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Fitbit Iconic - Day 1 - Fitbit took back 4000 steps after hitting 10K

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It is the very first day of using my Fitbit Iconic, and I encountered a very frustrating problem. 

After hitting 10K steps (I received an email notification and a separate notification on Fitbit as well), suddenly my step count went down by 4000 for no reason. 


Any suggestions? Should I return it? 




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Can't say I've ever seen this before, it was my understanding that steps could not be removed.  Perhaps with the number of people having steps added when they first get the Ionic and charge it next to a fan etc and end up with thousands of bonus steps Fitbit decided to take action and remove steps from brand new accounts devices just in case. (I'm only guessing here)


Have you contacted fitbit support to find out what and why this occurred, I'd be interested in hearing what their take on the matter is, if you wouldn't mind keeping us posted with developments.

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Yes, I did. They made me restart the watch, and it didn't solve the problem. Then they created a ticket saying that they will investigate it further.


I will keep you posted, thanks very much for your interest!

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yes return it if at all possible. my worked correctly for 2 months and now has problems, so im stuck. get your money back quick

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dont waste your time with fitbit support

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restarting the fitbit  and we have created a ticket and escalated it to the engineering dept, however we dont know when the problem will be resolved is the answer always given

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Yes return it. This watch has many many problems. Just look at these forums 

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in addition to my fitbit bit not syncing correctly to challenges and getting no resolution from fitbit . Today my tracker had 1027 steps on it and when i synced  it went to 120 steps. i called fitbit once again for the new problem and guess what... they are working on it but no resolution

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Well there was an update for the app today perhaps that may fix your gripe

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It's updated, I wish it was an update issue. Even the support did not give an explanation on why it happened. Also, I am having battery problems now. Awesome(!) experience overall!!!

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I am very sorry to hear that. For how long have you been using yours?

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For how long have you been using your iconic?

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yes my app is updated , and my gripe is a 300.00 tracker thants not working properly and no support from the company

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i bought the ionic in octorber and it worked great nov and december, ive been having issues ever since 


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I had a similar experience on day 1 or day 2 with mine. I set it up on the evening of 12/26.  It turned out it hadn’t fully synced to my phone, even though it looked like it had synced. There was also an issue with syncing as I was still also wearing/syncing my One with the app. (This wasn’t supposed to cause an issue, and I wanted to wear both to compare, but it did cause an issue.)


I had some trouble with the first few days. It may have been that so many people were setting up new devices that their servers were on overload? I don’t know, but after about a week it was fine and I’ve not lost steps since the first day and since removing my One from my account.


Mine is less accurate for steps than my One was, but that has improved somewhat with time. I just try to keep an eye on the syncing and make sure I check it every once in a while to ensure it’s syncing to my phone.

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Thank you very much, New_Jen, for your response! It's very good to know. How about the charge? How often do you have to charge your iconic? 

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i removed my fitbit one from my account because i was also comparing with my ionic. i removed the fitbit one but it did nothing to solve my syncing issue or my incorrect step counts 

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I am charging about every 5th day. Sometimes I charge it a day early, for instance, if it's at 20% and the next day I'm taking a gym class at the end of the day, I will charge it that night. (I haven't worn it down to the very end yet so I'm not sure how long it would last but if I'm going to miss something, I'd rather it be sleep tracking than a workout.)


I have also found if I partially charge it, while I'm getting ready for work or in the shower or whatever, that will give me an extra day or at least a few hours until I can fully charge it.


I read recently that it charges in 2 hours, but I didn't realize it was that fast previously & I was charging it overnight.

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Again, very helpful thank you New_Jen! May be this was the problem: Mine got fully charged somehow in less than an hour last night. Something is going on with my watch. Sad. <sigh> 😞 

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Nite nurse, I still wear both frequently and the One is as accurate as ever. I no longer sync the One, though. The Ionic will be off by a few hundred steps; in the beginning it was off by as much as 1500 or more some days. Now it's more in line with my One, which I loved.


Most of the issues occur with the steps I take doing random chores at night; when I'm taking 7 steps here, 10 there. Ionic missed a lot of those. It has improved but not fully. That's my biggest issue w/ it at the moment as everything else I've tried works pretty well. I would love it if I ever got help with the step issue. Some people post about a calibration message that solved their problems with shortchanged steps, but I've never received a calibration message.

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