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Chats, Challenges & Laughs 2nd home


For all my Chats, Challenges & Laughs peeps! Since we can't get on the threads I thought I would start a discussion area for us. We may not be able to keep track of points standings easily but we can still talk.

I miss you!

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Well, I overate again last night but not as much.  Today we went shopping and he got the treats he wanted.  He's had some already and I'm eating carrots and hummus.  CJ for the win 🙂


I have eater's remorse since the 1st of the month is coming up and I'm pretty sure with the past two weeks I'm not going to be any further down on the scale than I was March 1st.  I hope I can remember this the next time I want to eat the 'not so good for you' stuff.  Isn't it crazy when we (I) go off the deep end with no regard as to how the eating is holding us (me) back from what we (I) really want.  I tired of being 'crazy'.

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I bought an Apple Watch 3 yesterday and set it up. My errands yesterday all ran together, including a visit with my mom. By the time the grandkids were picked up, I was done! This morning I developed a bad headache, then diarrhea. I hope it’s a short-lived bug. 

I was able to FaceTime my mom’s twin sister during my visit. They were both excited to see the other for the first time in about three years. 

Maybe today’s ailment will benefit tomorrow’s weighin. 

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I was very pleased this week - I lost another 1.7 kg (about 3 & 3 quarter pounds).  That takes my total to 8.9 kg or 19.5 lbs since Feb 11.  I know this wont keep happening but it was the kick start I needed.  I have been very disciplined, Easter my be my undoing but I have saved a lot of points so I can have a bit of chocolate & hot cross buns.  I am now 115.9 kg (255 lbs).  The highest I have weighed was 136.8 kg or 301 lbs and for the last year I have hovered around 125 kg (275 lbs), so I am quite pleased with my resolve.  Don't get me wrong, I am not proud of losing weight for I believe that means I was ashamed of putting on weight which I was not.  I am proud I have adopted a healthier lifestyle at least for the time being (don't want to jinx myself).


Australia is having another covid scare.  I know it is nothing like the rest of the world but we have been in a good place for the last few months that when cases start appearing again it is a concern.  At least my state is okay at the moment it is Queensland who have the problem, it appears they let their guard down.  It is only 10 or 20 cases but it is quite a concern.  It doesn't help that we are well behind with vaccinations.  My Mum should have had hers by now as she is 79, but our GP doesn't even have any vaccinations.  Not even all the front line people have had the opportunity to be vaxed.



  • Hope you are feeling better.
  • Are you still feeling motivated?  WW definitely got me motivated and I can honestly say I have not cheated since joining on Feb 11.
  • How is the apple watch?  I suppose being apple you won’t be joining in on the challenges in the Fitbit app.
  • With regards to a streak I would stop thinking about streaks and think more of goals or aims.  I aim for four days of exercise per week,  if I do more that is a bonus.


  • Although I have never been married I lived with my parents practically my entire life and witnessed how much spouses can get on each others nerves.  Dad passed away last year and Mum will say I know I shouldn’t moan about it but why did you Dad do this or didn’t do that before he got ill.  So, even when one spouse is no longer there they can still irritate.


  • Are you still struggling with overeating?  I know it might sound counterintuitive but what if you didn’t diet or track food for a week or so & just eat what you want without guilt.   Who knows you may eat better if you take pressure off yourself.  And I don’t think you are crazy.  We all have a relationship with food and sometimes it is a destructive relationship and sometimes we are lucky to recognise it and try to find out why.


  • I know what you mean about younger staff.  I retired over five years ago (I was only 52) but we were regarded as dinosaurs because we wouldn’t follow stupid rules made up by equally stupid people.  My objective was to work for my organisation (the Australian Taxation Office) but also to make the clients experience not a bad one – can be difficult when you are a debt collector.  I was not interested in quotas just doing a good job and as it was I did a good job as did a lot of the dinosaurs in my team.  Listening to the newer staff reading from scripts made my blood boil, no interest in the clients circumstance just reading out of a book.  They didn’t even wonder why the same cases would turn up a month later.  They would just look at it as another case closed.


