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New Food Logging Page

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Fitbit Update 2/20/2019: Hi Everyone - At this time we rolled back to the old version as we modify the new tool and fix the bug reported with some of the nutritional and calorie count. I will update this thread as I learn more about the updates and status of the revised new tool. Many thanks for the precise, in-depth reports. 


Fitbit Update 2/19/2019: Thanks again for your valuable feedback. While our team is working on modifications to the food logging tool we will be rolling back to the old tool shortly. We appreciate your patience and reports.


Fitbit Update 2/19/2019: Our team is actively reviewing your thoughtful feedback. I hope to have an update soon with further information. Thanks.


Fitbit Update 2/17/2019: Hello everyone, thanks again for your feedback this has all been sent to the team. Please note our offices are closed tomorrow for Presidents Day. I hope to have more updates for you after Monday.

Fitbit Update 2/16/2019: posted an update here

Fitbit Update 2/13/2019: The new food log is now live! We look forward to hearing your thoughts. 

Fitbit Update 2/4/2019: We’re excited to announce the launch of our updated food logging interface on; it's planned to go live very soon.


We incorporated the most popular suggestions we received after our initial launch. We included updated caloric charts, macronutrient charts, historical logs, waterlogging, and interface improvements.


I hope the new release will meet your food logging needs and look forward to hearing your thoughts once it's live! 

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I just want to see the food I've entered, be able to plus/minus amounts, and see the foods I enter all the time. So I can enter them with the fewest clicks possible.

I don't know why there's so much screen real estate wasted on graphs nobody asked for. Can't there be ONE single page for entering food only? Just put all that other junk in a different tab. Why bother even having different tabs at all if everything is a cluttered mess of random info.

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NOOOOOOO!!! the new log page is horrible. Please revert back!

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This isn't the first time that they have unilaterally made a change to the layout, without asking users (certainly not me). Somehow FitBit thinks that they are customer friendly. This once again a change made because someone in their graphics department thought it was a good idea without considering the "loyal" customers.

I'm serious! I've used the FitBit food log religiously to good end. They made my usage a lot more difficult.

@plnkfloydian wrote:

I agree we should be able to switch back to the old style if we would like to. Was much simpler before, I see so much unnecessary data just trying to see where my macros are at. 


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I agree with everyone saying how messed up they made the food logging page! Makes you want to say goodbye to Fitbit and avoid the hassle and stress of this chaos!

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This looks terrible! Users need to start making phone calls AGAIN! I can't believe how dmbfck this company is. We said it loud and clear last time. Leave the dashboard alone!


(877) 623-4997

Every day 4am-9pm PT


Give them an ear full!

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To expand on my earlier post:

1. I like that you can fairly easily edit a logged food.  That's been needed for a long time, but isn't enough to off-set the cumbersome design of the new page.

2. I don't like that the drag and drop function between meals went away.

I'm sure I'll find other little things I like and don't like, but all in all I'm disappointed.  I get the impression that Fitbit didn't bother to test this with regular users.  

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This is a nightmare. Fix it.


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(877) 623-4997

Every day 4am-9pm PT



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I've had a Fitbit since they first came out and have always loved it. I recently upgraded to a Charge3 and have toughed it out through many annoying issues such as non-syncing and step count discrepancies. The new log page is a deal breaker. I've got no use for the chart at the top which takes up my whole laptop screen. I want to see my log at a glance and easily add food without diving three screens deep. The whole history of food is of no use. When I come to my food log page, I want to LOG FOOD. I can't believe the UI developers thought this was a good usability solution.



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The new page for tracking food is a mess. It provides limited useful information. The graph is especially useless. The stuff I use (favorites, for instance) is hidden. The features are slow and not intuitive.Whoever designed this should be fired and subjected to public ridicule.


Give feedback here:


(877) 623-4997

Every day 4am-9pm PT


Don't stop calling, posting, talking on social media until it's fixed!


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I hope there is going to be an option to have the old view of the dashboard; this new one is not helpful to me. Looks nice, but not user-friendly and I do not really want to spend a lot of time trying to figure out basic stuff each day. If the old view is never coming back, let me know so I can look into a replacement device.

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Rights since when is 200 grams of spaghetti squash 120 calories this **ahem** sucks

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It's awful! There was nothing wrong with the Windows 10 Food Log. The new one is about as inoperable as that worthless phone app. I'll try one more week. Then I';ll be asking for a refund of my Charger 2 price and go shopping for a competitors product. After 4 years, through many differerent trackers, I'm stuck with Fitbit. You want to fix something that wasn't really broken by completely changing everything. It was so nice and simple before. It's crap now, meant to satisfy a vocal few. Dumb move.

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I already don't like it.  I can't delete a food that went into the wrong meal, I don't want to see the graph first, "meals" used to be listed by name, now it's listed showing all the ingredients, taking up way too much space, History should be an option.  I want the old view back. 😞


Also want to add that it's so slow now ... I did find a place to delete an item, but it was hidden and more difficult than it needs to be.  Now adding a "meal" is cumbersome, and I can't get out of that option to add a new item.  What the hell ...

