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Workout songs, what gets you pumped?

i recently joined fitbit! and i love music and listening to it while being active. i have a super small playlist of songs that get me motivated and ready to go! Does anyone have some good workout or motivation songs to suggest for me?

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Great suggestion @James_R! I have never heard this music before and I really liked it. I would like to add to the list the music of DJ Tiësto. Smiley LOL

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I'm into alternative music and listen to electro-industrial when I am cardio training. it's like dance music but with a harder edge. I will make myself mixes every few weeks and refresh the playlists to keep it 'fresh'.

I find gym music too generic and I need to put myself 'in the zone' when training. I literally plug myself in, zone out, and stomp away!! 🙂

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I love latin music, but the problem with me is that I'd rather dance than walk when I listen to it.  LOL.

I like music that can get me moving... it doesn't have to be a hip-hop song.. but something on the fast side that you can keep up with is always good.  I tend to lean towards Taylor Swift and Garth Brooks, but Madonna always has some good music with a fast beat....

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Oddly the new Megan Traynor album - Title.

My partner was listening to it on Spotify and it came up on my playlist.  Not my usual music choice, but its upbeat which seems to suit my work outs.

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I listen to a lot of Bee Gees, Like Stayin` Alive, Jive Talkin` and even some of the newer stuff like Paying The Price Of Love, great beat!

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Sousapalooza radio on Pandora. Nothing like good march music to get one moving.
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I second that for Spotify! They have their own playlists by genre, "workout", etc. Try it for 3 months for only $0.99 then it's only $10 a month. Any song you can think of and you can create your own playlist from their endless music library.

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Didn't like it that much when it came out, but the John Travolta strut in Staying Alive should be the Fitbit theme song. Smiley Very Happy





Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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Spotify has some good workout playlists. Go to the Browse on the top left corner and click Genres & Moods and look for Workout. Then it will let you see all the workout playlists they have there.


You can also make your own playlist. I usually pick songs that are upbeat and have a fast tempo. Like dubstep, hip hop, rock, dance, pop and EDM.


You can also google search for workout playlist. I know Shape, Fitness magazine and Popsugar has some great playlist suggestions.

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Great selection @dwallace1859! is my type of music as well and it would certainly be a good theme song @BaltoscottSmiley LOL

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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@JMichaelSmiley I found several cool songs on there. Thanks for sharing!

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I love trance EDM music when I run too 😉
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I listen to a channel on Digitally Imported called Club Dubstep. Good stuff, high energy yet very melodic. Especially useful when running.


If forwhatever reason, I can't get to on my phone, I'l play something like 'We are Virtual' by Xilent or 'Get Wet' by Krewella.


I find that stuff that's high energy, melodic, and  mixed together  tends to make the time pass faster, especially with running, becuase you can't quite guage how long you've been running based on what track you're on. DI.FM is also really good because I can't control the playlist, so there's no order of songs to get used to.


I used to listen to rock/metal, but i'd eventually get a feeling for how long a particular track lasted, so i'd know how long I was running based on what song i was on.

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I listen to whatever eBook I happen to be listening to at the time during my long runs.  It really helps because when you're out there for long periods of time, your playlist starts to get stale.  I do enjoy listening to music from time to time, however, and I mostly enjoy listening to Metallica during my workouts.

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Joromir Jagr quote I absolutly love :


He considers music to be cheating: “When you’re tired, of course the music is going to help you not think about the pain and the workout, so it’s kind of helping you. But on the other side, when I have a game and I’m tired, there’s no music. With the music, it’s kind of cheating with the pain. I know during the game I’m not going to have the music to cheat, so I try to work out without the music.”


While I am not an athlete or have a big game to win I know the music helps me, it distracts me from the pain of the hardwork. Management of pain is a key role in training ones mind. Finding internal answers I feel at least, is key to understanding yourself better. The music for me prevents me from finding those answers. Time moves so slow when you are running on the treadmill with only your thoughts. You look down at the timer "30seconds pass by as if it were 3 minutes". "Remember, do or do not, there is no try". "Do or do not, there is no try". When I feel like I am watching the timer too much I tell myself "Concentrate on your breathing. Deep inhale through the nose, exhale out your mouth". I use this simple meditation technique to push myself through the workout. 



Best Answer

@Stinkyfish97 wrote:

Joromir Jagr quote I absolutly love :


He considers music to be cheating: “When you’re tired, of course the music is going to help you not think about the pain and the workout, so it’s kind of helping you. But on the other side, when I have a game and I’m tired, there’s no music. With the music, it’s kind of cheating with the pain. I know during the game I’m not going to have the music to cheat, so I try to work out without the music.”



That's an awesome quote and an awesome perspective, I never thought of it that way.


Really good point on the breathing thing - I've focused on my breathing on the last few runs and I've seen significant gains in distance. if my breathing gets out of rhythm and i'm just gasping for air, the run is effectively over; if instead i manage my breathing as i start really needing o2, i can go for way longer then i thought i could.... my muscles become the point of failure instead of my o2intake.


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I like Inceptions of the End by Trivium ( it's got some serious beats and gets me revved up for my next workout session. Seriously high on tempo and energy, check it out.

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