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How do women over 60 get in shape?

Hi all!  I am starting this thread to help all the ladies from our old forum get started up again over here in the new place.  Hope you all find this thread.  Getting in shape after 60 has its own challenges especially when you have lost muscle, have slowed metabolism and hormone changes.  How are you getting and staying fit?  What s working for you?  

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You are a genius.

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The best thing I ever did for my health was to substitute plant-based foods for all the meat, dairy, and eggs I used to eat. I have more energy, better digestion, I sleep better, my mood is happier, and my thinking and memory are sharper. You'll find it isn't that tough to get started. Just google 'plant-based diet' or 'vegan' or check out Best of luck!

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Sounds great, especially the energy part.
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Kathy -- what an inspiration you are!  It is now February and would love to hear how you are doing.  I use LoseIt along with my Fitbit Flex and love them both.  Hope things are still going well with you.  If you are looking for a "friend" here, I am available.  Angela

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I have had my Fitbit for over a year and I mainly got it to help me gain a better understanding of how many steps and/or stairs that I walked and/or climbed each day, plus I absolutely loved the online community and the competition involved with others my age (just turned 65).

The best part of my day is in the morning and I love to listen to the "oldies", so I put on my headset and take a nice long walk each morning while I listen to my music. I have had 2 kidney transplants and 3 surgeries on my left hip, so I am happy each day I get up that I am able to get out and enjoy the fresh air while I get some great exercise.

I have managed to lose a little over 20 pounds, but it has been slow and gradual. I would love to add you as a "friend" and do what I can to keep you motivated to keep moving!

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Please keep these coming! They're so helpful! Would love actual amounts used in that green smoothie!

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I love this thread too. I have been walking over a year now, just three months with Fitbit though. In January I decided to add 100 flights of stairs to daily walk (was doing 20 easily). I amazed myself at how I was able to accomplish. My butt is the best it has ever been. Step count has gone up enormously as well. Keep moving friends
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you know it Ali!!
Please Join Us in Facebook Rebounding Rocks !
Facebook Walking Rocks !
Facebook Running Rocks !
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I just found the new site. I had wondered what was going on. Anyway I am DottieF here.

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I am just as confused as you are Carol. I was trying to reply to some of the user messages I was getting and found it took me to the forum, but I was still unable to reply to anything. Then I read Allison's instructions and did the same as you, so here I am. I wanted to comment to Peggy P about not doing the large amount of steps that everyone else is doing. I do the best I can, but the weather has not been very good for getting out and stepping. Today we have about 2 or more inches of frozen ice and then another 2 or more of snow on top of that. Anyway, for now I do what I can. I have not felt so good for the past three weeks, but do feel almost like my self today. I was outside trying to get the snow off my deck so I could get to the bird feeders which were all frozen anyway. Since I am not exercising much, I do not eat so much either. I sure am looking forward to spring.

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Hi Guys,

I've had my fitbit since Xmas, present from my daughter!!! I am not very good at this but I am trying and With your help I hope to at least start the process of losing some of these unwanted kgs.

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HI All

 I have been away from firbit for ages. First I was really busy tutoring so did less xercise. Then it got really cold and very wet  I think I was born to hibernate in the winter!. Then my daughter in law had triplets, 345 weeks gestation and small. A few weeks in hospital then home. I am on granny duty 2 nights a week which means a 90 minutes drive there, very little sleep as I do the  feeds at midnight and 8.00 am and each feed plus change etc takes about 2 hours. Then one will wake an hour before the next feed so cuddle time so he does not wake the others or parents. Then I drive home and teach all day.  I need to retire from being retired, ity is too exhausting

Anyway I have just won a ballot place in the Great North Run  a 13 mile race; it a big event in ther UK( I did enter in a moment of madness and as it is very heavily oversubscribed ...never thought , or hoped ,I would get a place). I am going to run for a multiple birth charity. I have gone on the principle if I tell enough people I will have to do it and cannot chicken out.

So I have to start getting fit . Many thanks to all who cheered me when I started wearing my fitbit again. I am back to the community

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Hi @DottieF. Welcome to fitbit world 🙂 
Since its winter at your side.. you can do some physical exercise like plank, side plank, crunch to burn some calories and lunges exercise can also consider as steps. By this way, you can keep your body metabolism rate better at the same time burn off some calories and strengthen your core muscles 🙂 

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I'm really new to forums. Can you tell me how this works? I know I can post this but how do I get back here?
Kathy S of NC
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Bonjour Willie,

J'ai trouvé ton témoignage très intéressant. Pourquoi tu ne fais pas marche rapide dehors ?
J'ai 62 ans et j'essaie de perdre quelques kilos mais c'est très difficile. Il faut vraiment réduire au maximum les bonnes choses. Le fitbitzip m'aide mais c'est beaucoup d'efforts sur les calories absorbées qu'il faut réduire... Courage à toi.Smiley Happy

Mireille d'Annecy

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Hello all! I found his group by accident and was very interested in the different approaches to fitness over 60. I just turned 67, and have always hated the usual cardio options. Walking, too boring. Bicycling, too complicated if you live in a city. Running, not allowed with an artificial knee. I hated sweating. Always a good excuse. Then I discovered Zumba. I started in a Zumba Gold (low impact) class through community ed because a friend said it was fun. I took one class a week and it was so much fun that I didn't mind sweating. Then I wanted to take more than one class a week - and find an option for when the CE session was over. My Medicare Advantage plan has silver sneakers, so I joined the local YWCA. I am up to four classes a week, and have no trouble adapting regular Zumba for my knee. My FitBit Force tracks my active minutes and I am well over my goal of 30 minutes per day. Between the FitBit app where I track my food as well as my exercise levels, I am more active than I have ever been. Maybe the most important is that I found something I cannot wait to do. After years of trying to like exercise, I finally found the magic. And I encourage everyone to keep looking until you find what works for you and then build on it. I have now added weight training and a couple of yoga classes each week. But I think it all starts with finding something fun. Zumba's motto is "ditch the workout and join the party."
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Thanks for your mail. I was very surprise because I made also zumba 2/week and I?m enjoyed about that. We make sport and it?s very funny
Good day for you.
Mireille d'Annecy
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I have seen Zumba videos on YouTube from all over the world and everyone seems to be having fun. I am so glad to hear from another over 60 Zumba fan!

Sent from my iPad
Judith Favia
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I Zumba every Friday - great fun! Zumba burns more calories than any of the other classes I do. And more steps than the step class. Just wish it was twice a week!

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Tu peux t?l?charger l?application Apple Zumba ; elle n?est pas ch?re et te permets de faire de la zumba chez toi :))
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