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August Challenge...Who will join me?

Hello fellow fitbitters,


I am pretty new here, but I love my Flex and the motivation it has given me so far.  I have decided to challenge myself further by starting this thread for a challenge for the month of August.  My challenge for the month of August will be to lose a minimum of 5 lbs., maintain at least 10k steps per day, and continue to log my food on a daily basis.  Your challenge can be whatever you want it to be.  Please feel free to share and we can motivate each other throughout the month and share our results.

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I just got my fitbit in the mail yesteday and set it ip today. I love it. I accept that challange of 5 lb loss in August. I usually get 10,000  steps a day, but I am also doing 45 min on an old NordicTrac ski machine at least 5 times a week and a 12 to 14 bike ride twice a week along with weight training.

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I`m with you on the sleep issue and the fitness.

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I am in for the August challenge too.  I will maintain my 20500 steps and try to lose 5 lbs. I also log food diary daily on MFP

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This is just what I was looking for!  Thank you for setting it up!

I`ve had my fitbit flex since May & I love it, but its the food I struggle with.


I`m not looking to diet, more tweak my healthy eating to encourage weight loss Cat Very Happy


I have reprogrammed my fitbit to 12,500 steps, as I regularly hit the 10,000 in my current job - this may change in September. Boo Hiss Cat Sad

And I try & run twice a week & the gym once or twice a week, depends on life/ work/ volunteering job.


My goal is to spend the next 30 days, eating better, drinking less alcohol, more water & exercising more regularly.  I want to lose about 5 stone in total, but 5lb this month will do!

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This is great, I'm going to try to eat what is good, I do drink 35oz of water first thing in the morning after I weigh myself.Anybody else drink water the first thing in the morning?

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I am in,...did anyone start a activity group?



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Yes, I did...please join us...


At Gandhi's suggestion, I have created a community group for us August Challenge folks.  Of course, I hope that we can continue on each month from there.  The group name is: ~~Monthly Challenge Group~~ Starting 8/1/14.  Please join us there...spread the word!

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Sounds good, maybe we can share what helps to keep us on our path to reach our goal.


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I'm in for the August challenge. Tomorrow (3rd) happens to be my birthday, and in a year I have only lost 4 pathetic pounds. Hoping my new Fitbit One will help make me lose lots of weight! Good luck everyone!
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I ususally have 2 cups of water with a small breakfast flisha.  I find that if I start my water early, I can make my quota for the day easier.

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Happy early birthday LovingLife.  Come join the activity group if you haven't done so already (see a few posts up).

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We are all in this together you can do it, we need to take one day at a time I have problem  with that weight. I need to watch my portions  and cut them down, this helps to write them down  and see I'm eating to much, good luck we can do it.

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Happy Birthday hope you have a great dayon the 3rd.

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What do you eat for breakfast? I have a smootie with a little proten, I don't add suger but I make them to big everything adds up.


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I am in! I have had my fitbit since Jan. and am not consistant with wearing it or getting my needed steps! I am committing to 10,000 steps min a day with 45min of those being active minutes. Would love to lose 6 pounds by end of month. Must cut back on wine at night!

@lyro wrote:

Hello fellow fitbitters,


I am pretty new here, but I love my Flex and the motivation it has given me so far.  I have decided to challenge myself further by starting this thread for a challenge for the month of August.  My challenge for the month of August will be to lose a minimum of 5 lbs., maintain at least 10k steps per day, and continue to log my food on a daily basis.  Your challenge can be whatever you want it to be.  Please feel free to share and we can motivate each other throughout the month and share our results.


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I've cut down the size of smootie,  I'm measureing how many cups or oz I'm really taking in during the day. Now time to walk more and keep moving 5 pounds you're going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I use my iPhone and an app called Lose IT to track my food intake and exercise and it links back up to my FITBIT.  I love it so I thought I would share this information.


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Hi all...just a reminder that we have started an activity group: Monthly Challenge Activity Group-Starting 8/1/14.  Please join us there!

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I am also new to the fitbit.  I have had mine for almost a month now.  I think the August challenge sounds like a great idea.

I want to continue to lose weight.  I am hoping for 16 lbs this month.  To hit the elliptical at the gym 5 days out of the week.  To get 64oz of water or more a day, and reach my 10,000 steps a day. 


Good Luck eveyone!

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