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Hi everyone.  Starting this thread because a 30 pound weight loss is my goal but feel free to join in if you have the same goal.  I'm not putting a time limit on this goal.  I will weigh-in weekly on Friday.  I will discuss my successes and failures.  My plan to achieve this weight loss it to count calories, limit alcohol (I'm not a big drinker but know wine is loaded with calories) and exercise. I'm a runner but live in the Northeast USA so getting outdoors at this time of year can be difficult. I do have a treadmill and Total Gym and my plan is to use them on days when I cannot get outside. 


CW = 155 (current weight)
STG = 150 (short term goal)
LTG = 125 (long term goal)

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I am in.  Between doctors and family health issues the magic number is 30#.


I weigh in weekly on Friday.  I count calories on my fitness pal (please feel free to add me there).  I tend to under eat so getting in all my calories is difficult but I am making an serious effort to get what my body needs. I will be exercising 30 minutes each day.    I will post successes and failures.  I am very open to questions as well.  


Starting  173

Short Term  160

Long Term 140

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Count me in as well!

For consistency's sake, I'll weigh in here on Fridays as well 🙂 . I am working on some modifications to my diet (mostly completely ditching dairy and focusing more on vegan meals [I eat meat, but am trying to cut down for a few different reasons]), so I'll probably review how well (or poorly) I did with that for the week.


Starting weight is 191

Short term goal is 185 by Valentine's Day

Ultimate goal weight is 145, but 30# would get me back to where I was the last time I fell off the wagon.


I'm 46, female, and 5'5". Pleased to meet you!

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@SQUEAKY wrote:

I'm not putting a time limit on this goal.

I think it’s a very good idea, especially since your goal is almost 20% of your starting weight (I like the approach advocated in Losing All Your Weight At Once, which is precisely not doing that, but instead lose it in stretches of max. 3 months and 10% of your body weight). It’s more important to focus on the journey than on the destination.

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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I'm in. I have 38 lbs to loose this year. My goal weight is 250. I am currently 288. My starting weight was 420. 2017 brought me a 132 lb loss. But in 2018, I want to loose my remaining 38.

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How did everyone do today.  for me it's a little tough getting back to a routine, a.k.a. tracking calories, after the holidays.


Pleased to say I did count calories, logged everything and have a few to spare. So I'm happy. 

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Well, I logged too, but sad to say I had no calories left (and ate some of tomorrow's!). We're clearing out all the old food and leftovers and things people sent us to "help" this last time my wife was in the hospital, so I'm still eating far too much. I swear, all people think of when a person goes into the hospital is food and flowers. We're allergic to flowers and the kids are allergic to a lot of the foods they give us, so Mom Hoover sucks it all up and gets fatter. Sigh. And then I just feel cruddy afterward, physically and psychologically.


It's one of the reasons I'm working on moving toward a full whole foods diet, the plant-based edition. I just need to take some control, and it's safer for our kids, who are dairy and nut allergic. I'm sure they'll still eat meat, and my wife needs to (cancer is one of those diseases you really need to feed 😞 ), but I'd really like to get back to veganism—only a whole lot healthier than I did it when I was in college a million years ago.


In vegan news, tonight I cracked open the cashew cream cheese I had culturing on the counter and WOW, is it good! Yay me!

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I did ok. Tracked all my food and stayed in the range for calories. Didn’t get a workout in due to a new work schedule but will hit it tomorrow.

Sent from my iPhone
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I did just under 2200 calories on Jan 02. I was a bit sluggish during my workout. However today (Jan 03), I had tons of energy, and broke my meter record. 6814 meters in 30 minutes with a pace of 2:12.0 minutes per 500 meters (concept2 rower).


My last meter number was 6,779 with a pace of 2.12.7 minutes per 500 meters.



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@Dominique wrote:

@SQUEAKY wrote:

I'm not putting a time limit on this goal.

I think it’s a very good idea, especially since your goal is almost 20% of your starting weight (I like the approach advocated in Losing All Your Weight At Once, which is precisely not doing that, but instead lose it in stretches of max. 3 months and 10% of your body weight). It’s more important to focus on the journey than on the destination.

This is true ↑↑↑↑. During my weight loss, if I put pressure on myself by requiring a date, losing weight would become difficult. When I just thought of it as a day-by-day project without a goal date, it was much easier and much more enjoyable. Additionally, looking at the project on a simpler day-by-day basis has made maintenance much easier.

Versa 4 through a Motorola Razr 2023 // Retired Charge 5, Blaze, Versa and Charge HR // Fitbit Fan since 2016, 50+ pounds lost
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Recording metrics on cardio machines then breaking those records at weeks or a month later is quite motivating.

