09-19-2023 08:38
09-19-2023 08:38
We’re thrilled to share that the redesigned Fitbit app starts rolling out today! Check out our latest blog for how to get the most out of the new app.
Note: Please be patient if you don't see it right away, as it will take some time to roll out to everyone.
The redesigned Fitbit app is here to help you reach your goals, which features are you most excited to try out? Let us know in the comments below!
09-29-2023 20:02
09-29-2023 20:33
09-29-2023 20:33
Me too!! I HATE IT! 🤬 I selected “manage weight” as my focus area, but I prefer to see my stats on how active I’ve been (activity zone minutes), not a depressing reminder of how far I am from my goal weight every time I log in. Who designed this awful update???
I’ve been trying to find articles on how to change which stats I see on my Home Screen, but I can’t find ANYTHING on how to change it.
I’d rather change my whole “focus area” to something different, because this is de-motivating & unhelpful.
09-29-2023 20:45
09-29-2023 20:45
Was there a choice to NOT install?? I couldn’t even open my app or access any of my data without allowing the new version to install.
‘And I even used the “technical assistance chat” because my data wasn’t syncing properly after I had a really great, active day that I wanted my trainer to see. I asked the technical support person— will I lose my data from today, if I follow your instructions? She said, absolutely not. Well it’s all gone! 😭 And I can’t seem to manually re-enter it, either, so it looks like I didn’t do ANYTHING yesterday. Not 1 step, not the 90 mins of exercise I did, nor the success of hitting my step goal. It’s all zeros!
Does anyone know how to go back & manually enter the steps & other data that were lost?
09-29-2023 22:42
09-29-2023 22:42
Not steps, but you could at least log it as a walking exercise? Press the “+” icon and choose to log the activity manually. Hope that helps.
09-30-2023 07:47
09-30-2023 07:47
You said most guided programs would be under coach and that was a load of crap. It is pretty much the main reason I paid for premium and you can bet that when my sub ends, so will my time with Fitbit. I'll be moving to a Garmin. Way to screw the pooch, Google.
09-30-2023 08:26
09-30-2023 08:26
Each time I consider recording my stress level, I find I’m very annoyed with their changes. Meaning that, as you pointed out, users’ stress levels are higher. Ironically, caused by the very folks who claim they can help reduce them.
09-30-2023 08:55
09-30-2023 08:55
Find the Plus 'sub menu' annoying - it just adds more taps to the process of adding food or water to the log.
09-30-2023 09:19
09-30-2023 09:19
09-30-2023 09:36
09-30-2023 09:36
09-30-2023 13:49
09-30-2023 13:49
The new app is such a serious downgrade that I purchased a new Garmin after nearly a decade of Fitbit. After nearly 48 hrs comparing the two side by side I can say not only is the Garmin far far more accurate, their app is also far more customisable. Thank you Fitbit for pushing me to Garmin and getting me excited about my fitness again.
09-30-2023 14:19
09-30-2023 14:19
I called support for that exact issue and was told that feature no longer exists.
09-30-2023 14:31
09-30-2023 14:31
09-30-2023 14:32
09-30-2023 14:32
09-30-2023 18:27
09-30-2023 18:27
Well, even worse is the fact that syncing is now more sluggish.
And what good is a range of heart bpms? That never used to be shown. It was always one number. Now you can’t count on a number due to the fussiness of this backward-thinking change.
We don’t need to see numbers ramping up while we watch, either (for steps, etc.) Just provide the number it’s supposed to be. We’re not babies that want to be dazzled by a pretense of excitement.
09-30-2023 22:22
09-30-2023 22:22
The new downgrade is terrible.
I was at a 966 day step streak and you completely removed that feature. That was the #1 reason I used it. Also the battery % is gone. Now just an icon. Also terrible. If you’re not going to bring back the Step Streak feature, is there a way to revert back to the better version before your downgrade? Or can someone recommend another tracker brand that has the step streak?
09-30-2023 23:01
09-30-2023 23:01
I want to have a packed summary screen so I can quickly see what i want without scrolling. I hate the new interface. I want dense data and graphs, otherwise I might just as well look at my fitbit.
Please give an option of a data rich interface
10-01-2023 04:01
10-01-2023 04:01
I hate the updated app
I will give you 7 days to give me back something like it was, which worked perfectly for me. If no improvement of usability I will cancel my subscription. The main reason I subscribed was to access the Wellness Report each month. Without that there is no point.
10-01-2023 07:40
10-01-2023 07:40
Can you share which Garmin you like? I find this new interface such an amateurish, giant step backward, I am shopping for an alternative pronto.
10-01-2023 10:00
10-01-2023 10:00
10-01-2023 12:38
10-01-2023 12:38
It's absolute crap to look at. I mistakingly thought update meant improvment. Not in this case. I was really enjoying fitbit to track my activity, can't stand the new monochrome look. It looks dead. That is all