09-06-2017 16:56
09-06-2017 16:56
One of my LED lights on the back of my Blaze is not on. I've tried the suggestion of turning the heart rate function in the app off sync and turn on and sync. Still only one of 2 lights. Was going to try a hard reset. What is the chances my Blaze is crapping out? It's about 19 months old. Thanks for any suggestions
05-19-2020 00:16
05-19-2020 00:16
05-19-2020 05:01
05-19-2020 05:01
06-03-2020 15:27
06-03-2020 15:27
Mine is doing the same thing. I've reset it 3 times following the directions in this thread. Mine is 18 months old. Any other suggestions?
06-03-2020 22:40
06-03-2020 22:40
06-04-2020 08:56
06-04-2020 08:56
06-04-2020 11:06
06-04-2020 11:06
I’ve given up on Fitbit’s.
I stupidly went swimming with mine on and it has died completely. I thought that as the Blaze had a swimming mode on it, it would be ok 🤷:male_sign: Looking at a Garmin now.
07-30-2020 02:05
07-30-2020 02:05
I have the same issues and most reporting on this thread... battery life of only a few hours and only one LED flashing on the back. I have had mine just over a year now and the thing has already crapped out. I’ve tried the troubleshooting for both the heart rate monitor and the bad battery life and neither tips/tricks have worked to fix my issues. Are there any other suggestions to resolve? Or can I get a replacement? I guess I felt I would have gotten more life out of an almost $200 watch than one year, so this is very disappointing. Any help is appreciated. Thank you
07-30-2020 02:42
07-30-2020 02:42
I got no help from fitbit except we'll give you 20% off a new one. I have a garmin now, happy with it so far.
07-30-2020 02:48
07-30-2020 02:48
07-30-2020 03:51
07-30-2020 03:51
07-30-2020 13:45
07-30-2020 13:45
Same here. I finally saved up some money and got a garmin for $100, it has great reviews. 🤞🏻
07-30-2020 14:04
07-30-2020 14:04
07-25-2021 02:24
07-25-2021 02:24
Hello. I have done the same thing and both of my LED lights are not working as well. My heart rate hasn't been tracked all month. I have had it for just over 2 years.