I seem to be unable to cancel my FitBit Premium membership. I have tried all of the methods listed in the FAQ and none of them work-- some of them the correct menu options don't seem to exist, and my Google and Paypal accounts have no record of a Premium membership. I've tried:
- deleting through tapping the gear icon -> Account Settings -> Manage Subscriptions in the app (Android). My Google Play account comes up and tells me I have no subscriptions and only offers to help me explore and buy new ones.
- deleting through tapping my profile photo -> Manage your Google Account in the app (Android). Scrolling to the "Payments and subscriptions" section of the top ribbon, then tapping "manage subscriptions" shows an image of a cat on a newspaper stack with "You don't have any subscriptions"
- Signing into my account via a browser on my computer at https://www.fitbit.com/global/us/account/subscriptions. My subscription is listed as "Google Premium Membership" but there is no option to cancel or change it. I cannot expand the listed subscription so see options to manage it.
- I've also logged into my Paypal account and confirmed there is no auto payment for a FitBit subscription.
I do not want this subscription and have been trying to cancel it for a while. The listed ways to cancel in the FitBit article about Premium memberships don't work because the menu options I see don't match the instructions. I wouldn't even know I was charged for this if I hadn't seen the charge on my card for $85.59 on Aug. 9th.
This seems like it's intentionally misleading and difficult to cancel. I ideally would like my subscription cancelled immediately and to be refunded for the rest of the year.