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I hate the new sleep graph!!! 
bring back the old one!!! 
I guess it is time to look at other “trackers”… even tho I have been a strong supporter of Fitbit for YEARS….

i will search to find one that I like !!!

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142 REPLIES 142

I agree!! Horrible!!

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totally agree, between this and the battery draining issues with the Charge 5, I too am looking for another device

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I totally agree! I hate the new sleep graph!

Please bring back the old version

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The sleep update is awful. So very disappointed. What were they thinking!  Please revert back to the previous view. 

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My husband and I both hate the new graphs for sleep tracking.  You can no longer click on it and turn your phone sideways to get a bigger picture, or view the individual stages.  The new colors are so plain.

Also, I can't remember exactly what it was called, but where did the chart that showed high oxygen variations go?  I still see the Sp02% on the actual Fitbit, but it doesn't appear in the app anymore.  Why fix what wasn't broke?  

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Agree! It’s awful!

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Me too 

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I hate it. I've been a Fitbit user since the very first little clip on monitor which I loved. The customer service back then was also stellar. They would even send new ones to people who accidentally washed them in the laundry, clipped on to their clothes. As is always the case when a giant corporation buys a solid, independent company, things go quickly downhill. I thought I'd get a charge 6 when my charge 5 died, but I'll probably be watch shopping, and not for a Google product!

Another question, where is the sleep edit button? Often, it would get my falling asleep or waking up time wrong, sometimes by hours. It was an easy fix with the edit button. I don't think that's there anymore. 😩

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Wow! Way to dis your customers! The sleep graph looks so pixelated, I thought it was a momentary glitch. It is impossible to read. I don’t mind updates but a) warn us with an explanation and b) make the feature better, not unusable. After using Fitbit devices since they premiered, time to shop Apples.

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Same reaction here!  Please roll back the botched sleep stats presentation update asap.  It's horrific!!!

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Totally forgot agree.does anyone at google even look at at these 

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I absolutely agree that it is terrible.  I wake up in the morning and have to figure out what three separate graphs are telling me.  Then I switch to benchmark, and I can't even tell that the three graphs are in any way related to any kind of standard.  I got my first Fitbit when they were really new and hot--a Flex?  Or was that my second one?  I have learned what I can expect from my day with different sleep patterns.  Now I can't even figure out what the pattern is!

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And how the heck are you supposed to vote on this thread?  And, indeed, do they ever even look at these?

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Google obviously don't give a **ahem**. They already made a mess of the
original app when they first got Fit Bit.
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You can still update your sleep times if you go to and log into your account.  I did that for my husband yesterday and today.  By the way, it's still pink and blue on those screens, and you can see the history.

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FYI old better format still shows up here:

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I agree the new sleep format is not clear. Bring back the old version together with the oxygen variation graph!

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I agree, I have noticed a change in colour with the sleep graph on the app, if the graph is what it is that I'm thinking of, I don't often check my sleep but recently been doing it. And I have noticed it is still the same old colours on the website.

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I agree. All the things I loved about my sleep graph are gone. You are right, sir/madam; time to shop for a new brand. Was going to upgrade to new Fitbit tracker. But now, no way. 
Keep up the threats to switch to other brands. Love Fitbit, but consumer abandonment and  poor reviews are the only thing that will drive change. Fear of losing customers, ie money, is what drives CEO’s. They want to gain customers not lose them. I’m canceling my Fitbit Premium right now and taking off my tracker. My phone can count steps and take my pulse for free!!

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