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Can't lose weight and trying hard


I had Zumba class Thursday, Hula Hooping class Friday, rode my bike on Saturday, climbed stairs for 30 minutes on Sunday, counted calories all week and still can't lose weight.  


I'm so frustrated.  

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I feel ya!  I'm in IL as well.

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And truthfully, its possible that your new body composition is more attractive than your previously "skinnier" composition.  Maybe you have some nice curves you didn't have before 😉

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Since you have already tried everything else... One strategy is to lighten up on the exercise and focus on your diet. Cut your calories to 1000 or 1200 per day or whatever your fitbit tells you would be its "kinda hard" recommendation for a few weeks and see if you can get things moving. Some bodies seem to translate a lot of exercise as stress. I finally started to lose when I cut back on everything but watching my steps and my calories. 


And.. record every bite, at least at first.

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I am in my 60's and have played high level tennis for 60 years!  My husband who is a body builder for 63+ years and in amazing shape says this about weight loss:  its in the kitchen.  He agrees that fitness works in the gym and that muscle is your currency for health as you get older.  However, regarding scales and weight loss (I need to drop 30 pounds) he says stay away from the scale and see how your clothes fit.  he also says that working out like a crazy person is not as healthy as doing simple things each day like a walk for 30 - 60 minutes.  We also say that food is medicine so the quality of your food is important.  READ THE LABELS and stay away from processed or fast food.  Right now I am doing a meal replacement shake twice a day.  It fills me up because it has the right amount of nutrition in it.  I also eat egg whites for breakfast and no wheat or bread products at all.  I am off potatoes now but will go back to only sweet potatoes.  We never buy junk food anymore becuase we were late night snackers which is not to good.  Because I am trying to drop weight I have removed anything with sugar including fruits for the next 4 weeks.  As I am older, my hormones and metabolism have alot to do with this.  In any event, I would encourage anyone to not be so hard on yourself do a little bit each day.  Think of it like saving money.  A little bit in the change jar can add up to alot in a year.  One little change each day can pave the way for a healthier you because you deserve to live an amazing life!  Just my two LONGGGG cents!

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Dear Elegant Spirit-

I think this is great what you are doing and wish I had half of the will power that you do.  I often find myself having to find the balance between feeding myself and feeding my family.  As in I love sweet potatoes, but my family does not, so it becomes double the cooking. I also think I have a sugar addiction.  I tried South Beach diet in which you ditch the sugar, including all fruit and could last 2 weeks, not four.  And, I'm pretty sure I cheated then too.  

What your husband said about the workouts makes sense and is a similar comment to what someone else said.  It makes sense to me that your body recognizes it as stress, especially the way I push my body to its limits.  I'm gonna try the "everyday" walking and/or hula hooping on days I can't walk.  Thanks for the 2 cents.   Appreciated.

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hello reading your advice , was just a great read, it all makes sense, i really should read this everyday,thankyou

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Oh my gosh your story is my story.....why we canot shift that weight it is not for the want of trying

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I find the weight loss discouraging too.  I have had the fitbit for over a week.  I weigh myself every day and log it.  From Sunday to Sunday, I lost half a pound!  I really thought it would be more.  I get 10,000 steps every day, sometimes 15,000.  I've been tracking my food and, I think, been very good about my food choices.  And then just half a pound???  Seems like it should be way more. (Though I do have my goal set for just one pound a week so I'm not that far off.)


I have no thoughts of quitting though.  I feel so much better since starting this.  I've been eating pretty healthily the last year or so but just eating too much.  So cutting down feels great.  I'm not eating in the evening after dinner.  And I'm loving the physical part.  I live on the 5th floor and I walk the stairs every time now.  I used to always take the elevator.  I make sure I get all those steps in and I feel more toned -- I have glutes!


It's just too bad that weight loss is so slow......  I can gain a couple pounds in a week no problem!  LOL 

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It slounds like you are on the right track.  Sometimes we get lured into the belief that we can all lose weight the first week like on Biggest Loser, but that's not realistic for those "playing at home" so to speak.  


I do wish the very best for you.  I still have lost nothing, but with this past winter in IL being dragged on forever and being laid off from work, I have found myself so much more sedentary.  However, we are finally getting a turn around in the weather, so I hope to be out. more.  In fact, as soon as I finish typing this, I'm going out for a long walk.  


Best of luck to you. 

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track your calories. You are in maintenance mode! 

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Thanks so much for the encouragement.  It really helps -- and helps to know I'm not the only one.  Happy steps!

