02-06-2022 11:23
02-06-2022 11:23
What are good HRV values? How do I know if I have a good HRV? My values fluctuate between 50 and 60 ms, I'm 29 years old and play sport 3 times a week. How should I read those values?
02-06-2022 12:19
02-06-2022 12:19
Here is an article about HRV from WHOOP, another wearable tech company. It has a graph with ranges, but stresses it is very individual, and best used to watch your own trends.
When you begin using a heart rate variability monitor, you may notice that your HRV varies greatly from day to day. This can be attributed to the many factors that affect it (more on this shortly), and is perfectly normal. If your friend has a higher HRV than you do today, that is not an indication that they are more fit than you are.
Rather than comparing your heart rate variability to others, a more practical use of HRV is to follow your own long-term trends. For example, if you’re taking steps to improve your fitness and overall health, over time you should see a gradual increase in your average heart rate variability.
Similarly, a downward trend in your HRV over several days is worth paying attention to. Among other things, it might be a sign that you’re training too hard, not sleeping enough, getting sick, eating poorly, or failing to hydrate properly.