05-27-2020 16:54
05-27-2020 16:54
I accidentally selected the mkonthly charge as my option for premium subscription. How do I change this to a yearly charge? Much cheaper this way. Pls help!
07-19-2022 09:10
07-19-2022 09:10
SylviaFitbit, your last post was last year so not sure you still are there. I have the monthly Fitbit for which I am charged $9.99/month through the Google Playstore. I want to change to yearly like so many others here. If I cancel my latest monthly charge a couple of days before the next month's fee is charged, and then sign-up for the annual play at $79.99, will my data be saved? And, is there an easier way to just convert things to the annual plan?
01-25-2023 20:07
01-25-2023 20:07
It's obvious Fitbit and Google want to charge $10 a month and make it most difficult to sign up for the $80 annual plan. Shame on Google.
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Having to cancel the subscription and then join annual is ridiculous. Do better Fitbit company.
Will I lose any premium records and data by cancelling monthly in order to rejoin annual?
Exactly! What a ridicuous method to switch to annual.
Moderator Edit:Merge replies
04-03-2023 22:33
04-03-2023 22:33
Fitbit and Google outsmart themselves. Due to the difficulty in signing up for the annual membership, I cancelled the monthly plan. I thought I would then re-subscribe to annual but found that I was not missing any information with the free app that I cared about. So with their clever plan to make it difficult to sign up for annual they end up with nothing.
04-04-2023 13:47 - edited 04-04-2023 13:48
04-04-2023 13:47 - edited 04-04-2023 13:48
Hi everyone and welcome back to this community! We would like to extend a warm welcome to our new members.
Thank you for sharing all the important information in this thread. I would like to clarify the situation a little.
When you buy a new subscription, it will be active for the full time period that you paid for, even if you cancel the subscription. If you want to upgrade from a monthly to a yearly subscription, you must cancel the current subscription before the auto-renewal date.
Please keep in mind that you will not lose any data from the premium features, as they are always being recorded. The only difference is that you will not be able to see the information, but it will still be there.
If you want to learn more about Premium please check here: "What should I know about Fitbit Premium?"
04-04-2023 15:29
04-04-2023 15:29
It's a poor business decision to not have a method to simply change from monthly to annual without canceling first. This is the only company that I know of that does not have a easier method to pay for one year in advance.
Based on the comments it looks like others agree.....