07-06-2023 07:54
07-06-2023 07:54
I dutifully went to change my fitbit account to use google and got a message that that email address was being used by another fitbit, but when I talked to the online chat people, they said there was no fitbit account associated with that email address, so they would look into it and get back to me. They never did. So I tried to log into fitbit with my gmail account, and of course since I don't have one, I didn't know the password, so I told it to reset the password. I got the link and supposedly created a new password, but it wouldn't let me log in with it. So then I tried changing my fitbit email address to my gmail email address and it told me there was already a fitbit associated with it. So then I called them and was told that there was nothing she could do so I would have to create a new google account!! REALLY?!! So THEIR system has a problem and they can't be bothered to fix it?!! It is MY gmail address, so why can't they text or email to verify that I am the owner of the gmail address with the non-existent fitbit associated with it and then delete it? I am SO mad! Guess it's time to find a new brand of activity tracker.
07-09-2023 10:11
07-09-2023 10:11
Just got an equally unhelpful response from Fitbit, although it didn't show up here. I only have ONE Fitbit. I have had it since before Google accounts were a "thing". The only person who uses that email address is ME. Therefore, it is impossible that there is an account associated with it. If Fitbit's records say differently, then there is a bug in their system somewhere and they should be able to undo the error.
Here is what they said:
Hi Barbara,
We're glad to assist you with the Google account migration error. We'd like to apologize for the delayed update.
We can see that your email is already connected to a Fitbit account, which is why you're getting that message. Note that you'll need a Google email  that is not linked to a Fitbit account.
Thanks for being a Fitbit customer. If you have additional questions about your Fitbit device or services, visit help at fitbit dot com