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This new food log screen is a DISASTER!! What were you thinking? Do you even have a professional IT staff? The new screen looks like you threw everything you could think of onto one screen. It Page-Down scrolls *four* times in order to see the whole thing!


I used to be able to easily add new foods and see at one glance what I’d eaten during the day and the nutrition elements, along with a total for the day. It was fast, simple, and intuitive.


If you are so enamored with this new screen, by all means, leave it up. I doubt it will get much use.


But PLEASE also put the old screen back out there for us to use as an option!!!  

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The last time you guys tried this format change, the negative feedback was so bad you had to roll it back within 24 hours. Other than very very minor changes, this is the exact same update (that was already an unmitigated failure). I can't believe you guys ignored all the customers' complaints to roll this out AGAIN. It feels like it was just the cheapest option to use a design you already had, instead of making any useful changes based on feedback. Please just stop. 

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What happened?  The dashboard is so messed up now. Can’t find what I want. Graph at the top obscures the log in section. Cannot select food and first see how it is measured eg. Ounces, servings, slices, etc.  which is essential for estimating how much you ate. 

Time of serving defaults to “anytime “ with every food selection instead of staying with the last selection such as breakfast, dinner, etc. if you don’t remember to check the correct mealtime, all gets dumped in anytime.  Didn’t find the meals section. 


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What the heck?!?!?  Today my food log changed and what a mess it is!  Impossible to read with the graph showing all different colors like someone threw paint at a wall.  It had been very easy for me to scroll to my recents/most logged foods and record what I ate, but no more.  Now everything is a limited view drop down.  Give me a break.  All the meals seem to be drop downs and the font is not as easy to read.  What have you guys done?!?!?  Every time you make a change, it's worse than what was there before.  Do you not want us to be successful?  To dump your product?  This is the last straw.  The weight changes were bad enough, but the food log change is horrendous.  I'm sick and tired of Fitbit not having a clue what their customers want.  Change it back.  Stop trying to keep some of your changes to prove your employees have "done something."  This simply isn't workable and Fitbit is no longer worth the hassle. 

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@vtp wrote:

The last time you guys tried this format change, the negative feedback was so bad you had to roll it back within 24 hours. Other than very very minor changes, this is the exact same update (that was already an unmitigated failure). I can't believe you guys ignored all the customers' complaints to roll this out AGAIN. It feels like it was just the cheapest option to use a design you already had, instead of making any useful changes based on feedback. Please just stop. 

Actually this shows a whole bunch of arrogance on their part. They don't understand that their user community doesn't like having changes shoved down their throats

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@akane wrote:

While I still prefer the old version, this is at least much better than the draft iteration you sprung on us last year. So far I think it's usable and ok. These are my main feedback points:


1) I really want to see at a glance the servings size of each logged food (i.e. how many grams/pieces/serves etc) without having to click the edit button. This info could go before the calories column? I plan my foods in advance so it is helpful to be able to quickly see serving amounts so I can monitor my actual intake against planned.

Not as important, but I also liked the old feature where you had + and - buttons and could quickly tweak the amount that way. 


2) I would prefer the bar graph go at the bottom of the page, or at least be much smaller - at the moment it is far too large and for me the focus of the page should be the food logging, not the graphs. Maybe it could go under a dropdown as well so you can see it if you want but otherwise leave it out of the way?


3) The page is definitely slower to load now than the old version - I reloaded it a few times to check and it takes 20 seconds, whereas before it was about 5 at most.


4) Having to scroll through the quick add menus instead of seeing everything at once is a little bit annoying but I will get used to it quickly - especially since I was starting to get to the point where I had so many custom meals that I would almost have to scroll anyway in the old version.


5) I like that you can now swap from "log a food" to "log a meal", and have quick add calories as well.


EDIT: also just noticed that when searching for a food the list that comes up only includes 5 "popular" and 10 "all" - even when I know there are far more than 10 in the database. This makes it hard to find some foods and it definitely needs to go back to letting you scroll through more "all" than just 10!

I agree with everything stated above. I do prefer the old version better because it worked, ease of use and was very efficient.


Problems I have encountered include:

1: past food logs are messed up in values such as daily totals and quantity of foods logged.


2: Meals logged will randomly not show up in the summary but the daily totals account for the  food logged.


3: I plan my meals in advance. I tried logging the same custom breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and evening snack for 5 days next week. The result was everything logging into the anytime slot instead of the their slotted meal areas. Yes, I did log them correctly by selecting each slotted meal before clicking "log."


I REALLY would prefer an option to use the older version as it just worked so well. Older version was easy to use, very efficient and very informative meaning not plastered with useless info like a giant graph.


I REALLY want this trend of adopting phone app hot garbage to websites to stop.


Thanks for your time and I look forward to the revert.

signed Someone who has lost 150 lbs (375-225) using the OLDER VERSION.


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Another bug found - editing custom meals and foods is now extremely not usable!


For meals, after multiple different levels of clicks, you finally get to an edit screen but it only lets you edit the title and add new foods or delete existing ones - not edit quantities of foods that are already part of the meal.


For custom foods, you can edit most things but no longer have the option to add or edit different types of servings sizes, e.g. 1 slice and 50 grams.


Not user friendly at all!

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