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@tractorlegs wrote:

@Dominique wrote:

@SQUEAKY wrote:

I'm not putting a time limit on this goal.

I think it’s a very good idea, especially since your goal is almost 20% of your starting weight (I like the approach advocated in Losing All Your Weight At Once, which is precisely not doing that, but instead lose it in stretches of max. 3 months and 10% of your body weight). It’s more important to focus on the journey than on the destination.

This is true ↑↑↑↑. During my weight loss, if I put pressure on myself by requiring a date, losing weight would become difficult. When I just thought of it as a day-by-day project without a goal date, it was much easier and much more enjoyable. Additionally, looking at the project on a simpler day-by-day basis has made maintenance much easier.

I agree as well. Setting a target weight by a certain date is quite difficult to accomplish. Even the 2lbs per week weight loss standard is hard to come by.

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@exhile wrote:

Recording metrics on cardio machines then breaking those records at weeks or a month later is quite motivating.

I try to do some sort of "non-weigh loss victory" every week. Sometimes it might be getting a few more reps in an exercise. Like Squats. Today, I was able to get to the 13th rep with 290lbs (with proper form). Last week, I could ONLY 11 reps.


On every lift, if I can get to 15 reps (with proper form, for three consecutive workouts) regardless of the exercise (Benching, Pulldowns, Squats, etc.), then I up the weight a bit more. Mostly just 5-10 lbs.


For me, this is sometimes more rewarding than losing a pound.


I also use my rowing/cardio (Concept2 rower) as a measure as well. Some days I'll do a HIIT workout (although it's probably not true HIIT, as I am not falling on the floor after, but it's my "poor" mans version). Today, I made a run to beat my total meters in 30 minutes and was successful. Some days, not so much.


I like having the fitbit with me instead of my phone because I'm interested in my output (heart rate, etc). It may not be 100% accurate, but it's accurate enough to show my effort, and it's motivating as well. I keep my phone in the locker as for me, it's distracting.


Doing "non-weigh loss victories" helps me not to focus on the scale number too much. I want to lose, but my body will do what it needs, and I do shift a lot too, without actually losing the weight. Eventually the number will drop, it's just a lot slower now. As I get closer to my goal weight, I know it will be harder and harder to get the number to change.

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@SunsetRunner wrote:

I try to do some sort of "non-weigh loss victory" every week. Sometimes it might be getting a few more reps in an exercise. Like Squats. Today, I was able to get to the 13th rep with 290lbs (with proper form). Last week, I could ONLY 11 reps.


On every lift, if I can get to 15 reps (with proper form, for three consecutive workouts) regardless of the exercise (Benching, Pulldowns, Squats, etc.), then I up the weight a bit more. Mostly just 5-10 lbs.


For me, this is sometimes more rewarding than losing a pound.


I also use my rowing/cardio (Concept2 rower) as a measure as well. Some days I'll do a HIIT workout (although it's probably not true HIIT, as I am not falling on the floor after, but it's my "poor" mans version). Today, I made a run to beat my total meters in 30 minutes and was successful. Some days, not so much.


I like having the fitbit with me instead of my phone because I'm interested in my output (heart rate, etc). It may not be 100% accurate, but it's accurate enough to show my effort, and it's motivating as well. I keep my phone in the locker as for me, it's distracting.


Doing "non-weigh loss victories" helps me not to focus on the scale number too much. I want to lose, but my body will do what it needs, and I do shift a lot too, without actually losing the weight. Eventually the number will drop, it's just a lot slower now. As I get closer to my goal weight, I know it will be harder and harder to get the number to change.

If you could do 13 reps instead of 11 then you're getting stronger or have more energy to lift/push/pull the weight which usually occurs after eating a meal. Totally agree on adding 5lbs-10lbs plates to the exercise if you do more reps than the previous session.


As for 30 minute runs, I have found that 2 months after setting a record or losing 10lbs-20lbs will I be able to set a new running record. Give or take a few weeks or 5lbs but setting a new record after being a bit lighter is usually the case.


The weight on the scale doesn't represent your overall BF% or muscle mass but weight is the standard measurement that everybody will base your progress on. Sweating body water and losing massive weight as you say does get more difficult as one gets closer to their normal BMI range from a high BMI.


A few months ahead in 2018 and I'll be anticipating some loose skin but fit in my old clothes again.

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I'm a Fitbit community newbie - first group/community I've joined.  I'm nervous however recognize I need to do something as I am no longer happy with my health/appearance, I'm also getting older and it's getting harder to lose.   So - I'm in!  


CW = 223.9

STG = 208

LTG = 193

IDW = 180 - 185 (Ideal Weight)

BMI = 121.7-164.4 (Recommended healthy weight - bah!)


