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Fitbit Charge 5 battery problems since update


How many of you are experiencing battery problems since the update?

Could anyone who's experienced problems with the charge 5 battery please post once on this thread so it's easy to count and present to show it's not a warranty problem and is a result if the update.

I obviously have battery problems. Had to charge it twice yesterday and uninstalled the SpO2 app to try to make the battery last through the night. Managed to wake up to 50% battery instead of it being dead by morning, even though fully charged before bed.


Moderator Edit: Formatting and clarified subject

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345 REPLIES 345
Even if you buy new one with discount, it will have same issue. I don’t know why Fitbit is not acknowledging the problem.
Hope forum monitors are getting this issue known to developers.
Best Answer

Hilarious that this is the best answer.

I'm not sure if there is any update involved, but I just watched my Charge 5 drop from 70% to 11% in about a half hour, so it is effectively unusable. I've done the troubleshooting steps and it doesn't matter what I do, this thing cannot hold a charge even to accomplish a single workout. The online support (bot?) told me to wear it for two days then chat with support again. I mean, I can wear it for two days but it will just be dead the whole time. The battery lasts less than an hour. So I'm not sure what that will accomplish.

But really, this is on me - I already had the same thing happen with a Charge 4, had it replaced by the company and it happened again, and I STILL bought a Charge 5. So at this point I'm the idiot.

Best Answer

  I dont think so,i had to get their twitter for them to even to acknowledge my complaint.   They wont say anything on here cause it would acknoledge they have a problem .


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I'm not really sure, but could this be the problem with my charge 5?  My charge 5 is about 2 years old ( had it since February 2022), but I have noticed sometimes it takes a long time charging, sometimes have to put it back on because hasn't gotten far enough with the charge. Then a few days later needs charging again. Tonight it's at 93% when it's only been charged earlier today. Can anyone tell me if this is the same problem or not?

Best Answer

I mean, if your battery is at 93% at night after charging during the day, consider yourself one of the lucky ones. This problem is much more drastic. My battery drops to 6% from full in about 30 minutes, and my battery is dead before I can complete any type of workout. 

Best Answer

In the meantime, because I couldn't track more than a half hour on my Charge 5, I switched back to my trusty old Charge 4 which has been in a drawer for a year and a half, and it works like a charm. Two days so far on one charge, tracked a full 5 mile run with GPS, and it's still at 50%. I will not be buying any more Fitbits after this one dies.

Best Answer

They start with charging problems and go down hill from there .. And save yourself some time fitbit wont do anything to help 

Best Answer
Yup your right. Offer 50% off new one. NOPE not gonna do it. Did you get
another tracker? If so what did you get?
Best Answer
They sent me a new charge cable, no band. So far, so good.
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How did you manage to get a replacement?
Best Answer

Same issue with my fitbit charge 5. It would lose its charge in less than 24 hours, and now after about a week it won't even turn on.


Best Answer
To be honest, I don't know. Posted a few times on this string....and then
I got the offer from Google.

Lucky, I guess.
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Interesting - how old was  your charge 5?  Was it still under warranty?


Best Answer
One year old
Best Answer

The batterij sucks!

From 100% to 5% in one day.

I must charge him every day.

Cant do any work outs .

Best Answer

My Charge 5 is 8 months old and on 5/7/24 at 12.20 it just died.  Flashed critical battery when it was fully charged, red lights flashed for about a minute then black screen.  Spent half the next day online with customer support.  Did everything they said and nothing worked ( I am still trying every now and then a week later).  They asked for a copy of my receipt because it was still under the one year warranty so I sent it to them and they replied that it wasn't covered because even thought I bought it through Amazon, it came from Safe N Quick - who is NOT an authorized seller of Fitbits.  How the f and I supposed to know that when I bought it from, I thought, AMAZON?!?   That is a b/s policy.  There are a lot of people on the community forums all complaining of their Charge 5 just dying prematurely!  And Fitbit will do nothing to stand behind their product!  I complained on X (Twitter) - no response.  I will give it bad reviews on every forum I can find because of their no care attitude.  This was my 4th Fitbit and certainly my last!


Best Answer

My fitbit seems to have become possessed.  The battery randomly drains and shuts off. The screen stays black and it's unresponsive. When it does work, I have to go to the app to see the stats. Is fitbit going to do anything to fix this?


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Sadly I think the answer is, no !! They wont even admit there is a problem !! Just that they would be glad to sell you another one !!

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Mine does the same - have chatted/e-mailed with customer service several times.  The only responses I have gotten were 'try this', 'turn off that', etc.  Always a different thing to try - nothing helped solve it.  They didn't seem overly interested in helping.  I have canceled my Premium subscription and am shopping for a new device that is NOT fitbit!  Sad, because I have been a Fitbit user since they began.....



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I got mine as a gift , didn't think i'd wear it but after over a year I was hooked and then pissed when i've seen how Fitbit has seemed to have caused the failure and acts like its nothing they did.  I'm out of warranty and they even offered me 50% discount on a new one, why would I want to buy something they won't stand behind !!

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