Medical ID Wristbands/ICE (In Case of Emergency)

It would be a great idea to add the medical alert logo to the flex band in case of a medical emergency. Older adults today are living longer, more active lives than the generations before them. The medical alert symbol and information can be incorporated into a stylish watch or a bangle-type bracelet, among many other options.


Medical IDs give paramedics and health care providers a quick look at your medical history in an emergency. They usually include information about medical conditions, food or drug allergies, medical devices (such as a pacemaker), and medications. This data can also be in sync with your Smartphone.

Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity and labels.

Community Legend

Road Id is a copywrite, Fitbit can't do this


Go to and order an id that fits on your tracker. They have them for all Fitbit models.

Keeping Pace



Has Fitbit considered the possibility of adding emergency response information into the data field of an individual user, such as, allergies, blood type, special needs or medications, and/or other medical conditions? This would allow first responders to scan the activity tracker and see what has been pre-coded into an individual's data file. This would also allow Fitbit with the possibility of manufacturing the scanners. The scanners would be purchased and used by first responders.


I just thought that since the company changed its mission statement to "Digital Health Comapny" this would be an excellent fit for the exisitng product line and the ability to grow sales.



Not applicable

I am Diabetic and allergic to Penicillin.  This data is on my Cell Phone, but... my phone is Locked by Iris detection.  SO.. a first responder won't get to see this information, in the unfortunate chance I'm passed out somewhere.

THe BLAZE should have a Medical Status Screen.  after the Today screen, where a short list of items, like diabetic status, or other allergy and conditions can be seen easily by First Responders

Would like to use the field of welcome message to enter ICE (In Case of Emergency) information as my phone needs to be unlocked in order to see the address book. Philip Leenders


First Steps
Hi Homerguy - not that I'm aware of, my only concern with that is that I have Epilepsy..... 😏. If I can customize it that might work - but would need some good thought. But the idea has good merit!!!

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

I would further support the Medic Alert Screen or band for the blaze. I just discovered I have a heart condition and can definitely see the benefits of any medic alert conditions being on our devices.  

First Steps

I have one wrist to wear jewelry, Fitbit, and/or a medical device. Please allow a stainless steel piece that slides onto the various Fitbit bands so that we can do two-in-one. In the end, wellness is the concern and, this way, Fitbit supports this universally. 

First Steps

I wear a MedicAlert bracelet.
It would be great to have a MedicAlert medallion on the strap of my Fitbit Charge 2 so that first responders could access my medical records through my personal id on my watch.

First Steps

I was looking into your Fitbit Blaze after being released from the hospital to see if it would be something I could get in the future after I am done with hospital expenses, then I began to wonder. Why cant you come up with a fitbit blaze with medical alert. I suffer from debilitating blood clots but I still need to monitor my walking, water intake, meds, calories my heart rate and all that good stuff...fitbit looks great but I would still have to wear medical alert bracelets. Lets be realistic most people with health conditions look in to these watches however they fall short when it comes to covering most of our needs... I thought it would be great if there was one for people with medical issues perhaps it could have a medical alert emblem on the wrist band and would store vital information.

First Steps

I have epilepsy and was just talking with my mom who asked if they had Medical Alert band.  That conversation lead me to this discussion board and fellow "Fitbit'ers" requesting the same thing.  Prayers and best wishes to everyone out there ❤️

First Steps

I bought the Fitbit charge 2 to monitor my hr. I have idiopathic anaphylaxis and many other medical charges conditions. It would be great if Fitbit made a medical if bracelet or added feature. 

Recovery Runner

I have severe allergies and I wish there was a medic alert thing I could slide over the band with a phone number and ID number to call. I might see if I can get something custom engraved but it would be so cool if fitbit could integrate it and keep the device elegant.

Not applicable

Fabrizio, check the app that you're using to store your health info. They usually have a way to set it so a first responder can see the info, but not actually get into your phone. If yours doesn't do that, I use an app called Emergency Information: ICE. It's an Android app, but it may also be on iTunes.

Not applicable
Thanks, will look for this in windows store, but would rather have it on my Blaze

Sent from my Windows 10 phone
First Steps

Yes! Please make an option available for life-threatening allergies.

First Steps

I would like to see a home screen on the fit bits with medical information. This could save lives by saying if that person has any allergies, diabetes, or any other medical information


In case of emergency! There should be an ICE page on the surge which can be accessed by medical pro's with several pages of optional info, for ex: emergency contact, medical conditions (manual entry, not a lust of selections to check off, go those of us with very rare conditions), ability to check heart rate logs, allergies, requested hospital if transport while unconscious) possibly even a way to include things like: dnr, power of attorney, etc

First Steps

I think this is a great idea! I have epilepsy and think it would be awesome if my info was easily available for the paramedics/hospital workers. We would be able to fit more detailed info than we can on the bracelets. It just seems practical!

Not applicable

I use the fitbit for my disabilities. Having a medic alert symbol would be great!

My psychologist recommended getting a fitbit because I keep forgetting to take my medications. (I don't have a cell phone to use to set timers)


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Degenerative Disc Decease, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. All diagnosed after have 4 ribs removed after an accident.




Not only do I have the timers for medications set but when the pain gets too bad I use the "relax" function to breath through the pain.

The sleep function helps me understand why I am so tired mornings. I read the readings one morning when I woke up feeling exhausted. Even though I was "asleep" for 7.5 hours the fitbit showed only 2.5 hours of "sleep".

First Steps

Yes, this would helpful. My sister needs medical alert bracelet and refuses to get one cause they are ugly. She wears a fitbit and would be nice if can either enter that info in the device and make readable/accessible device or actually have it on the band. 

Not applicable

Does your sister have a death wish? I’m an EMT. How do you think I would feel treating your sister and having her go into anaphylactic shock. Tell her to wear it, if not for her, for the first responders. BTW, dead is real ugly.


Hi, I was just searching for somethingl like this as I have an invisible disease and an implant. These posts from you guys I'm seeing are from 2015. Has anything been done?



@Janas wrote:

It would be a great idea to add the medical alert logo to the flex band in case of a medical emergency.  Older adults today are living longer, more active lives than the generations before them.  The medical alert symbol and information can be incorporated into a stylish watch or a bangle-type bracelet, among many other options.

Medical IDs give paramedics and health care providers a quick look at your medical history in an emergency. They usually include information about medical conditions, food or drug allergies, medical devices (such as a pacemaker), and medications. This data can also be in sync with your Smartphone.


Moderator Edit: Title and Labels


First Steps

I definitely agree.  Medic Alert Australia offer a wristband tag but you need to pay for a membership each year

To my knowledge nothing has been done. I am now wearing a fitbit hr and
would really like a medical ID on it.
First Steps
Nothing has been done. 😞
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