This appears to be the right group for me, if I followed the BMI 'guidelines' I should be down 60 lbs (size 8/10) - however I have been down 50 lbs (size 10/12) and I looked sick, my bones stuck and I just simply did not look healthy. In my entire life I've never fit within the BMI guidelines - always been a large boned curvy girl.  So, while I know in my heart I should be down 40 lbs I also know that is not maintainable for me and I don't want to set myself up to be unhappy.  I've shared not only my LTG but also my ideal weight and 'recommended' weight - because I believe it's OK to have a goal that may not be perfect.


So this group is stuck with me - 30 lbs (size 12/14) it is (unless you would at some point like me to leave and I will graciously bow out).    I look forward to supporting you on your journeys!   


Thanks for the group Squeaky.


My motivators / tools for success

Fitbit Charge 2

Fitbit Flex 2 (Waterproof - to introduce water exercise in April)

Fitbit Food Tracking (Macronutrients & Water)

Lifespan 1200 (Treadmill Desk)

Two English Bulldogs (3yrs lame {stroller}, 8.5mo puppy)

Weight Watchers Scale (for those #.# weigh-ins)

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Welcome all. I've been reading all of your posts and it sure looks like there are a lot of us in the 30 pound range.  I personally picked 30 pounds because that's my goal.I weighed 120- 125 for most of my life and then age, menopause, retirement crept up on me. So here I am.  It really doesn't matter why we're here just that we are.  We know what we have/want to do.  so I put no restrictions on my original post. If you have a timeframe in mind and want to share that, great.  Exercise, if you want to share that you exercise or not that's entirely up to you. All tips and suggestions are welcome but it's totally up to you f you want to share.    

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Hi all.

Friday is my weigh-in day but it can be any day you choose. 

Starting weight = 155

1/5/2018 weight = 153

Short term goal = 150

Long term goal 125

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@SQUEAKY wrote:

Hi all.

Friday is my weigh-in day but it can be any day you choose. 

Starting weight = 155

1/5/2018 weight = 153

Short term goal = 150

Long term goal 125

Starting weight = 420 lbs. (at the end of December 2016)

Current (01/05) weight = 288 lbs.

Goal Weight: 250 lbs.

Total Loss: 132 lbs.

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Hi everyone,

I'm Andrea and my goal for this year is to loose 30 lbs too.  I'm new to the fitbit community and this the first time I've joined anything like this but am excited about it and think it will be incredibly motivating.


My highest weight was 311 back in 2014.  Through 2014-2015 I managed to lose over 100lbs but stalled out around 204.  I've gained 9lbs back over the last year and a half and need to get that 9 lbs off.  Plus I'd like to also reach my original goal of 180.


I also plan to have Fridays as my weigh in day. 


Let's do this!


Start Weight: 311  (5/2014)

Lowest Weight: 204 (6/2016)

Current  Weight: 213 (1/5/2018)

Goal Weight: 180

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@Journey4Life wrote:

I'm a Fitbit community newbie - first group/community I've joined.  I'm nervous however recognize I need to do something as I am no longer happy with my health/appearance, I'm also getting older and it's getting harder to lose.   So - I'm in!  


CW = 223.9

STG = 208

LTG = 193

IDW = 180 - 185 (Ideal Weight)

BMI = 121.7-164.4 (Recommended healthy weight - bah!)


This appears to be the right group for me, if I followed the BMI 'guidelines' I should be down 60 lbs (size 8/10) - however I have been down 50 lbs (size 10/12) and I looked sick, my bones stuck and I just simply did not look healthy. In my entire life I've never fit within the BMI guidelines - always been a large boned curvy girl.  So, while I know in my heart I should be down 40 lbs I also know that is not maintainable for me and I don't want to set myself up to be unhappy.  I've shared not only my LTG but also my ideal weight and 'recommended' weight - because I believe it's OK to have a goal that may not be perfect.


So this group is stuck with me - 30 lbs (size 12/14) it is (unless you would at some point like me to leave and I will graciously bow out).    I look forward to supporting you on your journeys!   


Thanks for the group Squeaky.


My motivators / tools for success

Fitbit Charge 2

Fitbit Flex 2 (Waterproof - to introduce water exercise in April)

Fitbit Food Tracking (Macronutrients & Water)

Lifespan 1200 (Treadmill Desk)

Two English Bulldogs (3yrs lame {stroller}, 8.5mo puppy)

Weight Watchers Scale (for those #.# weigh-ins)

Read your post and wanted to take a moment to say hello! 

It sounds like our goals are pretty similar!  My goal is to be a size 12, which for me is a 175-180 weight.

What do you do for excercise?  I'm going to get back into the gym starting next week and try to do jumping jacks/sit ups/push ups/punching bag with my daughter who taks martial arts each night.


I wish you good luck and offer any support I can provide!

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