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Ionic Setup Checklist

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Everyone -- I really appreciate your candid feedback on your setup experience. 


After reviewing this discussion, I want to provide tips to help you setup your shiny, new Ionic successfully. Please understand that during this process there are certain steps that can take longer, especially the Firmware update, so patience is key. This is the largest firmware we've ever released and contains more data than any of our past Firmware update releases.


During setup, I recommend connecting to a strong personal or work Wi-Fi network that requires a password (public networks like coffee shops or bookstores should be avoided). If you're not connected to strong Wi-Fi connection or using Bluetooth, the process can take as long as 2 hours or more. So please make sure your Wi-Fi connection is strong. 


With that being said, let's get you setup!


Setup checklist

  1. Start by making sure your device meets the requirements
  2. Un-pair all Fitbit trackers in Bluetooth settings (if any are listed under devices in BT settings)   
  3. Remove all Fitbit trackers from your Fitbit account (If any other Fitbit trackers are setup to your account already)
  4. Turn Bluetooth off/on
  5. Perform a factory reset on Ionic (tap on Settings/ tap on About/ tap on Factory Reset)
  6. Restart your device (phone or computer)
  7. Plug-in Ionic to charge somewhere close to your internet router
  8. Go through the setup process (instructions start on page 9 of the manual) 


What if setup still doesn't work? 

Try giving it another shot. Follow the instructions above and if you get stuck, please tell me where in the process Ionic stalled.


I want to acknowledge everyone's contribution to this discussion and express appreciation for bearing with us through some of the hiccups. We're always striving to improve our product and observe user sentiment and feedback to make improvements where necessary. Rest assured that future firmware and app updates will be released incrementally to address issues experienced by users.   


Lastly, I welcome you to continue sharing your experiences here and provide as much insight as you can. My hope for all of you is a successful setup so you can start reaching your health and fitness goals with help from Ionic!  

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345 REPLIES 345

This is my fourth FitBit. Sometimes the setup has taken a while but I’ve never encountered a challenge like I’m having with this Ionic. I keep getting stuck in the setup tracker phase. I’ve tried all the suggestions above. Tried using wifi. Tried using bluetooth. Tried using ipad and i phone. Removed and reinstalled fitbit app.Turned bluetooth off and on. Reset wifi. Turned device  off and on (several times).Made sure all my other fitbits were removed from bluetooth and fitbit app.. i’ve been at this for several hours and am starting to feel like I just wasted $300. What next?

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I have got my money back on my Ionic . . . . . 

I tried for nearly three weeks to set-up and synchronise the FitBit Ionic, but with limited success.  I did manage to synchronise a couple of times, but could never replicate the conditions consistently.  It turns out that my OnePlus3T phone is not compatible.  But I couldn't get it to work with a Windows 10 laptop either.
I have tried to find out if the Blaze would work with my phone, but it is actually very difficult to find the compatibility check pages (and it isn't)  I certainly can't find an obvious link on the Fitbit pages.  It is almost as if Fitbit is trying to get your money first and answers questions later.

Not a very good experience at all.

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Hi Gurdiac - what issues did you have with sync and setup? I also have a OnePlus 3T phone and haven't has any issues with sync and setup. 


The first time I did the setup and updated the firmware it did take more than 10 mins (closer to 45 mins probably). But since this there hasn't been any issues. It syncs fine, I get messages on my Ionic when my phone gets a message, tracking seems to be good too.

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Without explanation, the watch updated - about the tenth time I tried it. There does seem to be a high volume of dissatisfaction with setup. Hope you can get yours to work too.

Sent from my iPad
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After 2 week of owning the ionic I still have syncing issues. I think the problem become worse after last Fitbit app update. 
It goes for days without syncing. I just realized that it only syncs when it is connected to the charger.
Any reasons why?

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Hi, Carlos

I tried everything you suggest but during setup I got this message: “The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.fitbit.HTTP error 0.)”. I have rebooted my ionic and my iphone 7 but I am still getting this error message. Do you have any suggestion? I am very frustated because I am not able to use my new Fitbit Ionic. Thanks

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not sure if this helps or not, but I have had a very frustrating time trying to set up mu ionic using my ipad. I couldn't get the ionic to connect to the home wifi at all, and bluetooth connection for the update wouldn't work either. In the end I decided to delete the fitbit app from my ipad and reinstall it, but it wasn't available in the app store - bizarre! So I then decided to try again but using my iphone instead of the ipad, and so far so good! No problems at all connecting to the wifi and getting the ionic set up.