  • The elliptical machine probably is safe, but I did too many minutes after not being on it for months.  I also went a bit fast and probably extended my stride too far – knowing I have severe knee problems I should have known better.

Well I better go to bed as I have to get up at 5:15 am.  My brother leaves for work at 5:30 am & as he has to reverse out of the drive I stand with my dog on the foot path to ensure that he doesn't run over anyone!

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Instructions for colonoscopy prep included "limit fiber" for a while.  So eating doughnuts and meat limits fiber and avoiding fiber in almonds limited SALT.  I lost weight !!!LOL  Salt is a  huge factor in what you weigh.  And you are all younger than I am, but if you are old enough that you  don't have a job don't follow the instructions the doctor gives you, intended for people who work, for colonoscopy prep.  Start 8 hours earlier and it will be much better. You will actually be ok making an hour car trip to the hospital without needing the bathroom.  I get to wait 2 years this time before doing this again.  

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Lol @Glenda what a sunny outlook on something most people I know dread!


So I've been super busy and super quiet - my apologies. I'm not sure where I left things with you guys but I was trying to get scheduled for a hysteroscopy and ablation for 4/23 and thought we had that date confirmed. Last Thursday they reached out and it fell through but they could offer me a cancellation for 4/2. So, in under a week, I'm squeezing in 4 additional consultations plus a covid test and also packing 5 days of work into just 4 days.I'm frankly exhausted right now but all I have to do tomorrow is not eat or drink anything and sleep at the hands of the anesthesiologist and my boyfriend and medical team will take everything else from there. I'm not looking forward to my 2 showers tonight and tomorrow morning with something called HibiClens which is some kind of antiseptic soap after which I can't use any lotions which, with my dry, sensitive skin, is something I'm dreading. Also, I've got a lot of laundry going because I need clean sheets, towel and jammies for tonight and all over again for tomorrow but I have a feeling I won't feel much like doing laundry in between so I'm trying to get it all done now. What's weird is I'm not expecting any actual incision . . . they are going up my existing plumbing. Other than the line for the anesthesia, I'm not expecting them to break skin and cuts or scarring on the inside wouldn't be impacted by day old sheets or yesterday's towel I wouldn't think . . .


Nonetheless, I will do as told because I've got enough going on without any complications. I'm also super worried that I'm not allowed to have any water after midnight but I don't even report to the hospital until 11 and they don't start until 1. That seems like an awfully long time to dehydrate. Especially since the weather has turned cooler, drier and windier.


Also, along the way, in prep for 4/23, I did get on the list for the vaccine and had the Pfizer first dose last week. I'm already scheduled for round 2 on 4/15. It's a small thing in a way but the relief I feel knowing I can safely be in the company of my parents (who were kind of bummed that I cancelled out on hosting Easter dinner due to the date change on my procedure) and resume helping to take some of the pressure off of them.


Anyway, I am reading along with your updates so thank you all for keeping them coming! And, who knows, I may be able to post a lot over the next few days as I've cleared my schedule for recovery. We'll see!

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@Katrin  I hope your covid test lady is fast.  I googled and they say the test is unpleasant but fast; only a few seconds.  My doctor or whatever was slow.  I'm not going to do that again either.  Next time if it is ever necessary, I'm going for the saliva kind.   You have good thoughtful  plans.  (doing extra laundry etc ahead).   It pays off with these medical necessities we would rather not need to do at all.

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USW: 267.4

3/24/21: 265.8

3/31/21: 264.8

Mini Goal: 250


I don’t know if I had a flu bug or food poisoning, but Tuesday and Wednesday were rough. It was worse than the procedure prep Glenda alluded to. 

Today is our 43rd wedding anniversary. We had dinner at a restaurant on the Illinois River. I had grilled shrimp, steamed vegetables, and sweet potato fries. I brought home at least half my meal. 

Tonight is supposed to be the last of our below freezing weather so this weekend, I’ll put my plants back outside. 

I delivered another box of craft supplies to our grandkids’ school today. I’m clearing stuff out little by little. 

