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COVID-19 Workouts

Hey all! Hope everyone is staying safe in this weird time we're all in. What's everyone doing to still stay active since most gyms and other places to workout are closing?

Zachary Shopene, E.I.T/Highway Design Engineer/Pittsburgh, PA
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I have a Pilates Reformer, HIIT machine and ballet barre at home.


I'm pregnant so can't do high intensity workouts.


Ballet Beautiful (an online streaming service) has been very helpful since they have prenatal workouts.


I also try to fit in an hour of low-intensity level 1 resistance on the HIIT machine every few days.

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It's so difficult staying motivated!

When I get back from work, I just want to sit in front of the sofa!

When I am able to strap some willpower on, I love Yoga with Adriene or even the Happy Walk at Home with LeslieSansone on Youtube. I try to do several runs up the stairs too.

I do need to pick things up.

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Thank you for posting this.  I had been using the Les Mills programs and walking but this is a nice change of pace given that I am running out of new things.

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Hi RetArmySoldier,


I do a variety of swing dance forms. I began with Lindy Hop and then branched out to Balboa, Collegiate Shag and Charleston. It sounds like you do lots of ballroom styles! Which one is your favorite?





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Need indoor workout


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I've personally have fallen back to some old videos I had from Shaun T (Insanity) 😎 but since we are all staying home and barely moving, I thought I could share some basic small tips that would help you gain some extra steps 😊

Purple Red Maintain a healthy lifestyle purple Coronavirus Instagram Post 1.jpg


Purple Red Maintain a healthy lifestyle purple Coronavirus Instagram Post 2.jpg


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Purple Red Maintain a healthy lifestyle purple Coronavirus Instagram Post 4.jpg


Purple Red Maintain a healthy lifestyle purple Coronavirus Instagram Post 5.jpg - The weekly couple fitness challenge that leads to togetherness fun!
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I found a few workout videos online that have really helped me to maintain my weight during these last few months. I also have a few dumbbells at home and I've been making the most out of them. 😀


This few months have helped me to learn a lot about so many different ways to workout at home! 

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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thanks for the thread I got a lot of useful information

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as for me, it's just a matter of starting doing sth, when I start, I keep going. if I don't start and just think of it, I get disctracted by other things and get used to sitting in front of my laptop or tv(

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Are the classes for Yoga advance?  I am a beginner but would like to take some. 

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That's a good tip @GraceGear18, and that works for me too, if I think too much about it it's very possible that I won't do it 😅


I'm trying to start with yoga as well @coachzavala, but some positions seem quite complicated, so I'm trying some easy positions for beginners that I found online.  

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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Hmmm, let me think, even before COVID, I didn't go to gyms, and mostly did workouts from home. I have mostly done of fitness youtubers (Mostly Calisthenics), such as: 



Austin Dunham

Chris Heria/THENX (Chris Heria) (THENX)


I would like to not that during this time I also Biked and Ran.


After doing those for a while, I started doing some workouts by myself when I didn't feel like doing a video.


So Yeah, There is my thoughts on this, hope it helps, or at least is a somewhat interesting read!

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@Susanyy do Youtube! There are plenty of amazing fitness youtubers for any fitness level.

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Thank you for sharing all of those exercises @SunsetRunner!  

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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Personally, I found a few workouts on YouTube, which I can do without using additional equipment. The biggest problem is cardio exercises at home. They suggest jumping a lot, but when I do it, it seems that the whole neighborhood is shaking

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@AlRoss0908 cardio at home is kinda tricky. I have a treadmill but I just hate the noise it produces (it sounds as if en elephant runs on it). It is hard to get good cardio (especially long steady-state) without additional equipment and sometimes it's just better to invest money into an elliptical, rowing machine, or smart trainer (or spinning machine). I got a smart trainer after the last UK lockdown and attach my bike to it. Gives me decent home cardio (especially that now the weather isn't great for cycling and we went into lockdown 2.0). The calisthenics workouts can elevate your HR but indeed, it will involve lots of plyometric exercises. Also, it is hard to do an hour of steady-state cardio with calisthenics because this isn't a goal of it. I think, investing in one of the easily foldable cardio machines may be the best bet. It is really easier to jump on the smart-trainer bike and start spinning or use rower right after waking up than get into a structured HIIT workout which requires a lot more focus.

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During a good outdoor workout, this is good. There are gyms on the streets and sports grounds, of course, in winter it is not so comfortable, but in winter you can work out at home. The main thing is desire

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I have a exercise bike in my basement. I also walk outside when the weather allows.

Thomas (Atomic77) West Bend, Wisconsin: Fitbit Versa 2 and Aria Air Scale
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@zshopes28 I need to get a bike! That's a good exercise.🙂 In the meantime I've been trying the following three basic workouts:


  • Body Weight Squats. Proper form when doing a squat is:
    • Feet a little wider than shoulder width apart
    • Point your toes out just a bit
    • As you drop down push your knees out to the side
    • Roll your toes up just a bit, to ensure you’re holding your weight in your heels
    • Drop your butt down between your legs
    • Push up through your heels

Image result for fitbit Plank.


  • Push-Ups. The key to a good push up is when you’re placing your hands down on the ground ensure they are approximately shoulder width apart and place your hands directly under your shoulders

Image result for fitbit Push-Ups


  • Plank. When you’re down in plant position suck your belly button in and hold your core in tight. You should be holding your core tight enough that it’s difficult to talk normally. If you are speaking with ease you can pull that belly button in tighter!

Image result for fitbit Plank.



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