07-21-2014 09:49
07-21-2014 09:49
Anyone here have experience with tai chi? Every morning when I walk my dogs, there is a group doing
tai chi in a neighborhood park (Monday through Saturday). I don't know much about it, though am thinking of trying it for the first time ever since I am off during the summer and have the opportunity to. It's a free, volunteer run class, with the leader an 87 year old Asian man with, I understand, a lot of experience. Any thoughts? TIA
Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.--John Wooden, legendary UCLA coach
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Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
07-22-2014 08:16
07-22-2014 08:16
I wish I could find something like that near me. In college I took tai chi as a gym class and over the course of a semester learned the short form. I really enjoyed it. Was great evercise, but also very calming and good for stress relief. Because you do it slowly some of the moves have a yoga like quality and you get a good leg and core workout. Really works your balance too. I got away from doing it and since have tried to relearn using videos or apps, but its just not the same. I would definately say go for it.
07-21-2014 16:48
07-21-2014 16:48
07-22-2014 08:16
07-22-2014 08:16
I wish I could find something like that near me. In college I took tai chi as a gym class and over the course of a semester learned the short form. I really enjoyed it. Was great evercise, but also very calming and good for stress relief. Because you do it slowly some of the moves have a yoga like quality and you get a good leg and core workout. Really works your balance too. I got away from doing it and since have tried to relearn using videos or apps, but its just not the same. I would definately say go for it.
07-22-2014 08:26
07-22-2014 08:26
Thank you both! You've convinced me try it.
Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.--John Wooden, legendary UCLA coach
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05-03-2015 15:27
05-03-2015 15:27
I have been doing Tai Chi for almost 9 years and that is about the only exercise I do other than walking. I have had a few teachers and learned some forms from DVD's. So now I can do 7 different forms. I teach Tai Chi for Arthritis to some seniors and also teach some martial art students tai chi. I attend a class and my teacher is 90 and he is not the oldest one in the class. We do the 24 Form and the Yang 88. I am hoping to take over the class at the end of the year. I picked up a book from the local library that is so great, "The Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi." If you can get a copy it is worth your time reading.
I would suggest if you can't find a class they you learn a form then invite your friends and family to joine you and you teach them. There are so many great DVD's out there to teach you. I love Dr. Paul Lam because he teaches movement-by-movement and it is easy to follow.