 different scales and each one says I am 4lb lighter than the aria so what excuse are you going to use for me?

04-30-2019 05:25
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04-30-2019 05:25
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that they are consistent, ( I have owned both a one and a two). I'm more
interested in the variation of my weight than the amount I weigh. After all
it is just a number. Am I going up in weight or down and how do I look and
feel are most important to me. The convenience of wireless tracking appeals
to me. The trend is your friend.
04-30-2019 07:24
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04-30-2019 07:24
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Get Outlook for iOS

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No excuses. If it doesn’t do what you need Is try something different.
I’m with you. I use it to track a trend. It’s never matched my Dr’s beam
scale or even the other digital scales. But it serves my purpose, links
with my Fitbit and allows me to track a trend.
Sent from Gmail Mobile
Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity

06-14-2019 14:42
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06-14-2019 14:42
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What do you do if your scales off by 100 lbs?

06-15-2019 08:29
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06-15-2019 08:29
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of a change are endless.