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1/1/21 - 248

LW (3/1) - 243

CW (4/1) - 244.2 

first goal - lose 19 lbs (229) - which may never happen at the rate I'm going.  UGH.  I've been celebrating birthday eating for at least two weeks now and so I'm not surprised that I'm going in the wrong direction.  At the beginning of the year, I set a goal to lose 4 lbs every month which I thought was very reasonable.  Had I followed through I'd be down 12 lbs already.  But, alas, I chose food (junk) over healthy eating.  I did move (walking) in March so I can keep that up in April and make better food choices.  Even though today is my birthday, I stayed within my calories so that's a start.


Praying for a smooth stress free day tomorrow for you, @Katrin .  It sounds like you are prepared and will have time to re-coup from your busy schedule.


Congratulations, @Jan2512, on your huge weight loss in such a short period of time.  You are really working the program.  I am so happy for you.


You all are so inspirational to me.  I want to start being productive daily.  I started today and plan to build on my success every day.

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I've had two days of better-choice eating and today is starting that way, too.  I joined a new challenge for April - 1,000 minutes of exercise.  I'm sure mine will be mainly walking which I better start today!


Wishing everyone a Happy Easter.

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Fourth day of staying within calories; although most days I've eaten exercise calories.  Day two of April walking and I have friction sores on the bottom of my feet and some missing skin.  It's not like I'm walking marathons here.  Frustrating.  I checked out how to not get the sores too late so now I will need to somehow protect them better because I do not want to quit.  I'm already about an hour behind schedule to meet the 1,000 minute goal.  


We are in the 70's here today which is unreal.  I hope we don't end up having a super hot summer.  Very high fire danger and no rain in sight until Wednesday.  Hope to hear from more people soon.

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@CJ_Here , good job on being mindful of your eating and posting. I realized this morning that I must simply forget how important my health is when I eat mindlessly. 

This week is busy as I am delivering Doorbell Dinners every lunchtime. I did schedule golf M, Tu, and Fri afternoons, and I am going to watch the festivities of the baseball Cardinals’ home opener on Thursday afternoon. I have always had to work so I have only ever seen highlights broadcast later. They bring out the Clydesdales pulling the old beer wagon and introduce retired “Red Jacket” players (Cardinals hall of famers).


 I have my meals and exercise planned for the week, so we’ll see how it goes. 

And I quickly polished my toenails because I’m wearing sandals today!

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Well, my staying within calories lasted three days, not four.  Last night I ate an additional 1,500 calories of non-essentials.  I did have 5 points but what's the point when I end up eating randomly.  I didn't stop and ponder my hard work; where I wanted to go / be.  I contemplated what I could eat.  And, it wasn't super tasty stuff; just stuff.  I just looked back on my six year fitbit weightloss graph.  I had hit my lowest April 29, 2020.  I'm 20 lbs heavier than that.  I am over 35 lbs lighter than my heaviest weight.  I also looked at the month of April and thought of my commitment I made for 1,000 minutes of exercise.  And, I know there is a lot of outside yard work that doesn't qualify for the 1,000 minutes challenge but certainly will burn calories.  My word for 2021 is 'Commit'.  I need to make a commitment here in black and white.  I know I can't sustain this pace long-term, but I can make a one month push to turn myself around.  My commitment is to gear up my LoseIt / Fitbit apps to lose 2 lbs per week.  This is day 1 of my boot camp "April Charge".  With the combination of movement calories burned and right choice eating I will average out to lose 8 lbs by May 2nd.

CW 4/4/21 - 242

MGW 5/2/21 - 234

I plan to not weigh again until 5/2/21.  It doesn't matter what the scale says day to day; week to week.  What matters is what I put in my mouth and what I put out in effort.  Wishing you all the same fortitude and commitment in your endeavors.

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5 points for Monday. I stayed on track with my planned eating and with my golf game, I got over 12K steps! I had just started my golf game when the sole of my shoe came loose. Since I was determined to finish, I unlaced my shoe almost completely, wrapped the laces under the toe, and tied on top. I looked like a hobo but it got me through. 

