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Who has a pet and how many?

Hello my friends! Robot tongue Today I just wake up thinking how much I love my dog, therefore, I wanted to introduce y'll my little best friend. I'll be glad to meet yours too!


- His name is Toffy and he is 4

- He doesn't like people lol.

- He's a Salt and Peper Schnauzer

- He likes sleeping almost all day long

- He is super spoiled 

- He used to eat human food (huge mistake)

- He has many dog friends since my mom is taking care of 10-15 street dogs, so Toffy is having fun everyday. 

- He doesn't have a girlfriend Woman Sad

- He doesn't like photos neither selfies haha

- He is afraid of bugs (he hides under the table)

- He is my sunshine mixed with a little hurricane


And.... sometimes when I'm down I say to him... when I needed a hand I found your paw. Heart


He is a pictures of us.





Maria | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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I currently have two cats.  My schedule and current life just wouldn't be fair to a dog.  The cats are okay with each other for company, and they don't mind being left to their own devices most days.  They rarely sleep together and generally go out of their way to pose for pictures.  However I did manage to snap a couple last week when they were both sleeping on a bed I'd moved to a new room.  Typical of cats though, I've seen neither on this bed since I took the pictures.



Shadow is my boy, the shy one that most people never even see.  He's just over 10 years old now and he still doesn't like to be held.  He will however, come and snuggle up to me when I'm on the couch, and if he's in the mood will climb up on top of me to sleep for a little while.


As much as he likes to hide when he hears someone at the door, he's super curious.  If the doorbell rings when he's downstairs he will run up the stairs to see who it is.  This fascinates me as there isn't anyone who comes into the house that he doesn't hide from, so I'm not sure why it matters.  If he's outside and hears someone in the house he has to run inside so that he can hide.


However, I know that I'm special because he comes to me most nights to get his tummy rubbed and at the point where we only had one cat he was quite happy to leave me half of a mouse in one of my running shoes.  His preference is to bring live mice into the house to play with.  However, if you interrupt him he'll feign disinterest and let you chase the mouse for him.  Woman Wink



Out of three shots I couldn't get one of Misty without the flash back that cat's eyes usually give.  She's around 6 years old (was a rescue, so it's a guess) and was brought home to be company for Shadow about a year after his brother died.


She can be quite affectionate most of the time, even demanding when you aren't paying enough attention to her.  Lately she's been sleeping on my bed (think she misses my mother) most nights.  As much as she loves Shadow I was surprised last summer to find out that she hates the cat that comes by in the evenings.  If he/she stops at the back window she'll hop up on the ledge and start to howl at him.  Eventually Shadow takes offense and they hiss at each other for days.  For a while the best solution was to close the drapes at night, but I had to block them off with books as she could figure out how to get under them.


She's learned from Shadow and she enjoys bringing live animals inside.  She started with grasshoppers but quickly moved to mice.  Unlike Shadow though, she seems to want to play more than kill.  This last summer she brought in a mouse which Shadow ended up killing for her in the middle of the night.  Now neither is allowed out with an open screen door.


On the plus side, I don't think I have much vermin in my yard, and I know they won't last long if they find their way inside.

Anne | Rural Ontario, Canada

Ionic (gifted), Alta HR (gifted), Charge 2, Flex 2, Charge HR, One, Blaze (retired),,

Down 150 pounds from my top weight (and still going), sharing my experiences here to try and help others.

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Great Pics to you both!


I just have Fish. I always wanted a Dog but being gone all day it didnt seem right. Would still like to get one now that im retired. But DH doesnt really want one. Smiley Sad




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Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android

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                                    I have 2 gentle giant St Bernards Cujo and Abby and 2 Prairie Dogs Rosie and Bella as of right now. I rescue both. I love my fur babies and they are a huge part of my life. I work 65 hours a week so don't get as much with them as I'd like.

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I'm mom to one cat, an eight-year-old British shorthair named Penelope. She's very sweet and very mischievous. When I get home from work, she starts furiously scratching one of her scratchboxes, probably to suggest that she's been good while I've been away.


