Personal best running

Would love Fitbit to show personal bests e.g fastest mile, 5km, 10km half marathon most of the really good running apps.  I know a lot of my running friends end up choosing the garmin for this very reason.  I think sales of Fitbit will increase with this new feature. Please consider it.  Thanks Sarah 


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First Steps

I would like the dashboard to show my personal best achievements for each categoty. Right now, the dashboard shows a badge for achieving say 15,000 steps, but doesn't show that you have hit say 19,350 steps in the past. 


I know that when you drill down on a category you get the graphs showing performance of day, week, month, year and all. Unfortunately, the year and all views only show avarage data!

First Steps

I think an easy improvement would be to keep track of and celebrate personal records just as you do daily goals. I want to be able to easily see the most steps I have taken in a day and work towards beating that record in the future. Thanks!



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First Steps
I agree and even being able to add a personal note about how the day went would be helpful. So I don't have to wrack my brain as to why my step count was hideously low one day only to remember later I was sick that day.
First Steps
I use Fitbit to track all my activities. I am training for a half marathon in October. It would be motivating to track personal bests. Best mile, 5k etc. Longest run is also helpful. Any plans to add this feature?
Recovery Runner

I would love a new tile of Personal Bests. While the dashboard shows you best badge it doesn't show your best day or week. Wish it did as it is not easy to find your best day ever -- especially since it might not be in your best week ever.  Thanks!

5K Racer

@kc6715 While I think a tile for this would be great, you can see your bests for steps, floors, and distance on your profile page. (Click on your avatar in the upper right corner of your dashboard and then select Best under the Achievements section.) 

Recovery Runner

Thanks Michael! It does give me my best dayand I didn't know to look there! Even if they would add the best week there it would be very helpful! But thanks!

Not applicable

That would be fantastic.



I also think it would be a good idea to have it also for distances in running sessions.


I did have a Motorola MOTOACTV and on that we had a Personal Records tab on the app. The user inserts in the app which are the most common distances it has and the app registers which is the time record for that distance. Simple as that. In the MOTOACTV the app would only register a new record if you were running that exact distance, but I guess this could be expanded a little. If you happen to run a 10km session and let's say you break your 5km record within that run it would be great to also update your records board.

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Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Besides the fact that you can see this on your profile I think it will be great if this is added to a new tile or added to the badges tile to get more encouragement of our past achievements and try to beat them (specially if it has been a long time since you achieved your best steps/floors/distance).

Stepping Up
Hey Fitbit! Any chance you can work out a new feature to show you if you reach a personal best for your days steps? Then you could have a weekly best too! I know this would be a really valuable addition and all my Fotbit colleagues agree too! Please let us know when we have smashed a new record!
First Steps
Hi - is there any plan to capture distance PBS anywhere?

Would be good to have fastest 1k, 5k, 10K logged somewhere on the dashboard.

First Steps

It would be awesome to see your personal bests. The weekly report is great, but it would be motivating to be able to see your best ever steps taken, or calories burnt etc etc, or even best weeks.



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Not applicable

+1 Cat Happy

Recovery Runner

It would be great to be able to track fastest mile, 5k etc...
This would be great for motivation to strive and beat your best time.

Being that it already tracks time when running, should not be a huge undertaking to implment.


Thank you

First Steps
I would live to see my personal bests and set challenges for myself. For some reason I can't add friends, as it won't work, and I would rather beat my own previous score anyway. Also there should be workout challenges added for motivation.
First Steps
I second this motion.
First Steps

I second this. I use an app on my phone when I run (Endomondo) in addition to my Blaze because Endomondo keeps track of personal bests. 


Also, personal bests shouldn't always coincide with laps. Example: A person runs 8:25/mile between Mile 1 and Mile 2, but they hit 8:12/mile between Mile 1.4 and Mile 2.4. It should show them their person best was 8:12 not 8:25. Hope this make sense... 



First Steps

I'd like to be able to see my current PB's on Activities and be notified if a new activity is a PB


I agree with the general idea. I regularly run a 7.2 mile route and like the idea of marking the log so that a) I know what my PB is and b) I can find it in the log easily (e.g. one click). I've been using the FitBit tracker (Surge) for about 4 weeks now - never used a tracker of any sort before - and this is one additional thing I've tried to do (e.g. how did this run compare with my PB ...) 

Base Runner

or I think better integration with strava, like host strava content inside the fitbit app

First Steps

Yes!!! This is the only reason I decided to switch to a garmin watch. After 3 weeks of garmin I have decided that I like Fitbit much more and I really miss it. But until Fitbit can start recording my personal bests, I'm having to stick with garmin. 


Hi Team Fitbit,

Every week I look forward to the weekly report that Fitbit publishes. Helps me keep motivated. But I miss a thing. It would be good to compare my personal best for each item verses what I am doing today. I keep referring to that. Last week comparison is good and helps tracking continuous progress, but along if I see what best I have done in past, that would be great motivator. I guess its easy to implement from data perspective (highest/lowest depending on the item) as already the historical data is all time available.

Would look forward to see if other members see this as beneficial.



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Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

That’s an interesting idea and could be useful, thanks for sharing this suggestion.

Stepping Up

Hi there!


Instead of starting a new thread, I just add my thoughts in this post. And, because the status of this post is changed to 'Reviewed by Moderator' (twice ;-)), it just made sense.


After using the Nike Sportwatch for my runs for years I have decided to make the switch for Fitbit. As a runner, it is just great, I just miss the Personal Records / Personal Best section. This records are not only getting me motivated to run faster and longer, it also helps me during my preparation for my next run-events. For now, I've just synced my data to Runkeeper to keep track of my stats (such as fastest 1K, 1M, 5K, 10K, 10M and when I ran them).


Is Fitbit planning on adding this feature as well? I mean, you are collecting the data, you (only) have to create a page to show the stats (or achievements) on.


Keep me posted! Thanks 🙂


Base Runner

i agree having more of this built into fitbit's service would be great.  For the time being I use strava for such stats.

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