New updated clip on tracker

I have had a One for 3 years now and love it but am a bit disappointed that some features are not available on it (e.g.. active mins per hour etc). Please can you make a new clip on fitbit with more features. I really don't want a wrist one at all.

Tempo Runner

I would love an improved fitbit One. I'm not a fan of wearing a tracker on the wrist as I like it to be discreet. However, the case that the One fits in is useless. The rubber becomes stretched over time and the ONe then beins to fall out of it. I would love the small One to just have a clip attached to the back of it so it can be clipped directly onto clothing and not have to go in a separate rubber case. The Case akes the sleek device look bulky and unattractive which is a shame as the One device without the case looks fantastic. Could you make a tracker that can fit into a wristband or clipped on the clothes so that it can be used in different ways??

Premium User
Veteran Runner

@EdinburghLass wrote:

Could you make a tracker that can fit into a wristband or clipped on the clothes so that it can be used in different ways??

They did. The Ultra. The reason why I held out on upgrading for so long was this. The Ultra's design was awesome because I could clip it onto myself on it's own. Didn't need a flimsy case. 

Tempo Runner
I would love a clip-on tracker with an integral the ultra...but one that syncs with iphone etc like the One. Perhaps it could be worn various ways, like in a wrist strap, on a lanyard or clipped to clothing, a bit like the fitbug orb. (Except the orb doesn't have any display so I don't like it!)
I love my fitbit one but the awful rubber case
Makes it look and feel horrible and the rubber stretches over time so the fitbit doesn't stay in the case as well. The design of the ultra was much better.
Recovery Runner

Agree - or make the case better.  I've had my One for less than a year and I'm on my 3rd case - the rubber tears, the little tip on the end comes off.   My friends have had the same issue.    Need a little better quality there.

Tempo Runner

Yes, the fitbit one is amazing but the case is crap!!! Even a new style case/clip would've appreciated 😉

Premium User
Veteran Runner

This is what kept me from upgrading to the One for the longest time. I loved that my Ultra was not only a built in clip, but that it had a sturdy clip of it's own. Much better than the current clip.

Tempo Runner

I know...if the ultra was able to sync with the iphone I would still be using it!

Tempo Runner

So now I'm thinking I need to upgrade from the Zip as the first "case" tore in less than a month - the tip came off the clip and then the silicon wrap around the clip sleeve tore - making a mess of my formerly well-manicured nails when trying to clip it onto my bras.


I love what it does, but if I have to replace the case every months, I may as well ugprade to something that I won't need to reinvest in on a monthly basis. So what's the next model up?  The One? The Flex? Or do I just keep buying new clip/cases every month?

5K Racer

I agree that either a new "case" design is needed for the One or a new better device more like the Ultra should be released. I currently have an Ultra and won't upgrade until one of the two happens. (And I would love the ability to synch on a phone.) I know someone that upgraded from an Ultra to a One and the first One was lost, complete with "case", in less than a month. With the second one she was more careful, but one time I was walking behind her and her something fall on the ground and when I looked it was the One had jumped out of the case onto the ground. Now she has to wear it with the One inside her pocket and the clip on the outside and the to keep it from falling out. (Which doesn't make looking at the display very easy.)

First Steps

This isn't really so much an idea as a comment/feedback on the Fitbit One.  Didn't see any other place to put it so figured I'd put it here.  I have the One, which was to replace my Ultra, and now I wish I had my Ultra back.  I HATE the new design.  I wear it on my bra and it's bulkier than the Ultra because the Ultra slipped right on without having to be put into the clip.  Additionally, I hate that it's now TWO pieces to keep track of instead of one.  And I hate that the charger and the syncer are not the same anymore.  So, what used to be 2 (3 if you count the little stand for the charger) is now 4 pieces. It's nice that the syncer is small, but I have limited USB space on my computer and therefore can't leave it in on the time, which means the smallness makes it easier to misplace.  Not an improvement in my book.  The Ultra slides on easier, and seems like every shirt I wear the One with, you can see signs of it (bulk) at least a little.  I wore my Ultra for a year and never felt it could be noticed beneath my shirt.  Not impressed.

Stepping Up

I wrote this letter last month to Fitbit after a series of lost One's. I've bolded the specific ideas but feel free to read in its entirety:



I first purchased a Fitbit Ultra in December 2011 and it quickly changed my life (no joke), leading to the loss of 30 pounds within the following year. I had owned pedometers in the past, and actually wore one daily since 2007, but I neglected to log the step totals, and never even attempted to calculate calorie intake. Fitbit not only allowed me to do both these things with ease, but it was also fun. 

I’ve since been outspoken in recommending the device to friends and family, directly and indirectly converting no less than 10 people. It’s been a pleasure watching your company grow and expand its customer base and product line.

