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Have you lost weight since you got your Fitbit?

I am the exact same weight as I was when I got my Flex 3 1/2 months ago!

How about you?

I'm hoping with Spring here and Summer around the corner, that my walking will increase. 


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Just get a mind set that "I will keep this up”.  All my hard work should not go for nothing.  If you slip, get back on the straight and narrow and put on something that you  can now wear...smaller clothing than when you started.  Always a great motivator.
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Definitely diet is a key part but for me increasing my activity and monitoring what went in and out kept me on the right path to lose over 3 stone. I have not been so attentive the last 6 moths and started to,gain but I am only 3Ibs of target weight since losing 7Ibs over the last few weeks 

Best Answer

Counting calories is a pain, but it really works.  Logging calories is very inconvenient - unless you're an accountant.  Maybe FitBit should come out with a necklace that measures the calories of the food going down your throat.

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I think you need to think of putting forth a bit of effort to get what you want.  We don’t want to be snowflakes and expect things to come to us on a whim.
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Will go back to myfitnesspal for calorie counting as this works, the fitbit
calorie count is not working for me
Best Answer
Don’t cheat.  Count everything including drinks and snacks.  It does and has to work.  If it doesn’t go into your system, it can’t become calories and therefore added weight.  This is an impossibility. 
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Hahahaha, good one

@Just-Guessing wrote:

Counting calories is a pain, but it really works.  Logging calories is very inconvenient - unless you're an accountant.  Maybe FitBit should come out with a necklace that measures the calories of the food going down your throat.


Best Answer
Come on, how easy do you want this?  It took some effort to get to where you are, put some effort into getting where you belong.  Count calories or get a whole lot more activities in your life.  You choose.  I am not being a smartelic, I went through this and had to do this very routine.    Set your mind to the fact that you want to lose weight and this is the only way to do the job.
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The necklace comment was a joke.Smiley Very Happy

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Hi F,
Not sure what to think ... when I was calorie counting on MyFitnessPal and
not walking as much, I lost weight
Now with the FitBit, I am walking so much more and actually gaining weight
... the calorie counter does not seem to be working for me?
Thanks for your input : )
Best Answer

@Linda888 calorie counting is just raw numbers. What may be different in both cases are databases you use and products that are being logged. If you read product labels you don't even need an app for it because the same result you will achieve using pen and paper. It matters what numbers you use not what app you use to store them. I use MFP too, but for a different reason - it has more functions when it comes to creating meals/recipes and better breakdown of what you eat. Otherwise, I don't think there would be any problem with logging and numbers itself if I used Fitbit as long as I log the correct products and numbers.

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I use mfp for its stronger database. But I find that linked with Fitbit and having negative calories set gives me a much more reliable log of calories burned. Fitbit overestimate quite a bit but for me mfp seems to balance out those overestimates. Of course it can be different for everyone. Ultimately it's up to you to put in the time to find the true equivalent of ur calorie input and output 

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Yes, I'm down about 4lbs since Christmas! 🙂

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Yes, definitely. It makes me food and exercise conscious ALL the time and I've recently taken to getting up and jogging on the spot when it says '100 steps to go this hour'

I use a stationary bike and constantly monitor my heart rate, looking for different ways to keep it up there and burn those calories.

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Best Answer
Great!  Sounds like you are getting this whole thing down to where you control your situation.
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Thanks, yes, this is what I thought : )
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Is that what they call it. Toned, because I haven't lost any pounds but it feels like it in my clothes.

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No I have not lost a thing but must be a bit fitter
Best Answer

I am now 9 months in and down 20lbs.  Slow & steady seems to be getting it done for me.  I have now reached the point where I am considering a shirt in a smaller size.  I shuffled through a 5k fun run on New Year's Day.  Not impressive but the official temperature was -26C so just getting outdoors was a win for me.

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