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I bought and set up my Aria about a week ago. I immeidately noticed that it was reporting my weight about 2-2.5lbs lower than my existing scale.
Doing an experiement, I placed a 25lb. dumbell on each scale getting 10 readings each. My old scale reported 25.0 -25.1 lbs each time. The Aria reported 23.1 - 23.3 lbs. each time. Since the dumbell is a known weight, to me the Aria is about 7% below what it should be.
I've read elsewhere on these forums about how an individual's weight can vary and how the Aria can report a variance of about 2lbs. In this case, I'm looking at a static weight in the dumbell.
While I can understand that I guess, what I have a problem with is consistent underreporting that I am seeing.
Has anyone else done this type of experiement or observed something similar?
02-22-2014 08:06
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02-22-2014 08:06
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I've decided to keep the Aria. It is consistenly inconsistent so I can take accuracy over precision.
I find the responses from the Moderators a bit confusing at the least. It is one of those "I guess that is possible but I am not really getting enough info to believe it" situations. I guess Fitbit doesn't think there is a problem so a solution isn't coming.
I guess I am fortunate in that my inaccuracies are much less than others are expierencing.
02-23-2014 06:29
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02-23-2014 06:29
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I just set up our new Aria scale. For reference, my main scale I've used for years had me at 202.2 this morning. First time on Aria I was 207.7. Thought that couldn't be correct. Second time was 206.7. Thought I should try again - 208.2. It became interesting so I kept trying. 208.8, 209.2, 210.4. It recognizes me and the body fat percentage stayed consistent. I'm afraid to step back on the scale. I might be at 220 by noon and I haven't eaten or drank anything this morning.
03-08-2014 05:04
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03-08-2014 05:04
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I am having the same issues with the Aria scale. It is so discouraging. I am going to have to return it today. When I first bought it, the scale was close to my weight. Now, less than two weeks later, I am over 100lbs lighter every weigh in and can't get it to properly read my weight. It is very frustrating for a scale that was $130.
03-13-2014 05:36
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03-13-2014 05:36
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Hi tsnouffer,
When weighing your dumbbells please ensure that they are consistent in their apparel. Clothing and footwear can dramatically affect the weight reading. Were your dumbbells barefoot, donning shorts, cardigan, berets? Best to weigh in naked, just check the curtains are closed or the windows have an opaque film for privacy.
03-13-2014 22:52
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03-13-2014 22:52
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Consider yourself fortunate in that you are only checking your own variances. My wife and I are continuously being identified as the same person, or a guest and we count ourselves fortunate if at least one of us in correctly identified. The accuracy of the weight is laughable but what really gets us rolling on the floor is the wild swing in body fat percentage; a "first weigh-in at 180 for me can produce 23% body fat with a second reading of 178.6 poounds with 38% body fat. WOW! So the one minute pause in weighing my self resulted in a gain of 15% body fat. How is it that the Mod-er-ator and the FitBit crew is like, okay with this stuff? Great marketing will NOT make up for crappy product... but they really don't seem to care as the volume of problems unresolved continue to mount up. Sad.

03-16-2014 09:06
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03-16-2014 09:06
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@mGw I'm sorry to hear that your Aria hasn't been working as expected. You might check the physical data in your account settings to make certain your attributes (height, age, etc) are all correct - this can cause users to be misidentified by the scale.
You should also be sure that you are standing on the scale with dry bare feet, and that you stand more or less centered on the device. If you've picked up or moved the scale, it may require a couple measurements to calibrate before it is accurate. Also remember that the Aria takes a unique measurement with each weigh-in, unlike most scales which will average out the recent weights to produce consistent readings - as such, we expect it to be accurate to within about 2 pounds.
Body fat is a bit trickier, since it is always an estimate. Obviously, we wouldn't expect to see largely fluctuating values, but it is certainly possible for one errant reading to produce a large or small percentage. That being said, you should generally see consistent information during consecutive measurements. If this is not the case, please contact http://contact.fitbit.com so our team can assist.
03-27-2014 07:42
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03-27-2014 07:42
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We have a similar problem. Is there a way of completely wiping previous data and start the set up from scrach. I've tried the online set up method given but the scale behaviour remains the same. It was fine for the first month and then it started to get confused and now it cant tell who is who. It doesnt even bother to ask for us to select the name it just gives the wrong one. So our weights and % body fat readings are all interwoven!
Appreciate any advice!
04-11-2014 08:42
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04-11-2014 08:42
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For the past three days the Aria reads as if I have lost two pounds each day. While that would be nice, I am certain it is inaccurate. Is there a fix?