This is why it pains me to be writing this message. 

The first disappointment for me as a user was preordering the Fitbit One. The one significant feature missing from the Ultra was Bluetooth syncing, so you can imagine I was very excited to get my hands on the improved version. But for myself and countless others, instead of being rewarded as loyal customers with the product before it hit shelves, it never was shipped to us. I ended up canceling the order and buying a One at Best Buy weeks after I was supposed to receive it. Your company totally dropped the ball on that launch and at least acknowledged as much to me on Twitter.

Then there was the device itself, which works great (especially once you implemented real time sync) but with the giant caveat: the holster is TERRIBLY designed. For comparison, in a year of use, my Fitbit Ultra not once fell off my belt. The sturdiness of the holster and the lip at the bottom securely fastened it at all times. 

Conversely, within the first week of using the One, it came loose and popped off my belt three times, luckily all while at home. The issue was obvious: the clip was far too narrow, constantly pulling away from an even moderately thick belt or waistband. Eventually the metal in the clip permanently bent to conform to my belt, not an ideal situation, but it worked out well for a while. 

Until I left it behind on a chair at work. Then once while walking. Then at a restaurant. I always managed to find it. And then finally my luck ran and I lost it for good.

When I bought my second Fitbit One late last year I noticed you made modifications to the holster, including slightly widening the entry point at the bottom. While in theory an improvement, it actually made it even less secure and I found it popping off more frequently than ever before. 

A couple months later, I came home and saw my Fitbit hadn’t synced. Sure enough it was gone. And after spending well over an hour retracing my steps with no success, I conceded it was gone forever.

Now onto my third One, $300 invested in a single pedometer, I began the habit of constantly checking my belt for it out of paranoia. Didn’t matter. Last night I lost that one too. 

This is obviously very frustrating because I so WANT to unequivocally love this device, but clearly using it comes at a cost – a very real monetary cost. I have no interest in a wearable bracelet like you offer with the Force or Flex, the clip is for me the best option. You HAD a holster that worked just fine: on the Ultra. I’m wearing it now as I type this. 

I’m not alone, many others have complained about the holster; just peruse the Amazon review comments. It’s such a simple fix too: have the clip be furthest away at the top where it bends, then taper closer towards the bottom and add a prominent lip at the end. This would properly disperse the pressure and allow to be securely attached regardless of band width (very crude mockup attached as JPEG).



And the even more obvious solution, which I guess would put a dent in your “replacement purchase” profit margins, is to have an unmistakable notification activate when your phone and device are a certain distance away- which could be user determined (5ft, 10ft, 20ft etc). This would have saved me in EVERY circumstance I’ve lost a Fitbit and I would only take a simple software update. 

I now am debating whether it’s even worth spending another $100 on a device that, despite all my best efforts, will mostly likely be lost before Spring. There are certainly other options out there and exploring them may be my next step. I hope this information is useful and very much hope you considering implementing these improvements.





5K Racer

I agree with everything you have written with one addition, we have even had the One pop out of the case and fall on the ground, while the stayed attached to the pocket... (Turning it facing inside the pocket fixed that problem.)


To "fix" your problem you could get a pedometer leash and attached it around the belt clip. Many people have had success with that. Sure it is a work around, but if you like and want a One it can save you $100s of dollars.


I currently still have an Ultra, I'm waiting to upgrade until they improve the clip/case. (Or come our with a wrist band that I just can't say no to.)

Stepping Up

Hey Michael. I never had the One pop out of the holster but know others who have. Been using my old Ultra since writing that letter. I miss the Bluetooth syncing but it's yet to fall off my belt! Thanks for writing.

First Steps

Yes, I had one pop out the holster, and I was not even moving. (ZiP)

Then I bought a Force and now it is lost. I won't buy another until they learn how to make a decent wristband or holster.

Stepping Up

just today my one detached from my hip at work, which is, at times, vigorous. It fell on to a roadway which wasn't the issue - the one is built like a tank - several vehicles, including a truck, had run over it. It still seems to be working - all except the screen is blank. It syncs and records data as before. Think i'll take a look at the wrist one.


I don't think they can design the One in a way that makes it do all of:

Fit on a pocket

Fit on a bra

Fit on a leather belt.


The first two require a thin clip for security and comfort. The latter requires a much thicker clip which would compromise comfort if clipped inside clothing close to the body (be it in a pocket or on one's chest)

First Steps

The standard belt clip that comes with the FitBit appears to be constructed of 3 things; the rubber casing, a metal clip and a branded hard plastic cap that sits at the end of the metal clip. 


