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2015 -- Lose 20 pounds by Mother's Day -- 2015!

Hi!  I just saw a thread from 2014 where a group of mom's and non-mom's set a goal to lose 20 pounds by Mother's Day.  Anyone want to start one for 2015 with me?  I have about 35 pounds to lose total, but 20 by May sounds like a good goal to me. 


I am going to try to get my 10,0000 steps in and I am joining a gym this weekend to add strength training and cardio. 

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Hi Trish 

22 lbs. Gone. Burned up- no longer weighing you down.  I bet your knees are cheering that you have lightened their load. A new outfit on Mother's Day. I wonder if you received some compliments on how nifty you look on this special day.

Glad that you are in for the 4th of July challenge. Let's celebrate being independent of more weight. 

I bet we can do this. We are officially 2 days short of 8 weeks away from the 4th! We are off and running. 

Do we need a new topic? I found a couple July 4th topics already. Let's figure out which one we should join.

Thanks for being so successful and inspirational Trish. You rock.

Yours in health,




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Thanks Barbara, and yes, my knees are thanking me every day.  I think I just assumed (or wanted to believe) I had a bad knee, but of course it was all that extra weight my knees were holding up.  I have almost no knee pain when walking up long flights of stairs now.  As of today I am down another pound so that brings me to a 23-lb lose so far.  My goal for July 4th is 168 so I have 12 lbs left to go!  I found a new 4th of July weight loss disscussion group named "4th July weight loss! Post your goals" so I joined in a few days ago.  We could all join this one as they seem to be a pretty active disscusion group.  See you over there!  And thanks again for all your inspiration and encouraging words!


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LOL, I meant to say 9 lbs left to go!

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Hi Trish

I'm following you over there to 4th July weight loss.

What good news about your knees. I haven't been posting much recently as I have been working and doing yard work and of course dancing. 

OK, it is time to focus on portion size again.  

I'm 143.8 I think this AM and for sure I'm getting to my 140 goal by July 4th if I don't munch out late at night. 

See you at the new topic discussion.



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Oops I have to find a 2016 group.



I am in! I need to work on diet for sure. I haven't stopped indulging since the holidays.  Upping my activity already thanks to challenges on fitbit!

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Have you found a 2016 group?  I have a hard time finding things in these discussions!  Thank you!

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I m in. Some days are just harder than others

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@Waddell- this is an old thread from 2015


However, there's a challenge ending on April 18th.  I'm sure there will be another starting shortly after that.  Also, there is the general weekly weigh-in thread which is great for accountability.

Anne | Rural Ontario, Canada

Ionic (gifted), Alta HR (gifted), Charge 2, Flex 2, Charge HR, One, Blaze (retired),,

Down 150 pounds from my top weight (and still going), sharing my experiences here to try and help others.

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Someone said a new challenge will start April 17/18 and go to May 29 (Labor Day). Everyone sets their own goal of the amount to lose, whether it's 5, 10, or 20 lbs. 

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