05-15-2014 09:32
05-15-2014 09:32
I work nite shift and am looking for ways to be motivated and eat better w/o being tired all the time. In addition to trying to get more steps in. I am always tired.
08-09-2014 17:58
08-09-2014 17:58
Night shifts can be especially challenging because they mess with the body's natural endocrine system responses (think stress hormones, for one). Also they can be challenging because shift workers don't often get adequate, restful sleep during the day. So I would tackle the sleep issue first. This isn't a luxury, it is a necessity for maintaining health. Sleep in a quiet, cool room with darkening shades so that the room is actually dark. Get at least 7 hours of sleep. Investigate melatonin as a supplement to help with sleep (with your primary care provider's blessing, of course). After tackling sleep, next is hydration. Being tired all the time is a symptom that people who are dehydrated often experience. And if you are tired and working nights, you might be consuming a lot of caffeinated beverages .. which are diuretic and will worsen dehydration. Then look at what you are eating: are you getting adequate protein? green, red, yellow vegetables? whole grains (unless you are allergic, have celiac disease, or are on a "paleo" eating program)? Are you eating sufficient calories? Are you eating on a schedule that allows you to be fuelled throughout your work shift? Making necessary changes will lead to feeling better overall ... good motivation right there 🙂
08-14-2014 12:08
08-14-2014 12:08
I worked a rotating shift for 25 years. 1 month of days, 1 month of evenings, and one month of midnights. Believe me I know what you mean about being tired all the time. I agree with maxit's comments about where to sleep and the need for hydration. One thing that worked for me and I don't know if it's good science but I would sleep in split shifts. I might get 4 hours of sleep when I got home from work in the morning. I would get up and spend some family time and also work out. After that I would go to sleep for another 3 or 4 hours. Good luck, shift work sucks but somebody has to do it. George