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August Challenge...Who will join me?

Hello fellow fitbitters,


I am pretty new here, but I love my Flex and the motivation it has given me so far.  I have decided to challenge myself further by starting this thread for a challenge for the month of August.  My challenge for the month of August will be to lose a minimum of 5 lbs., maintain at least 10k steps per day, and continue to log my food on a daily basis.  Your challenge can be whatever you want it to be.  Please feel free to share and we can motivate each other throughout the month and share our results.

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At Gandhi's suggestion, I have created a community group for us August Challenge folks.  Of course, I hope that we can continue on each month from there.  The group name is: ~~Monthly Challenge Group~~ Starting 8/1/14.  Please join us there...spread the word!

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count me in!  My goal will be to lose 5 pounds, get 10000 steps a day and post my food in MFP.  We went on vacation 2 weeks ago and I havent gotten back in the swing yet.  Ive been really lax and this is just what I need.  13 pounds gone and 39 to go. Good luck everyone.  We can do this

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I've found that setting a goal for pounds lost in a specific time frame doesn't work for me.  A better framework for me is to focus on the process rather than the outcome, and it has worked for me.  So my goal is to try to spend at least 1700 calories a day (combination of steps and other kinds of exercise--gardening, yoga, etc.) and maintain a 250 calorie deficit or better every day.  I am within 10 pounds of my goal so daily weight fluctuations (due to water retained, etc.) are more noticeable, so focusing on the scale can be discouraging. You can lose half a pound and gain a pound back the next day just because you ate Chinese food or something. The loss has to be slow at this point because it's impossible to create a large deficit without either exercising for hours (and driving your appetite up!) or consuming so few calories you're under the minimum recommendation of 1200. It's best to focus on the deficit, I've found, rather than the actual number of calories taken in.

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In August, my goal is to hit at least 15K a day, log all my food, and drop 3-4 pounds.

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Glad that you have found what works for you Glickstar.  I am always trying new things to find out what works for my body.  It has been alot of trial and error, but I think I am onto something here with the Fitbit.  I find that the Fitbit is giving me so much data that I never had all in one place before.  I am finally getting my blood sugar in control and I'm hoping that everything else will fall into place as I tweak things.

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We can do this Karen and Gidgetmom!!!

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I'm not new to fitbit either but I rarely log onto the discussions. My goal is to lose at least 5 pounds and walk 10k daily. These 5 pounds will be a challenge! Good luck to everyone with their goals!

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I'm in.  10,000 a day and 5 lbs.  I will not eat take out for a month.Woman Happy

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@lyro wrote:

At Gandhi's suggestion, I have created a community group for us August Challenge folks.  Of course, I hope that we can continue on each month from there.  The group name is: ~~Monthly Challenge Group~~ Starting 8/1/14.  Please join us there...spread the word!

I have joined!  This sounds like fun!

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Just got my fitbit love it needed a challenge i got lots to lose but im going to try for 10lbs for August all the support i can get is awesome...Smiley Very Happy

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No take out for a that's an impressive goal pverdun!  And also one I wouldn't have thought of.  More power to you!  What types of foods do you like to prepare most often?  I could use some fresh ideas.

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Sounds great kitkat82!  Go for it!

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Hey Lyro  Brilliant job Just joined the Monthly Challenge Group~~Starting 8/1/14

Also have introduced my self there   .

All members pl read my post .

Looking forward to this .

I am 10 hours ahead of you guys so my steps get logged in first and last in the same way


Please dont stop eating out 

You will do it with out doing that

We all will motivate each other


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Karen HH

Very well said

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Thanks for starting this challenge.  My goals are to lose 5 or more pounds this month, walk 10,000 steps daily, drink 64 ounces of water daily, have at least 40 very active minutes daily, and get 7-8 hours of sleep nightly.  I love my new fitbit flex.  It really makes me conscious of how active or inactive I am and motivates me to do better.

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Yougotta love it 
Im sure you will achieve it
Egging you from 8000 miles away

Join the group we have 11 members already
Cheers Dr Gandhi

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Love the idea! Count me in! Smiley Happy

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I'm in  and I'm at a stand still with my weight, 5 pounds sound good.

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Hi All, just opened my FitbitOne it was a birthday present (which I had asked for!). I was just checking out all the blurb I can find on it and came across your challenge. Would love to join you all in this hopefully I can get off to a good start with all your support, I know I keep saying it !!! but the diet WILL start on Monday, so watch this space, here comes a new me!
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I am in, I need some extra motivation.

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