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2015 -- Lose 20 pounds by Mother's Day -- 2015!

Hi!  I just saw a thread from 2014 where a group of mom's and non-mom's set a goal to lose 20 pounds by Mother's Day.  Anyone want to start one for 2015 with me?  I have about 35 pounds to lose total, but 20 by May sounds like a good goal to me. 


I am going to try to get my 10,0000 steps in and I am joining a gym this weekend to add strength training and cardio. 

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Hello I'm new to the Fitbit community, but would very much like to join this challenge. I'm not sure how will someone help me pls. Thanks
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How did everyone do? I had over 7000 steps, but still finding it tough to get another 3000 steps to my daily routine? It's the weekend so I am going to test my weekend routine as I do my errands etc to see if I get a better result. Last night, I had a big bowl of rice and curry instead of salad and the scale only budged 0.4 pounds. Oh well..trying to stay positive. New day, will keep trying.
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Sat morning plan for Day 2? For me..
Drink 2 cups of water before breakfast..then have one egg and one toasted Eng muffin around 9:30 am.
Today I am anxious to see how many steps I do.
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I was part of the 2014 challenge and have not been so well in my weight loss journey  Hopefully this will kick start my process again.  I have a very sedentary job and end up working too many hrs and juse need to move before or after work.  Hopefully I can stay motivated.

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Completely understand..losing weight is tough. Let's not give up. I read that diet is 80 percent of the success ratio, vrs. exercise. Today, let's try again. Water..watching portions etc.
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You got this! I second the 80% diet and 20% activity. You can work out all you want and not lose weight if your diet is poor. Happy counting everyone!


Today is my weigh in I lost 3 lbs. On to next week 🙂

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3 pounds down? Awesome Noir! 

Today I had my 2 cups of water, my breakfast was pretty healthy, just off to squeeze in a walk.

Like I said.. SMALL, daily goals. Let's keep trying..

@Noir wrote:

You got this! I second the 80% diet and 20% activity. You can work out all you want and not lose weight if your diet is poor. Happy counting everyone!


Today is my weigh in I lost 3 lbs. On to next week 🙂


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Hi all, it would be helpful to have some friends for some friendly inspiration. Anyone care for a new friend? If so, please friend me.

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Not sure...I just posted. My first day in the books back at it. Did 1.8 mile walk total steps yesterday 9178 (little shy) started juicing. Its just a small step I hope I stick with it.
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Hi, just new to fitbit and would like yo join the 20lbs by Mothers Day. I have 42 total lbs. to lose.

My goal is to walk and use my pilates machine.

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I love my reformer! Very smart
Sent from my iPhone
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We just try to encourage each other to exercise, eat healthy etc. Some ideas: walk on the spot while watching your show, or, get up 40 mins earlier and go for a walk, or walk at lunch or after dinner. A friend of mine works in an office building and does the stairs all the way and down with a co- worker. I find that seeing the number of steps you take helps to keep you accountable. I am on the treadmill now, typing on the iPad, but I find that watching a show helps you finish at least 30 minutes of cardio without getting bored . We all just try to increase our steps every day.
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Fantastic. I am already motivated to keep going!
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Hey everyone. .just saw a link at It gives a 2 week plan to gradually increase steps. Just finished 45 mins plus weights and situps . I did not hit 10 000 steps. I now realize it may take abit of adjusting to get to this "active" lifestyle # of 10 000 steps. Let's feel positive that we all added exercise to our daily routine. Now.. 7pm and a goal to have water and nothing else before bed.
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I am interested.  I am new to the fitbit community so forgive me if I am not going about this correctly.  I am interested in losing 20 lbs by Mothers day.  I have quite a bit to lose beyond that but I would love a starting place.  How do we go about this thing?


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I think we just all try to increase our steps depending on your personal goals. Everyone has different methods. My goal is to try 8 cups of water, to lose 1.25 pounds lost/ week for 16 wks. Some altered diets ..some increased exercise. I am trying to eventually hit 10000 steps, and to stop eating after 7 pm. For me, I found eating my starches at just 1 meal instead of all 3 helped. Protein and veg for the other 2 meals , 2 fruits and then a 100 calorie snack of my choice. Writing in a journal or using fitbit helps to visualize exactly how much you eat. Sometimes I have a 3pm snack attack and a protein shake or a cup of tea with a 100 calorie snk helps.
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Thank you for getting back to me. Today I hit about 4500 steps, a far cry
from my 10000 daily goal. I usually hit around 5000 to 7000 daily
depending on my work load. I need to come up with a way to add 3000 steps
roughly a day. Any suggestions would be awesome. Thank you again!
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I am going to weigh in

SW 189.1

CW 186.1

GW 169 for the challenge

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Thanks for the information.
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Day 3 for me
Start 169.6
Goal..149 approx.
Yes..I was starting at 7000 approx steps per day. (That includes a 30 min walk) . So I read a few links and they recommend a gradual increase of 77 mins. Yesterday I finally hit 10 000 steps by walking for 45 mins. and then walked on the spot at night . I think 77 mins of cardio is a big number so my challenge is to try to break it up. 2x 30 mins of activity and then 12 min of situps, and weights . Little things that help: parking further away (grocery stores or work), taking the stairs instead of elevator, and walking during a coffee break or at my lunch hour. 77 mins is too tough all at once, but dividing it up into shorter walks seems to help. I am only on Day 3. Day 1-2 were experiments and so now my challenge is a short daily goal..try to eat the right portions and walk.
Let's keep trying!!
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