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@Electra2018 Welcome to the Fitbit Community and thanks for going the checklist. You might have to go through the process a few times. If you're still getting that error message, I'd recommend setting up Ionic on a computer to complete the initial setup process. Let me know how it goes.  

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Thanks for the advice Carlos - it was a doddle following your suggested sequencing - 30 min for the whole process. 

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@GrahamdK Great to hear that setting up worked out for you. Cheers! 

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I'm curious should I try removing my aria scale as well? Does that count as a tacker?

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Dear Bokonist

My suggestion is that you do. A lot of people seem to be having a huge amount of trouble connecting their device to the App. I followed CarlosC’s advice and it took tops 30 minutes for the whole process from unpacking to wearing.

It seems that any other Fitbit device creates a problem for the Ionic. Reload all the other devices once your Ionic is up and running.

Here is Carlos’ advice: Bullet 4 is important while 5 not so. At bullet 8 I followed the instructions on the Phone App.

Good Luck and happy Running!

Setup checklist

1. Start by making sure your device meets the requirements
2. Un-pair all Fitbit trackers in Bluetooth settings (if any are listed under devices in BT settings)
3. Remove all Fitbit trackers from your Fitbit account (If any other Fitbit trackers are setup to your account already)
4. Turn Bluetooth off/on
5. Perform a factory reset on Ionic (tap on Settings/ tap on About/ tap on Factory Reset)
6. Restart your device (phone or computer)
7. Plug-in Ionic to charge somewhere close to your internet router
8. Go through the setup process (instructions start on page 9 of the manual)
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@bokonist I’d leave your Aria where it is. They can be even harder to add back. I’ve an Aria on my acco7nt and it didn’t impact installing my Ionic. Yes the Ionic can take a while (network strength plays an important part) but it does get there in the end.

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Purchased an Ionic during lunch and ready to take it back to Best Buy after work.  Can't get it to connect to android app.  Turned off and on my phone more times than can count.  Reset the fitbit by holding down left and bottom right buttons several times.  Sometimes it pairs with phone, sometimes it will not after turning off/on Bluetooth.  Can't get past logo screen on fitbit to see if pairing is turned on in the fitbit.  This is ridiculous.  What the hell needs to be done to get this connected????

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Mine eventually worked however I can't get my Wallet to work now.
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Update: 6 hours later, 2 lengthy support chat sessions.  Countless restarts and factory resets.  If you don't know how to change your router from 5g to 2.4g you "have to contact your internet service provider" - which is ridiculous to setup a wearable!  Finally thought was making progress and connected.  Went through updates on home wi-fi, disconnected from second chat, and the "update failed"!    Another 1.5 hours troubleshooting and trying to connect phone and Ionic.  Conclusion: the Ionic is a piece of crap!  I will be returning it promptly to Best Buy first thing in the morning.  Will not connect to Blue Tooth or wi-fi on my Android Turbo.  Can't connect via windows computer because not windows 8.1 or 10.  If you haven't purchased one yet, DON'T!

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This is my 4th Fitbit and I have always loved my devices, but I am beyond frustrated with attempting to set up this Ionic.  After dealing with it for hours, and calling into customer service twice, the only result may be that I need to return it.  It stalls each time at "step 2 of 3, Downloading 5%" then indicates that the set up failed.


i have attempted to remove the device, factory reset and reinstall so many times I've lost count.  I attempted set up in another device, attempted setting up after updating all of my software in my IOS device, did factory resets and am still not connected.  I have tried to switch to Bluetooth fir set up, and it still fails.


For the the price tag, this device should be easy to set up and I am highly disappointed.  

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I got a new Fitbit ionic today. It is able to connect to my wireless network as well as bluetooth too. However, it fails upgrade through both Wi-Fi and bluetooth. Please help.

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@avknaik Return it!  That is my best advice.  I spent countless hours over 2 days trying to get this thing to work.  It is not worth it all the trouble you have to go through.  For $300, it should be "plug and play".  Ridiculous!!

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I’m totally frustrated, I went through setting up my Ionic twice. Everything seems to run fine, but I can’t sync, to update my step numbers, challenges, etc. I never had any issues with my Alta, but this one seem to not stay connected with my iPhone Bluetooth, it goes in and out. My WiFi is good. I’m about to give up and return the Ionic. 🙄

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