I'll try to get a smaller picture for sharing later.

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This is Lisa. I got her from animal shelter last year, after my previous cat (Chartreux cat) died because of cancer and renal insufficiency (my first cat had renal insufficiency too). She stays inside my flat. I hope it isn't too boring when I'm away for several hours. Coming home she already sits behind the door and meows. Sometimes she looks out of the window waiting for my arrival. When she sees or even hears my car she runs to the door.Lisa_Fitbit.jpg

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@The_Lion What a beautiful girl. Like you, I adopted my Penelope (shelter name Peppercorn) shortly after my dear Miss Kitty died at 18. She's a very sweet and mischievous kittyPenelope on the bed.jpg

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Interesting stories about your cats @A_LurkerCat EmbarassedCat EmbarassedHeart Is nice to meet people like you who take care of animals. This part was very funny... "She's learned from Shadow and she enjoys bringing live animals inside.  She started with grasshoppers but quickly moved to mice.  Unlike Shadow though, she seems to want to play more than kill.  This last summer she brought in a mouse which Shadow ended up killing for her in the middle of the night.  Now neither is allowed out with an open screen door.


Thanks for sharing this with my darling!

Maria | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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I used to have a fish when I was a little kid, I also had a turtle. Heart What's their names @WendyB? Are they gold fish?

Maria | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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I feel you @PinkPistol, but when I have the chance to spend time with my little boy, I definitely enjoy it! Man Embarassed


I loveeeeeeeee St. Bernards, please share some pictures of your fours babies wanna meet them. 

Maria | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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awww that baby girl. Heart How old is Penelope? She seems to be sweet, isn't she? Thanks for posting this beauty @DanielleinDC

Maria | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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Say hi to Lisa please @The_LionCat Very Happy You have such a big heart with so much love huh?


I'm so sorry for our friend Chartreux, at least he is not suffering anymore. What was the name of your first cat? Do you like dogs too?

Maria | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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@MarreFitbit Penelope is 8. I adopted her when she was 2. (If you adopt, don't discount adult cats and dogs.) When I brought her home for the first time and let her out of her carrier, she didn't run and hide like most cats, oh, no. She walked around sniffing the air and exploring.

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My heart is melting @DanielleinDCHeart

Maria | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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The name of my first cat was Gremmy. She looked like Lisa (in German "Schildpatt"). We got her from animal shelter, too. 8 years old. At the age of 17 I had to let her go. A few weeks later Emma, the Chartreux cat (6 years old) came to me from a woman who couldn't keep her, because her other cat and Emma had problems with each other. Last year Emma died before a surgery, 16 years old. It was one more surgery because of the cancer that always came back. The vet gave me the phone number of a woman who had kittens. They were really sweet. But suddenly she decided to give the kitten to another family. So I went to animal shelter where I found Lisa, 2 years old. It was love at first sight. Sadly Lisa got sick at the end of last year. A lot of times she didn't keep the food in her stomach so she lost a lot of weight. The vet didnt't know if Lisa would survive because she already was very thin. She had an x-ray and even gastrointestinal disorders in a hospital for animals. They couldn't find a problem. Our vet looked at the x-ray again and said that it could be a mucous membrane inflammation. So Lisa had to eat cortison pills for a long time and eat special food. Now she has a normal weight again and vomits rarely. We hope that it is fine now.

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She is a fighter! Cat TongueHeart Hopefully she keeps doing fine as she's doing so far. 


Hugs to her!

Maria | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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@MarreFitbitYes they are Gold Fish. The Big ones name is Goldeen, little ones  Ricky and Lucy.


Not very creative with names. As I get attached

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Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android

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@A_LurkerLove your cats!
@The_LionLisa is a beautiful cat!
@PinkPistol: Love the pictures!

@DanielleinDCPenelope is adorable

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Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android

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My Gosh @PinkPistolHeart Love your pets, thanks for sharing them with us. 

Maria | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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