Allow non-consecutive hours on Hourly Activity goal

I love the new hourly movement goal. I would like to suggest that instead of having the goal be X consecutive hours, it could be either the total number of hours within a day or within a period. For example, let me select either:

  • 250+ steps X hours per day (e.g., 12)
  • 250+ steps X hours within a specified time period (e.g., 9 of 12, and I pick the 12 hour time period)

I work in an office, which is why this goal is so important for me. It's way too easy to sit at my desk all day. So this is a great movitivator to get up and move periodically. But a single hour-long meeting in the afternoon makes it impossible to achieve this goal. And knowing that I don't have any chance of acheiving the goal diminishes the motivation to move during the other hours.

Thanks for your consideration!

Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated label

First Steps
I second this. I had a two hour standing meeting with my boss, and lost the ability to obtain my 250 steps per hour goal. Not only that, but I have no way of knowing how many steps I've taken so far for the hour. I like seeing each goal green at the end of the day, and a 9-o'clock meeting can ruin that goal for the entire day
Recovery Runner

It is even a little more difficult to do this when you work a night shift. My day is divided between two calendar days. I have mine set from 12am to 8am. I get off of work at 5am. When I get home I am usually ready to just go to bed. If there was a way it could track my working hours prior to 12am and count it towards the steps per hour goal that would be beneficial too. Your idea would eliminate that problem for me. Great idea.

First Steps
Can you just do away with the time range alltogether and let us pick how many hours we want to walk 250+ steps a day. For example: I want to have 8 hours where I walk 250 steps and I have 24 hours to achieve that goal. Currently, no matter what time ramge I select, I am required to take 250 steps in each of those hours which offers no flexibility at all.
Tempo Runner

can you give options 500 steps an hour, 750,1000?

Recovery Runner

Now that I use the hourly activity goal tracker I am more aware of my steps. Instead of sitting idle at my desk, I get up every 20 minutes and jog in place and do lunges. Since doing this I am now getting in my 10,000 steps or more a day.


When I set my goal I don't like that it has to be in consecutive hours. You should be able to skip some. For instance I travel to work which takes ups to an hour so I am idle for that time in the morning and on my way home. Before traveling I am able to get in my 250 steps. I like seeing that "star" at the end of my hours showing me I completed my hourly activity goal, but it bothers me when it skips an hour or two while I was commuting.


Any way of improving this feature?

I work nights 4 days a week in a fairly active job but then on my 4 rest days my awake pattern reverts back to normal. I like hitting my hourly activity target of 9 250+ steps a day but because of the shift in my day when I'm off work I can't fulfil the target every day. Can we get an Amen for 2 separate hourly activity goals?
First Steps

Yes!  I was coming to suggest this exact solution!  I also find that my alta can be a little buggy in that it will tell me I met the goal on some hours, but then now sync to my account to show that (this usually occurs when I meet the goal very narrowly or very close to the end of the hour).  It's very frustrating to get up and walk, think I met my goal because I got the feedback saying I did, only to find at the end of the day after I sync that my account doesn't reflect that!

First Steps

Not sure how other users feel, but I would love the option to set a minimum number of hours where I take 250 steps a day as opposed to set hours. No two days are the same, and I have troouble meeting this goal for all hours as it stands. I could easily meet a 250 step goal an hour 12 hours a day, everyday (or most), I just struggle to do it the same 12 hours everyday. Perhaps users could have the choice...


Moderator edit: Updated title for clarity and labels.

First Steps

I tend to work a lot of swings, or graveyard shifts.  So I tend to wake up early to get my morning workout in, and train for my half marathon.  After that, I normally relax while getting breakfast/lunch, and then get a nap in before working later that afternoon.  I know I am getting a lot of active hours, they just aren't in a consistant row.

First Steps

I would really appreciate it if the 250 steps per hour wasn't just tracked for 9-5. I'm in college and a lot of times I'm moving from 9-10 and then 12-4 and 7-10, just as an example. It would be really cool if as long as you got 250 steps for 8 hours in a day, no matter if those are consecutive or not, they would allow me to acheive that daily goal. I have classes that are more than an hour long and therefore I can't move within the hour I'm in class. It's reallly discouraging to see that goal on my phone with no ability to reach it becuase of my daily schedule. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels the same. This feature actually makes me more discouraged when looking at the app than it does good for me. I know I could just hide it from my dashboard, but I really want it to work.


This is my idea too - let me pick the number of hours for my goal, but monitor most of the day.  I monitor movement from 8am until 10pm.  I would like to call it a successful day (green star!) if I move at least 8 hours in a day, and not necessarily 8 consecutive hours.  I can get 13 hours of movement in a day and it doesn't show a star... bummer.


I just changed over to Fitbit Alta from a Charge, and I love the feature that reminds me to move every hour. Very useful when you're stuck in an office all day.