On Easter I saw my sister-in-law for the first time in almost a year and she looks fantastic. She was diagnosed as pre-diabetic and made drastic changes. I am recommitting because I am embarrassed by the way I look. I certainly feel  the extra pounds as I go through my days. 

It’s an aggressive goal but I plan to be at 250 (15 pounds) by May 30. My sister and I are going to a women’s conference mid-August, and I plan to be at 240. I almost typed “want to” but I’ve been wishing this weight away and it hasn’t worked. 

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USW - 218.0

LW - 190.8

CW - 193.4


Even though my weight looks like it went up a lot, there is a reason for it. On Saturday we went to the movies for the first time in a year! The last movie we saw at a theatre was last March - the anniversary special of the 1938 King Kong. So what did we see now? Kong vs. Godzilla! Yay for big monster fights! Because it was our first time back to a theatre we celebrated with movie food. Hubby can't have popcorn so I didn't want to tempt him - I had nachos with double cheese and a cherry coke. Then we picked up pizza for dinner on the way home and not any pizza but the place with the jumbo slices (I think its a 30" pizza cut into 6 pieces). I had water with that but the sodium from the nachos, the sugar from the soda and the carbs from the pizza all gave me a very high weigh-in the next morning. I'm sure it's back down now but I only weigh once a week.


On another note, we hired a woman for the open position at work. She has experience, wants someplace she can stay until she retires in 10 years, takes notes and is catching on quickly. She has been here a week tomorrow and (fingers crossed) is working out well. I can finally start concentrating on my own mess...I mean work. I had a meeting to go over my numbers (accounts receivable) with the boss and they are dismal because I have been doing both jobs and training three people in the last month. He was totally understanding and even complimentary. Made my day!


My word for the year is Focus and I need to hone that a bit more for my home life. I have had fits and starts but with the better weather I need to solidify my plans and actually work them. The usual suspects need to be addressed; weight/health, physical home clutter, monetary/budget items, home repair, while including fun and family time.


Here's to everyone having a Glorious week!

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SW: 267

LW: 264.8

CW: 264.2


Moving in the right direction. 

5points for Tuesday. Another day with over 12K steps and I only ate what I had planned. 

@Cele21  I’m glad some of your work stress will ease. I’m having a hard enough time while not working so I imagine you’re feeling pressure from all parts of your life. 

No golf today but I hope to get in a walk before it rains. 

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Yay for racking up the 5 points, @ElaineJ27 !  I can picture you jimmy-rigging your shoe and laughing through the rest of your game.  Last night I did a couple of golf swings (without a club in the living room - someone was doing it on tv and I just wanted to 'see').  What I 'saw' was that I am very stiff and limited on ability for a full swing (I mainly was seeing how my knees felt - which I didn't even feel because of my limited mobility).  So, I commend you for being able to do that type of exercise / sport, Elaine.  I felt my age and lack of movement; thinking of checking out some yoga stretches.  


I was so excited to see they hired a 'good one', @Cele21 .  Hoping a month from now you can report that accounts receivable is down and you're working with less stress.  Our theater opened a couple of weeks ago but there hasn't been anything that interested me.  I'm looking forward to sinking into the dark, loudness soon.


So, the last two days have been way over in calories without walking.  I did pick up some bandages / friction moleskin for the bottom of my feet which I plan to use today even though it's raining off and on.  I used to walk in the rain.  I won't melt.  I re-read my April Charge posting and took a picture so I can re-read it easily every day.  I'm going to figure out what will work best for me to stay true to what I want.

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Hi Everyone, I'm still here!


@ElaineJ27  I agree that your shoe story was hilarious! I can totally picture that! I'm not a huge fan of golf myself - I prefer things that are a little more dynamic and intense I think - despite loving the beautiful manicured courses and the stately feel of golf clubhouses.


