05-22-2016 04:48
05-22-2016 04:48
05-23-2016 05:28
05-23-2016 05:28
Welcome to the Community @Kimmersue. If your tracker is not recording your sleep as it should, I recommend Restarting your Blaze. After the restart test it during the night since it should work properly.
Let me know the outcome.
09-18-2016 05:19
09-18-2016 05:19
How do I restart my Flex?
09-18-2016 05:35
09-18-2016 05:35
@sunriserun541 let's go to the help site, link can also be found below, and we will type in the restart as the search word.. The first t is How do i restart my tracker.
The instructions for the Flex say to place it in i it's charger, turn it pc f and insert a paper clip or pin into the hole in the back of the charger. I believe it needs to be in for 12 seconds.. Please remember this is the forum for Blaze help.