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@leslie49 wrote:

I find the weight loss discouraging too.  I have had the fitbit for over a week.  I weigh myself every day and log it.  From Sunday to Sunday, I lost half a pound!  I really thought it would be more.  I get 10,000 steps every day, sometimes 15,000.  I've been tracking my food and, I think, been very good about my food choices.  And then just half a pound???  Seems like it should be way more. (Though I do have my goal set for just one pound a week so I'm not that far off.)


It's just too bad that weight loss is so slow......  I can gain a couple pounds in a week no problem!  LOL 

So always do the math when that happens, if you think it's fat.


weight change in lbs x 3500 / days of change = implied amount of deficit or surplus to cause if it was fat.


So 2 lbs x 3500 / 7 days = 1000 calories eaten over your TDEE if it was really fat gained.


So if you ate 1800, do you think your TDEE was really 800?


Not a chance - so you gained fast water weight. Or 2 invalid weigh-ins showed false weight gain or loss from water.

2 lbs is easily accomplished even on a valid weigh-in day, if you ate lower sodium day before first weigh-in, and then ate much higher sodium the second weigh-in day.


Since you are getting half your expected loss amount (good choice on loss goal), you might want to examine your eating side of equation.


Weigh everything you eat, measuring only liquids?

Calories is per gram, weight, not volume, so at least take 2 weeks to weigh everything to see how far off you are.


Also, do you have any non-step based exercise that Fitbit is underestimating, that you do not log?

Or you indeed log stuff like spin/bike, rowing, swimmming, lifting, elliptical?



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When I set my mind to lose weight  I usually do great for the first week or two.  Right after that my weight loss slows right down.  It's easy to get discouraged.  I always enjoyed working out but as I got older I realized I couldn't "run" the wieght off anymore.  I'm really trying to pay attention to what I eat because that is where my problem is.  It's hard work and discouraging at times but don't give up.

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I'm also feeling the effects of getting older (even though I try to lie about my age- ha ha).  I have to take more drastic efforts to watch what I eat.  I think I am balancing my fruits, veggies and treats, but I really need to cut down on the sweets.


Within the last 30 days or so, I have begun to implement my No Dessert Days.  I do not allow myself to have a sweet treat at night on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.  I will sub with something like yogurt or almonds or a bowl of cereal or cottage cheese, etc.  I'm hoping to add another day, such as Wednesday in another month or so.  


I tried a No Chocolate before 3pm, but that didn't work out so well.  I cheated too many times. 

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All I can say is Amen to the weight loss is in the kitchen, fitness is in the gym. I do 2.5 hr cardio x 5 weekly for three months with minimal to no weight loss. Why? Because of my Starbucks daily and candy, sugar daddies! Needless to say I finally gave them up and have lost 11 lbs in two weeks. I miss my coffee though I mourn it daily 🙂
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Hi Shyla, The whole basis of my diet is, if it looks good or it looks like something I used to like to eat I don't touch it. I've lost about 25 Lbs. in 3 months so I guess it works. It's better than being diabetic.
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What is your daily step count. Everyone needs 10000 steps. Not all high intensity but mix it up. I used to think a 30 minute walk with dogs was enough but it's not.
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I was the same until I started the Paleo Diet along with It Works supplements I dropped 5 pounds in the first week then slowed and now down 15 pounds in two months.  Just cutting out ALL carbs and sugars with a cheat day in once a week.  

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That last 5 to 7 pounds are super difficult and my experience is that it takes some experimenting.


This is why I bought the fitbit and I think the overall increase in activity and movement are the trick here.  I don't agree that this battle is won in the kitchen for people people in a healthy BMI range who want to look better in their clothes.    That might mean adding an extra 2000 steps a day or standing to do things that you usually sit for.  Ironing while watcing television.  Tackle an extra chore..look for ways to consciusly up your activity by about 30 minutes to 40 minutes a day where you would normally be sitting.  Cut the time you spend on the Internet to under 20 minutes a day.  


Follow around someone who maintains a body weight you would like to maintain.  It might surprise you that they are so active and what they have to do to maintain.  



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@alowellfan wrote:
I've had this same problem for about 17 years. I'm going to try the fast matabalism diet. I eat healthy and nothing. I saw the anther on dr oz and it is worth a try. It's nothing crazy or dangerous.

Did you also see Dr Oz brought in before congress for his outrageous claims do no benefit to people, and he admited he should probably "phrase things better" - he's a husckster like so many others now, just selling tabloid mags with fast weight lost schemes on them.

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