@Cele21what fun to have a movie date! I'm not a huge fan of monster movies but I have to say that we have an old fashioned style drive-in theater not far from where I live with inexpensive tickets and delicious junk food - way more diverse than the typical theater - and it's so fun to go and do a double feature no matter what's showing! And these days, it feels like it's been a long time since we've done anything outside the house for fun! Anyway, I feel like the junk food is part of the whole fun of it!


My procedure went wonderfully on Friday. It was super hectic all week but I slept in late, took my shower with the HibiClens solution as directed, dressed in comfy clothes I'd already laid out the day before and was relaxed heading into the hospital. The entire team took fantastic care of me and also did a good job of dealing with my boyfriend - keeping him informed verbally and via text message, letting him spend the most time with me as possible, and making my life easier so I didn't have to worry about him. The only not great part was my initial stick for the IV - I was dehydrated because I'd been told to have nothing by mouth after midnight and they couldn't get the vein the first time. It was uncomfortable and unpleasant but really, in the grand scheme of things, no big deal. They got it in the other arm the second time around. I awoke feeling just fine - no nausea or anything - and after a while in the recovery room, they let me go home where my guy fed me and did things for me all weekend long. I felt well enough for a 1/2 mile walk on both Saturday and Sunday and my worst problem was a sore throat from the tube.


Yesterday and today I'm not doing quite as well - I've continued to lose blood - not too much to be worried about - but enough to cause me to feel sluggish and tired since it's been going on for 8 days now (I started my period last week a few days before the procedure.) I'd hoped they would have scraped everything out but apparently there's more! My legs feel like they are made of lead and I really want to nap despite clocking over 8 hours in bed last night. I called out from my part time job at the store for today - in part because I'm exhausted and they already told me I was "extra" just in case - but also because my poor foot/ankle has never really healed since I fell in December and I just wanted another day of rest for it and me.


I did, however, get my mammogram today and my appointment was at 11:30. They uploaded my results ALREADY less than an hour later. I'm blown away by that speed! I still don't even have the results from the biospy from Friday yet! Anyway, the mammogram was purely an annual wellness check with no anxiety hanging on that. I don't have much anxiety hanging on the biopsy either - I'm expecting it to be normal - but since I've had so much trouble with that part of me, I do feel like there's more at risk right now.


Note - if you haven't had either your COVID vaccine OR your mammogram yet, they told me that in a percentage of patients, the vaccine can trigger issues with the lymph nodes in that region and that might skew your results. If you can schedule them more than a few weeks apart, that's better. In my case, it turned out not to be an issue but I've been waiting for my mammogram appointment for 2 months and just happened to luck into a vaccine appointment 2 weeks ago. In a perfect world, they wouldn't have been so close together.


In other news, I'm still plugging away at work and not making as much progress as I'd like. I really hope to turn the corner soon!

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5 points for Wednesday!


@Katrin  I hope your symptoms have diminished. Most lab/pathology requires chemical reaction and therefore takes longer. Hopefully you will feel well enough soon to hit your job with your prior enthusiasm. 

After breakfast this morning, I really wanted to go back to bed and was sad that my renewed motivation didn’t last long. Then I challenged myself to just wash the dishes and clean up the kitchen. That sparked me and I dusted, swept, and mopped, then took a 30-minute walk. 

Hubby wanted a burger and fries for lunch, so I drove through “Burger Board” when I finished my errands. I did eat two fries as I drove home, then closed the bag. Hubby was surprised that I didn’t get fast food for myself. 

I am trying to stay off the scale except for Wednesday, my weigh-in day, but this morning I felt less bloated. 

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5 points for Wednesday!  It will be 3 points today.  And I binged Monday and today.  But, I will keep working on this.  I will.  And tomorrow, Friday, I will challenge myself (thanks for the words, @ElaineJ27 ) to get the house cleaned prior to walking (if the darn rain has stopped).


I hope your pain / discomfort is gone, @Katrin , and you get good results soon.

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@Katrin You have such a good attitude. Glad you got through that procedure and it is mostly over with  Hope all will go well now.  It is definitely ok to sleep 8 hours and take a rest or nap in the day.   Don't feel guilty.  Take care of yourself.      Best wishes.  

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