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Fitbit bricked my Charge 5 on 8/6/23. It was only 5 months past the 1 year warranty. They wouldn’t replace it but offered 35% off on a new one. I reluctantly ordered a new Charge 5 on 8/8/23 with a listed ship date of 8/11/23. A few days later, the ship date changed to 8/25/23. Upon checking my order status today, it now says shipping date of 9/8/23! In the meantime, my Premium 6 month free trial started on 8/8/23. WTH Fitbit! Why would you start my free trial when I have no device to use with it??? I am so upset with Fitbit/Google and am very close to canceling my order and either ordering a Charge 5 from Best Buy who has it available TODAY and it’s not that much more money than Fitbit’s measly discount. My other thought is giving up on Fitbit all together and going with Garmin. Way to treat your loyal customers Fitbit!!
Moderator Edit: Clarified subject
09-02-2023 14:41
09-02-2023 14:41
I think they keep delaying because they have been unable to fix the firmware problem that caused so many failures. I don't believe anything they tell me at this point.
09-02-2023 14:45
09-02-2023 14:45
Yes. That's why I ordered directly from Fitbit this time and will wait it out. Their last chance as farcas I am concerned.
09-02-2023 14:47
09-02-2023 14:47
If you do, make sure it is actually from Amazon and not a third party that is not an "authorized reseller." They would not honor my warranty even though the Charge 5 I bought bricked less than a year after purchase.