I feel the feature could be even better though. Presently it's possible to set a time frame to get reminders, and choose which weekdays to get them. I would love to see these settings extended so that I could set the time frame individually for each day, so that I could for example have different goals on workdays and weekends. 



Not applicable

Fab Cat Happy

Community Legend

I've setup reminders in my calender to do this. The reminders then get sent to the fitbit. 

Rich: This approach does of course remind you to move, but I think an important part of this function is the little goals that you have to complete every hour to get that little green smiley face at the end of the day. That won't be achievable with a calendar setup.
The Alta move-reminder sounds interesting
Any chance of incorporating a customisable time-based reminder sequence into the iOS app?? Would love a 30-min reminder to keep stationary period durations down
Stepping Up
Users need to set different hours for Move reminder in the weekend compared to normal days, for example in working days it would be from 09:00 to 19:00, however I dont want a vibration while I am sleeping in the weekend morning, and want a moving reminder in the weekend from 12:00 till 22:00, different people have different life schedule , fitibit should help making this feature more usable
Recovery Runner

I agree... also remove the limitations for both move and activity tracking. Some people get up early or go to bed late and would like to get credit for their activity. Others might work graveyard & be active all night. Get rid of the 7am - 9pm limitation & allow multiple schedules - at least 2 user defined timeframes (not everyone is off on weekends).

This would be perfect for many peoplle. Nightshifters that work 8pm to or 7am. People who just sleep odd hours because of insomnia and swing shifters. I have insomnia and sleep whenever I can, but have to set alarm every hour to exercise during my hourly 25+ goas. This makes sleeping enough hours impossible!
Not applicable

Totally agree.


In the meantime, I set mine for the full 14 hours knowing that there are hours I won't hit it and "in my head" my real goal is to hit about 10 of them.  So the way I would like it to work would be to set your "awake hours" and then set "how many hours you'd like to hit 250 steps".  (I guess then you wouldn't really need to set "awake hours".  Just simply "how many hours a day you'd like to hit 250 steps" would do.)   It would also be nice if you could adjust the number of steps.  Maybe 100 steps is better for some and 500 is better for others.

First Steps

I would love to be able to set my 250 steps an hour range for different days... I'm up different times during week days than on the weekends


Moderator Edit: Labels.

Recovery Runner

Well said. My first reaction to the whole dashboard was that it's perfect, except for this one klunky part of the experience you've highlighted. Adding the flexibility you describe wouldn't take anything away from current users who can still have a goal to reach a certain number of 250+ hours in their normal day. It's as if Fitbit is oriented to people with very regular schedules, when many of us striving for fitness actually need the apps most to manage through changing, volatile schedules.

Stepping Up

Could you make it possible to choose which hours we would like to have included in our hourly step goal? As a college student with one hour and fifteen minute long classes, I cannot very well just excuse myself from class to go stroll around the business school for 250 steps 10 minutes before the hour. Likewise, those who have 8 or 9 to 5 jobs and/or ridiculous commutes in busy cities cannot just tell their boss they're going to have to leave the meeting early so they can get 250 steps in, or pull over to the shoulder in standstill traffic because they simply must get those steps.


It gets to the point where I don't care to try to meet the step goal of any hour, since I know I'll never achieve the goal of getting all of them anyway. I think it would be nice to be able to choose 8 hours in the day that are reasonable for us and our different daily life schedules, as a way to make our own personal motivations more ... personal. I particularly want to see it on my Charge 2 paired to my Galaxy S7 Edge, but it could/should be able to be applied to them all and for iOS as well.


I love the move every hour reminders, but it is incredibly disapointing to miss getting the credit for moving during an hour due to the arbitrary hard on the hour boundry.  The boundries for credit need to be more soft and flexible.  Think for a moment.  If you get 250 steps from 9:00 to 9:05 and then 250 steps from 10:55 to 10:59 you can go 1 hour and 50 minutes with no steps and get credit for the 9:00 and 10:00 hours.  However, if you are in a meeting from 10:00 to 11:00 there is no way to get credit for the 10:00 hour. The reminder for moving at 10:00 before the hour is great, but how about allowing up untill 30 minutes past the hour to count for the prior hour if you needed it and then after a 1 minute stop, the movement will count for the next (current) hour.  This will allow for people who are busy or who have meetings to get all their movements for the day.




First Steps

Please add in the ability to customize reminders to move, including:


1) Change default step amount from 250 steps to [user defined number] of steps

Some days, I need to get more than 250 steps in an hour. I'd to change that default to help me reach my daily and weekly movement goals


2) Change default reminder from 10 mintues to [user defined number]

Often, when I get a reminder to move, I am in a meeting or in the middle of a flow and I can't stop to move. Being able to set the reminder to 20/25 mintues before the hour is up would be most helpful


3) Ability to customize the default move message 

Just for spice and variety, it would be helpful to set a move message that reinforces my daily intent or goal, or just to add a little humor



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