The problem I have due to the firmness of the metal clip, it really hugs my pant packet, belts, gym shorts or whatever it is attached so well that the plactic clip catchs on the seamed fabric when I remove my fitbit. I speculate that overtime, this motion causes there to be some sort of stress fracture of the plastic pieces that hold the cap to the metal clip.


My cap broke off only after 50 days or so of deaily use. This makes the belt clip un useable as the exposed metal will rip clothing.


I speculate that this could be better designed so this would not or could not happen.


Happy to send my broken clip in to a product manager if you need to study the issue. This must happen a lot to others too.


Perhaps if the plastic cap were longer.

First Steps

A couple of weeks ago I lost my fitbit one.  That day I was out and about a lot. I tried to retrace my steps and carefully checked my car, it was not found.  This was not the first time that my fitbit had fallen off of my clothes, the other times it happened at home and I was able to find it.  My old ultra clipped onto my waistband and always stayed there.  The one would not stay on my waistband at all, I wore it clipped onto my pocket.  Over the last nearly 3 years I have really enjoyed having a fitbit.  Until I am assured that the clip has been redesigned to be reliable at staying on my waistband, I will not spend $$ on a replacement.


First Steps

Agreed! There are so many comments about this sprinkled in different areas of this community, and in reviews. I hope they get the message!  $100 for the fitbit one plus an incremental $15 every 6 months when the end falls off is not cool!  My husband has the Fitbit Zip and TRIED to pull the bottom piece off but couldn't get it off. Why is it so well adhered for the Fitbit Zip clip but is so flimsy for the Fitbit one?  

Stepping Up

I totally agree - and everyone I know who has a Fitbit One has the same problem.  A broken clip caused me to lose my first Fitbit One less than a month after I first received it.  The broken clip prevented sliding the clip securely on my bra, and the Fitbit fell off on a run.  Fitbit replaced my Fitbit One and the clip, and almost immediately the tip came loose on the new clip.  I managed to use it for months by bracing the tip with my thumb when inserting or removing the clip on my clothes.  But finally the tip fell off and was lost.  Fitbit is again replacing the clip for me.  Both times I suggested the clip needs to be redesigned, but this time Fitbit Support suggested that I post my comments here.  You would think that the expense of replacing my lost Fibit One and clip - and the second broken clip (and I don't know how many others for other people) would convey the importance of redesigning the clip.

First Steps

I had the clip firmly in my pocket yesterday when I left the house, and it fell off on the bus on the way home. Bummer. I had if for 2 weeks! I don´t want to wear fitbit on my wrist, and it is not that discreet in my bra. Maybe the fitbit could come with a selection of holders, one could have a latch/ locking mechanism, so it fastens properly to my clothes/ belt loop. One could be a bit smaller and skin coloured so I don´t have a big black lump in the middle of my chest? 

@EdinburghLass wrote:
I would love a clip-on tracker with an integral the ultra...but one that syncs with iphone etc like the One. Perhaps it could be worn various ways, like in a wrist strap, on a lanyard or clipped to clothing, a bit like the fitbug orb. (Except the orb doesn't have any display so I don't like it!)
I love my fitbit one but the awful rubber case
Makes it look and feel horrible and the rubber stretches over time so the fitbit doesn't stay in the case as well. The design of the ultra was much better.


First Steps

For me the clip doesnt break, but the end cap of the clip falls off after awhile. However, my biggest complaint is the lazy rubber. It gets soo loose on the clip and holding the device that my fitbit falls out. I have been able to catch it a few times and now have started ordering the holder more often, but I wish it was more durable because I can't afford to get an entirely new fitbit one.


When I bought my first FitBit Ultra it lasted 2.5 years being clipped to the waistband of my pants.  However the hinge part cracked over time and caused it to die.  This time I bought the Fitbit ONE and thought to make it last a long time by attaching it to my bra like many of my friends.  However, like many of you my plastic cap broke loose within the first couple weeks.  I tried glue and being more careful and now I've lost the cap.  What a pain!!!  Now I have put a hole in my shirt trying to attach it differently.   I'll try to contact them but like many of you I do not want to have to buy another holder every 3 months.  


I still liked the original clipable fitbit, ultra... The One gets lost in my pocket and I don't like wearing things on my wrist... Any chance a new fitbit that can clip on my shirt pocket will be developed.  (the One's clip is virtually unusable to me...). 

First Steps

I have had 2 belt clips (the prong-cover at the end) break off in less than a year.  With the second one, I tried to be very careful with the clip.  Bad product design!  There must be a way to better integrate the cover piece.  Then, when I called for a replacement today - they were out of stock for 2-3 weeks (both burgundy and black).  The metal prongs are damaging to both skin and clothing.  Unacceptable on all counts.  You have lots of competition in the step-tracking space.  Do they have the same issues?

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