04-11-2014 13:19
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04-11-2014 13:19
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Are you moving the scale before you step on it? If so, the calibration will be off with the first weigh in. The 2nd one should be correct.
04-17-2014 09:23
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04-17-2014 09:23
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I have had my aria for about a week and threw away the box. I don't mind what weight it starts on as long as it clocks the decreases or increases accurately, but yesterday it showed both myself and my husband having lost 3 pounds in a couple of days.
This is an expensive item. Unless I can get it to work properly, I will send it back. Moderator, any ideas, and can you tell me how to send it back without the box?
04-19-2014 11:43
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04-19-2014 11:43
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@trying51 The tips in this thread, as well as this help article, should help you ensure that your Aria is providing accurate results. If you continue to have trouble, contact Support at http://contact.fitbit.com and let them know specically what you've seen.
If you decide to return your scale for a refund, they will be able to assist you with that process as well.

04-19-2014 12:17
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04-19-2014 12:17
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I have contacted support to ger a UPS return label. I did check all the things in the article, and I know the extent to which my weight or anyone's can change over a day or two. I don't care about the weight the machine gives me to start with, but the decreases and increases should be accurate. It's a great idea, this machine, so it is a shame it doesn't work, but it doesn't and I am sending it back.

04-21-2014 04:28
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04-21-2014 04:28
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Oh dear... new scales and I've used it on 2 days.... here are the results
10:05 AM 17 st 5.5 lbs
10:03 AM 16 st 11.5 lbs
10:02 AM 15 st 7.7 lbs ???
9:26 AM 17 st 5.4 lbs
9:26 AM 17 st 5 lbs
9:25 AM 17 st 4.5 lbs
9:25 AM 17 st 4.5 lbs
9:24 AM 17 st 3.8 lbs
9:24 AM 17 st 5.2 lbs
9:23 AM 16 st 11.6 lbs
9:22 AM 16 st 12.2 lbs
9:21 AM 16 st 13.2 lbs
19th April:
10:24 AM 17 st 5.1 lbs
10:00 AM 17 st 0.4 lbs
9:56 AM 17 st 5.4 lbs
9:54 AM 17 st 5.4 lbs
9:53 AM 17 st 0 lbs
9:53 AM 17 st 5.3 lbs
9:52 AM 16 st 10.5 lbs
9:47 AM 17 st 5.3 lbs
Basically, any reading I get could be over half a stone out. I've sent in a query but I suspect I'll be returning these 😞
04-23-2014 08:34
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04-23-2014 08:34
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I am frustrated because my aria weighs me different weights depending upon where it is on the floor (tile floor) and how I stand. This morning my weights varied in a 12 pound range in a fifteen minute span. The body fat indicator is useless, in my opinion, but I expect the weight to be accurate.
To the moderators, is there a particular type of stance that is more accurate or an I just out of luck? Also, is there a difference if you step off before the screen goes dark? My batteries are full and my scale is about a year old.
04-24-2014 02:21
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04-24-2014 02:21
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The trouble is, the scales are expensive but worth it for what they are capable of and the ease of integration with your site stats.
However, once you have to start editing your records every time - to delete initial weighings, or correcting your weight - then it becomes pointless. It's more effort than using a basic scale and just entering your weight manually.
I think if you have a large bathroom with a stone floor where you can leave the Aria in a fixed position then it will likely be reliable and a great product. If like me, you need to move the scales to the side every day, and have a flexing wooden floor, then the variance in readings can soon negate any benefits of the wifi connection, and also leave you with no confidence that your weight has been recorded correctly.
05-08-2014 04:11
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05-08-2014 04:11
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My Aria is 5.5 lbs cosistently higher than my actual weight. I used dumbells, a health meter scale, etc. and I'm convinced it's 5.5 lbs off. As long as it's consistent I'll live with it, but one would think that the first thing you would get right when building a scale is the ability to weigh correctly, at least within 1% +/-.

06-09-2014 19:20
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06-09-2014 19:20
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06-13-2014 08:03
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06-13-2014 08:03
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I have had my Aria for at least a year, but have not consistently used it until Jan of this year (2014). I've never had any issues with it until April. I weigh myself once a week at the same time....starting in April the scale started doing something funny...i'd been holding steady at within 1-2 pounds for months when one week the scale bumped me up four pounds. So, i weighed myself again (which i never do) and it then read back to my normal weight (minus the four pounds from the previous few minutes). Ever since that week, it has done the exact same thing; first read will be plus four pounds (3.9-4.3 pounds every single time) and the second read will be normal. Is there a reason it is reading this way?
06-22-2014 16:16 - edited 06-22-2014 16:17
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06-22-2014 16:16 - edited 06-22-2014 16:17
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I'm going to return my scale. I find the reading just are not accurate.
I've kept it in the smae spot on a hard floor and taken regular readings at morning wake up and later inthe day. If I step on it 5 timnes, I seem to get deiffernt body weight and bf measurments.
Seems like very flawed overpriced technology at this stage
06-27-2014 01:24
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06-27-2014 01:24
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I confess I have not gone into the app or the finer details of its capabilities since buying in February but did today. After weighing this morning I was 13.7 ((stone) although my older scales have me slightly lighter. The measurement section on the app under Aria states 13.5 and times it at the reading I just took which states 2lb heavier??? Can anyone explain this?
I have them on a tiled floor and in one place they never move as did read about re calibration pre purchase. How can two versions of the same reading tell differing stories?