04-03-2016 01:24
04-03-2016 01:24
Since Today my Blaze shows the wrong time...ath the moment here its 10:23 the Blaze shows 09:23 ... what is this? I cant set the time ... something is wrong here
04-03-2016 02:52
04-03-2016 02:52
My time changed, but now says that I have the wrong time and date, and wont sync with my phone......
04-03-2016 17:42
04-03-2016 17:42
@TTX Being that it is of by 1 hour did you switch to DST this weekend? Have you synced yet? Check the timezone then sync.
@Jaydaize have you tried a restart of the tracker, or phone?
04-03-2016 18:47
04-03-2016 18:47
Yes tried both, I sort of fixed the issue... not by any of those fixes though...
I had to play with both my phone and fitbit settings..
If my fitbit is on the correct DST time for Melbourne, and my phone is 30mins FORWARD of current DST melbourne, then my fitbit sync's and i get no errors or problems...and i guess i have to deal with my phone being 30mins off the correct time....
So Watch shows correct time, phone doesnt, but fitbit will sync... if both times are the same, fit bit wont sync and i get error after error.
04-03-2016 22:24
04-03-2016 22:24
hm the time switch here was one week ago... Its rly mysterious, the blaze switched this time last week. Now i had to check "set timezone automaticly" in the fitbit APP and sync again, then the time was ok.
But this seems to be a bug, i never played around with this setting
04-04-2016 11:02
04-04-2016 11:02
It's great to see you around @TTX and @Jaydaize. If your Blaze are showing the incorrect time, I recommend changing your timezone to a complete different one, sync your tracker, put the correct time and sync again. This procedure has worked before and I hope it works for you too.
Let me know the outcome!
09-06-2017 07:46
09-06-2017 07:46
I had this issue as well, once I synced the app on my phone the time corrected itself.