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How do women over 60 get in shape?

Hi all!  I am starting this thread to help all the ladies from our old forum get started up again over here in the new place.  Hope you all find this thread.  Getting in shape after 60 has its own challenges especially when you have lost muscle, have slowed metabolism and hormone changes.  How are you getting and staying fit?  What s working for you?  

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698 REPLIES 698
thanks for complement. lots of exercise over years, vegetarian diet 90% of time, good genes, and a strong faith! my neck hasn't gotten the memo yet tho!

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Thank you for the compliment. I appreciate it very much. I have been
fortunate concerning my looks. I have to say its always a work in
progress. I will give you some of my tips. There is a website that I use
to buy the stuff I use on my face and body. Its a lab called
they have everything that you need for you problem areas. I have been with
them from my early sixties. As you can see by my pictures that the
products work. As far as your neck you need to use Restore 11 it lifts and
tones. I also use a lot of Vita. A and C which they usually have on
sale. You can go to and get 400,000 units of Vita A cream
which is excellent for your skin I use it all over. I also use Argan Oil,
and skin lightening soap to stay ahead of age spots. I would try a light
peel on you neck ex: Glycolic peel at its lowest percentage to start. If
you use the peel you will see a difference in a few days. You can still
use the Vita a and c after your first peel. You should wait 2 weeks
between peels. Cellbone will explain everything when you look at the
website. There is one thing that I tell all my friends, its exfoliate,
exfoliate, exfoliate.!!! You have to get rid of the layers of dead skin.
My weight I keep down by exercising 3/4 times a week. There is a wealth of
information. So the websites I use are: 1. 2.
3. 4. Now a lot of what you see on
those websites could be found on cheaper. I hope I have helped
you out. If you have any other things you would like to know this is my
email. Let me know how things work. If you mention my
name you get money off on most of websites. Good luck
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Don't worry you neck will catch up [?]
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I agree with those principals. I too have kept exercising from the age of 30 and have specialised in long distance running up until I had to work full time again. I also was vegetarian until pregnant at 39 with my daughter. I still limit red meat intake and try to adhere to a natural unprocessed diet whenever possible.

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Great to be here. I got my fitbit HR about a month ago. Love it. I'm celbrating my 61st birthday by power walking in a marathon. I've been training for a few months. The Eugene marathon is in 10 days. Who else in the over 60 group has participated in a marathon?


My first one. Looking forward to it.

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So great to find you all. I just got my fitbit about 2 weeks ago and find it to be very motivating for me. Staying fit in your 60's is daily eneavor. I find if I don't do something for a few days, I surely don't feel as good. I go to the gym for aerobics class and zumba and try to make it to water aerobics once a week. I am 69 and hope to keep exercising to always feel good. I have a friend that I've started walking with to get her exercising and bought her a fitbit. It's great if you can find a friend  towalk with. The time goes so much faster when we walk and talk. Love to keep hearing from you all.

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Hi Kitty,

Happy Birthday. I love dance classes, walking, zumba and racking up steps. I call my sister and talk on the phone and try to get her walking 3000 miles away. 

Nice to have company on the healthy journey.

Barbara G 

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Hi All. I'm not quite 60, but I am convinced that the key to weight loss is resistance training. I cannot recommend the Strong Women (Stay Slim) books by Miriam Nelson enough - amazing outcomes. A good dose of common sense, instead of fads. Utterly sustainable too. Best of luck ladies. M

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Thanks for the book recommendation.

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Hi,  I found you all and I'm new.  I have been through a tough year and now I need to get back with it!  I ran 2 half marathons in 08, but hey, that was then and this is now!  I'm glad you are here and I plan to visit frequently.  Thanks for the support and encouragement already.  I'm 62 and plan to retire pretty soon and I want to be in shape to enjoy it! 

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You're definitely in the right place. I'm with everyone who wants to get in great shape to enjoy our awesome sixties and beyond.

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Great discussion; glad I found it and am looking forward to reading all the posts.  I'm 71, fat most of my life and never did much in the way of exercise.  What a changed life I now have, thanks to better diet and consistent exercise.  I retired a few years ago and had some time on my hands.  In the midst of losing 50 lbs about three years ago, I felt I was ready for stepping up my exercise (had been doing Curves for several years but not seeing results), so I joined the Y.  I began with twice a week Silver Sneakers classes, kept losing weight and following a healthy food plan.  Found My Fitness Pal and a Fitbit.  Now I'm at the lowest weight (125lbs) I've been since probably 5th grade.  I'm still maintaining my weight, eating mostly plant-based foods, no bread, little processed food, and no desserts. I go to the Y Monday thru Friday, take a mix of aerobic, step, strength training, and whatever else is of interest to me.  I still go to several of the Silver Sneakers classes but have branched out considerably.  Husband retired a year ago and also goes to some classes with me.  We walk on the weekends throughout the year; if the weather is crappy, we walk at the mall before it opens.  We felt we were fit enough to try kayaking, so started that last summer and have two trips planned so far this summer.  I'm loving it!  If I can do this, any reasonably healthy old gal can do it!  Sure, I still have the occasional urges to overeat, but I know that I feel so much better when I eat properly. 

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Another inspiration for me has been a new Fitbit Charge HR.  I'd had the One for over two years and found it a terrific motivator.  For awhile, I've been interested in a device that measured heart-rate, so did finally get a Charge HR.  I've only had it a few weeks but am enjoying its features:  heart rate info, buzzing when gets to 10k steps, double-tap feature, and ability to set alarms.  One downside is battery life:  found it necessary to charge it after 2-3 days.  I've taken to not wearing it during the night and letting the HR light go out to preserve battery life. I'm a good sleeper, so not too interested in the overnight data.  Anyway, I'd recommend it to anyone interested in upgrading their device.

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Just started with Fitbit and was happy to see this community! Not retired yet, but working hard to improve my fitness!

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Hi, I am active will be 76 next week.  I work full time on a school bus 44 years in trasnportstion and still love it) go to curves, zumba and aqua zumba.  I had surgery for an aneurysum on the aorta in March back to work within 4 weeks.  I have not been able to get back to where I was prior to surgery.  I wear a fitbit one and love it.  Dr. said it will take time after major surgery.  I had a knee replacement 3 years ago and seemed to bounce back faster. Any suggestions?  or maybe I am just being impatient.  appreciate any advice.  Jackie Cihlar

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big difference between knee replacement and aorta aneurysm. be patient sweetie. your efforts to stay strong in the past have set you up for recovery. just keep up the good work. you wont regret it.

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Be patience take it slow and easy you will get there!!
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You are doing great. Patience is the right answer. Just keep it up
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Thank you for your encouragement, I will never give up.  Have lost 50 lbs. on WW,going to curves and without a doubt my fitbit.  Thanks you made my day.  Going to Zumba and work it out move, move, move best medicine.

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