Landscape Orientation Fitbit app


Is it possible for the app to change the orientation when it is turned? Both horizontal and upside down?


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Recovery Runner

YES.  It’s 2017.....I use my phone and tablet for EVERYTHING now. 

Recovery Runner

You can't just download any music from phone. Music industry is to blame 🙂


For example... I have iPhone and Apple Music subscription. Apple Music is based on streaming. Yes, it let's you download music but only on Apple ID connected devices (iPad, iPhone, Mac). And you don't have a right to freely distribute that music where you like (and songs are not DRM -free anyway).


edit: What I wanted to say is ... it's complicated. You have music you ripped from CDs, music you connected to iTunes Match service, music you purchased from iTunes, music you downloaded from Apple Music subscription. It's complicated 😉

Not applicable

Just wanted to drop a +1 to the idea of landscape orientation.  This would be especially handy on larger screen devices and tablets.

Community Legend

Like this landscape screen shot on the android phone. Screenshot_20171128-130237.png




Not applicable

*points to previous comment* That but all the time would be nice. 

First Steps

Until yesterday some (but not all) of the app screens would display in landscape mode on an iPad. So the app updated yesterday and now NONE of them do. This is incredibly annoying for me since I only access the app on my iPad in a landscape position. PLEASE update the app to display all screens in landscape when appropriate. The app gets zero stars from me until you do.

First Steps

I agree, you sell Fitbit devices all over the world and claim they are high tech, but you don’t have the technology savvy to allow the IOS app to rotate to landscape mode? I mean really? I can play a kid’s game on the ipad in landscape mode, but can’t view/run the Fitbit app? 

Is this just being Lazy, Cheap, or do you have something against IOS users? 


First Steps

I agree, you sell Fitbit devices all over the world and claim they are high tech, but you don’t have the technology savvy to allow the IOS app to rotate to landscape mode? I mean really? I can play a kid’s game on the ipad in landscape mode, but can’t view/run the Fitbit app?
Is this just being Lazy, Cheap, or do you have something against IOS users?
First Steps

I am extremely disappointed that the FitBit app for iPad still can’t be viewed in landscape mode.  In this day and age you’d think that the app developers would do everything they could to fix this problem just to remain competitive.  Don’t let FitBit become a 2nd rate product because you’re not keeping up with this very simple technology.  Why give people a reason to choose another product just to get a better user interface?

First Steps
This issue has plagued an unknown number of users for several years. It appears that Fitbit can correct the problem, as has been demonstrated on several occasions.  But the correction is only temporary and possibly has a negative effect on a greater number of other users.

I’ve watched the most annoying issue long enough to conclude it is of little importance to the company since it only affects a small percentage of their customers, and it’s time to weigh in on limited options. It’s quite obvious that there aren’t enough dissatisfied customers, who voice their opinions, to make a difference.  And many disgruntled users just don’t take time to share their displeasure. 

This is a hopeless concern.  Shame on you, Fitbit!


Stepping Up

Why isn't there a way to rotate the fitbit app to landscape view on an ipad?  Is it too difficult for your programmers to do or do you just not care about your customers?  If it's the programmers, can't you hire a couple better ones?  Just curious. 

First Steps

Some of the screens rotate between portrait and landscape - expand any of the graphs and they will. So the “programmers” know how to do this. Why won’t they do this for the dashboard and all the other screens? A previous update of the app would load the dashboard in landscape mode but that functionality was actually removed in subsequent updates to the app...go figure

First Steps

Really find it irritating that the app is unable to switch to horizontal mode on my ipad. 

Come on!   It can't be that expensive/difficult to do! 


First Steps
They just aren’t listening to the users!
Community Legend

I think that Fitbit first would need to make an app for the iPad, currently the iPhone app has to be used. 

First Steps


You can use the app on the iPad, it just doesn't have the landscape orientation as an option.

Community Legend

Yes @Maggiele that is what I stated, Fitbit doesn't make a stand alone app for the iPad, but let's the users use the iPhone version. The iPhone app is not optimized for the iPad. 

First Steps

Fitbit...  Helloooooooooooo???  Anybody in there???  I'm a fairly new user and couldn't believe when I found out that it's an app issue and not a settings issue that auto rotate is not available on the iPad.  Really?  It's 2018...  don't embarrass yourselves by not being able to fix this issue.  This should be like tying your own shoes by 3rd grade.  Let's go Fitbit.

First Steps

To add my voice to everyone else’s:  Please fix the app so that it is possible to use in landscape mode.  I use the app on my iPad which is attached to a keyboard.  The app is very difficult to use in portrait.   I just bought my Fitbit —now I am wondering if perhaps I should return it.

Community Legend

Interesting point @Jcbit I rarely see anybody today that knows the correct way to tie their shoes. Most people make a granny not and not the more secure square not. If the second half is made the same as the first half it is done wrong 


The android dashboard use to rotate showing just the top five tiles, but it has been removed. You should be able to rotate the single charts. 

First Steps

Adding to hundreds? of requests for landscape on the IPad app. Ridiculous that your loyal consumers have been asking FOR YEARS! and no move has been made to accommodate thousands of users. For a “tech” company this should not even have to be asked for. It should be a given. Over time, it may be enough for buyers to find another company to purchase their fitness tracker from. I’m disappointed to say the least.

First Steps

Yeah, the “developers” team at this company has a lot  of nerve calling themselves that when they apparently don’t even know the basics of app design

First Steps
It took me a while.
But I eventually came to realize that all the posts in this blog are NEVER EVER READ by anyone inside the organization called Fitbit.
It’s just you and me nattering in together.
Achieves nothing at all as far as communicating with Fitbit as an organization, or somebody that cares what their users are saying.
I brought this issue up years ago. Nothing ever done. No comments ever made by Fitbit.
Anyway. I’ve gone left Fitbit.
Totally frustrated.
Apple Watch. So many developers producing up to date apps in a healthy and competitive market, ensures users a Voice.

Sent from my iPhone
Community Legend

Judging by the many pages of suggestions that have already been implemented I have to disagree .


By the way the Android app use to rotate the dashboard, but now only rotates the charts. My understanding it is the same in the other platforms. 


I'm wondering if Fitbit will ever release an iPad app, until then I dont expect the iPhone app to rotate. 


We will have to wait and see. 

Recovery Runner

I like the dashboard display on my iPhone

but always use my iPad in the landscape mode.

This means I cannot use the Fitbit ap on the iPad 

please fix this for me and thousands of other loyal users.


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