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How do people work to get above 20,000 steps?


I am active (run three miles in the morning, work all day, goof around with children in the evening while I do housework but getting above 20000 steps per day seems elusive to me. Help! 

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You are doing great!!!

Love it!

I like to do yoga and it never counts as steps, it is funny I feel like I am making choices thinking how many steps will that give me............LOL
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Oh I so hear you about activities that don't give us steps!! I know that my body is at its best when I do at least three Pilates sessions a week. Stiff sore back if I don't so I find the time.
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Oh man, three hours a day... My brain and my joints would be in a race for which would land me in the hospital first.  I'm glad I'm content with the general guidelines.  No one would ever accuse me of being an athlete, though.

Mary | USA

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A lot of that is just walking Mary and I really enjoy walking' especially outside. Luckily my body seems to too. And my dog (only about 10,000 steps for him though)!
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I'm with you! My record is 18K, and that was from chasing my lawn mower around the house, along with a busy day of yard work.

I just don't have the time to go 20K and I certainly couldn't run it.


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My daily goal is set to 20000 steps a day and I always pass it. I have 4 horses that I take care of and clean their stalls. I am always walking around the house, cleaning and doing laundry. I also run 3 miles a day. I always take the steps to the office and not the elevator. Other than work, I rarely sit down. I don't like to watch a lot of TV- I probably watch 1-2 hours of TV a night. Most people I work with tell me they watch about 4+ hours of TV every night. Personally I don't find that many interesting shows on, plus I just can't sit still that long.

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This thread does indeed show how much it varies for different people in different circumstances.

I rarely do less than 10,000 and often more than 30,000 myself.


What I still find really weird though is the number of people on here who are doing 100,000, 200,000 or in the case of one lady 300,000 steps on a reasonably regular basis. The maths don't seem to add up to me. But also, what would be the point in 'cheating' or putting in false data. 

MarkP - Chartered Electronics & Computing Engineer.
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Mark---Are they recording this amount on a daily basis?? I can't see that either---the math definitely doesn't add up---and I really don't think the body could withstand that on a daily basis!!!!
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Not necessarily every day, but in many of the challenges I see people doing silly numbers.

Now, there is being competative and there is being (self)-delusional. I'm curious about it, but it doesn't bother me, although it does make a bit of a farce of setting challenges.

For me 300,000 steps would be about 227 km (142 miles), bonkers ! 😉

MarkP - Chartered Electronics & Computing Engineer.
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I agree there is some misrepresentation on their numbers.

Unless maybe a walking mailman. The fitbit is not designed for that it is an average stepper to be active from a sedentary life people are sucking the fun out of it!
I am active but everything does not include steps. I love cooking and baking and although I am busy not watching TV it does not equal steps! I love it and feeding my friends and family.
I typically get my 10000 steps daily by just adding stairs at work and walking on lunch time.
Max days 15000 and I don't plan on striving for more I am busy living

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Those 300,000 represent 7 days total. Not daily. There are seveal people here who do it on a daily basis.

Thats 42K a day


I do not think most are a Misreprestation either.


Its just Not for me.

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Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android

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No, in this case I think you you are wrong. The first time this happened the person logged just over 1200 steps on the first day, 100,000+ on the second day and 300,000+ on day 3 itself.
By the end of the first week I noticed Fitbit admin had removed at least 3 people from the challenge.

I don't believe that there are more than several people on here who regularly do 300,000+ daily, that's serious Ultra Marathons, not day to day steps. I think they are misrepresentations.

I am willing for you to *prove* me wrong though …

Regards, Mark.
MarkP - Chartered Electronics & Computing Engineer.
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I am with Mark

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Exactly Mark!! 42k per day--get real! I do over 25,000/day and that's not easy every day averaging 13 miles/day. We all know there is a level where it will get unbelievable on a day to day basis. A marathon--ok--but every day ---I don't believe it at all!
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I am one that does 20000 along with the group and we post our stats and have a leaderboard too - takes 1 hour for 10000 steps - work out two hours in the morning and two hours at night with work life steps been doing this for over a year and have walked 5000 miles
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Great for you!
I am spending time with family in the evening 5 hours a day every day on myself is not a goal for me
I am fit loved and involved with friends and family steppin 10000 a day

Let's move on

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I spend a lot of time with the family too because I walk at 5 am in the morning 🙂
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The only time I got 25K was when I was skiing for two days. I am skiing again next weekend, Scotland this is by the way. YES we have snow! Its awesome. I have to log my skiing as an exercise and I do it all day. However succeeding to the 25K or 30K by running, I'd have to do a very long run, which I'm not ready to do yet I don't think. My running style needs more confidence first. By the end of my working day as a Teaching Assistant, I usually have done close to 10k and I usually go over it but not by much. My average is approx 13k. 

Harriet | UK | Don't wish for it work for it!

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Thank you, I was buzzing after run club last night.. Im not sure how much sleep I got. I was imagining waking up at 7 to do a wee run before work but in reality, exercise in the morning isnt something I would do that early! I was knackered this morning as well. Will check out dashboard later.

Harriet | UK | Don't wish for it work for it!

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