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In order to fix my fitbit aria, I need to buy 2 new plastic parts.
Where to find aria new parts?
Aria platics parts, where the the two main switchs wrok.
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Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
11-26-2018 03:17
11-26-2018 03:17
If anyone is curious, I actually tracked down a version of this part: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2988535
and had a friend with a 3d printer print one for me 😄
12-23-2017 03:38
12-23-2017 03:38
As far as I know it is not possible to buy spare parts for any Fitbit products. You could try customer services, who may be able to help.
Hilary | UK
Charge, Aria, iPhone 4s, Mac
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12-23-2017 06:51
12-23-2017 06:51
@Celso It's great to see you in our Fitbit Community! I support @Hilary55's information. We don't sell parts for Fitbit products. I would like to know more details about the issue you are experiencing with your Aria scale since I'll be happy to help you accordingly and provide a solution.
Looking forward to your response my friend!
01-19-2018 03:06
01-19-2018 03:06
I’m having the same issue. I just constantly got the thinking - err error. I opened my aria to find two of the plastic pressure pads were broken. Is there anyway that Fitbit can sell theses so that I can get my scales working again?
If your only response is that I would have to buy new scales, well that is unacceptable given that a cheap plastic part is all that needs replacing. Besides, if they can break that easily from everyday use, I think I’ll go for a different brand. I have a $20 set of scales that have kept going for 8 years and my Fitbit one has lasted less than 2.
01-22-2018 03:50
01-22-2018 03:50
@Galad Thanks for joining us in this thread and our Fitbit Community! I'm sorry to hear that your Aria shows the "Thinking ERR" message and I really understand your frustration about this. Regarding your question, Fitbit doesn't sell parts, just accessories. Also, we don't recommend to open the Aria scale since the warranty wouldn't be applied for altered devices. Please check out our Warranty Policies page for more information.
I'll forward your case to our Support team so they can investigate properly and assist you accordingly. You should receive and email from them soon.
Let me know if more questions arise my friend!
01-22-2018 03:55
01-22-2018 03:55
@JuanJoFitbit Mine is over 2 years old now, so out of warranty anyway. Opening it isn’t a big deal, it’s fairly simple, and so is removing the parts. Changing them would also be simple if the parts are available. I’d guess there wouldn’t be too many Arias that make it past year 3 from the Looks of those plastic parts. I’ll stick with my Fitbit trackers, but I think I’ll get a more dependable scale in the future.
02-25-2018 20:50
02-25-2018 20:50
@JuanJoFitbit If you're reading the customer support channel here, you'll know that this is a fairly common problem. We buy a fairly expensive bathroom scale, and within a couple years it exhibits this strange behavior that drains the battery. The cause is two poorly designed plastic parts that are easily replaceable. I suspect a bunch of us would be willing to pay some modest price if you could just go down to manufacturing, grab a couple of these plastic parts and throw them in an envelope. We'd salvage our expensive doorstops, turning them back into nice scales, restoring some semblance of brand loyalty in the process. Instead we are faced with tossing our scales in the garbage for want of a couple $0.10 parts and then swearing off Fitbit scales (or perhaps all Fitbit products) for life. You have an opportunity to win some customer loyalty or disappoint a bunch of us for life. This shouldn't be that difficult a decision.
03-17-2018 07:23
03-17-2018 07:23
I also need these same parts (2 pcs).
Yes, I opened the case. Yes I know it may void the warranty - but that doesn't matter b/c my scale broke about 1 month after the warranty expired...
03-19-2018 06:51
03-19-2018 06:51
Same here, there is no customer service department, only a customer "support" line. They will tell you over and over, your scale is out of warranty, it cannot be repaired. There is no other answer. I asked repeatedly, what should I do, and the answer is, "your scale is out of warranty, and cannot be repaired....."
Don't bother with another Aria, Fitbit won't stand behind a defectively designed product.
03-20-2018 07:57
03-20-2018 07:57
@Galad @cknutson @schbrownie @MZD I really appreciate your feedback and comments about the Aria scale. As our support team mentioned, the warranty period is good for 365 days. For more information about the warranty policy, please visit this page. This info will be forwarded to our team since this helps us to keep improving our products and services.
Don't hesitate to get back if more assistance is needed guys!
03-20-2018 08:29
03-20-2018 08:29
@JuanJoFitbit Have you read *any* of the actual comments people have left here? The warranty is already expired and your expensive scale is now worthless because there are two broken plastic pieces inside. More assistance *is* needed, guy. But you'll have to actually read the messages here instead of just doing these unhelpful bot responses.
You want to assist me? Put two of those plastic pieces in an envelope and mail them to me. That would be all the assistance I need.
03-20-2018 09:47
03-20-2018 09:47
OR.... (since you won't sell the replacement parts) your engineers will have these parts available in their CAD system. Provide me with a 3D model (CAD format = solidworks, .step, etc) or an STL file and I will 3D print the parts...
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Support will only say my sensors are bad, nothing can be done. Mr. Fitbit, do you want information? Here is the story: I have owned the Aria for a little more than a year. During that time I had almost every problem described. It would not turn on, it would not turn off and drained the batteries. I did every trick you suggested, removed the batteries, wait a few minutes, recalibrate, reset the scale, did it all. Usually the scale came back ina day or so. Stupid me, I didn’t ask for a replacement until it finally “thinking, err” went totally belly up. Now I have a doorstop that cost me about $12/month to weigh myself and my family and you suggest I read your warranty babble/excuse for a defective product. Please remind your executives that we didn’t buy an Aria because we liked the name. We bought it because we have already invested hundreds of dollars in other Fitbit devices. Thanks for nothing so far. Let me know if you offer a recycling service for the dead scale I, and many of us, now own.
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03-20-2018 09:56 - edited 03-20-2018 09:57
03-20-2018 09:56 - edited 03-20-2018 09:57
03-20-2018 10:02
03-20-2018 10:02
@Celso Do you have a link to the specific part? I'm seeing 8 pages of search results for "fitbit aria" but don't see the offending round plastic parts we seek.
03-21-2018 02:30
03-21-2018 02:30
No, that's why I said "Was nice to find ...."
03-22-2018 06:32
03-22-2018 06:32
Has Fitbit's legal team looked into the "Right to Repair" laws?
I'm sure that this scale would fall into the category of an electronic device as defined by most state laws.....
Why not get ahead of the curve and make repair parts available?
(ESPECIALLY - plastic parts that have no real "IP"... it's one thing if the main 'motherboard' breaks... but in this case it's a cheap plastic part!)
04-10-2018 06:13
04-10-2018 06:13
Hi everyone! I truly understand your frustration and how you feel about this. Fitbit don't sell parts nor have a repair center. Your feedback is being sent to the rest of our team and your comments are appreciated.
05-15-2018 07:49
05-15-2018 07:49
I already have a Fitbit Charge and was thinking about buying the scale as well. But after reading this post have changed my mind. I will not be buying $150 + product that would last only a year with no support There are other smart scales on the market...
05-15-2018 11:42
05-15-2018 11:42
There are other good scales that link to Fitbit and cost a lot less.