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Have you lost weight since you got your Fitbit?

I am the exact same weight as I was when I got my Flex 3 1/2 months ago!

How about you?

I'm hoping with Spring here and Summer around the corner, that my walking will increase. 


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Good for you, that is a nice sustainable result.

And good for your 5K on NY's I remember watching on TV how cold it was in
NYC that day.


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Excellent advice. The quality of the food we eat makes a huge difference in managing weight. Get off processed foods and eat only Whole Foods goes a long way. I am doing Keto along with my Fitbit and I've lost 22 pounds in a month and a half. 

Best Answer
No processed foods is best.  HOWEVER, one giving up the things they love is too hard.  Cut back on the things you know are not good for you.  I have pizza every Friday night, but I just have one smaller piece and a salad...still getting my pizza and losing weight.
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Hi I walk and use the elliptical each an hour per day. Started at 250 at Christmas (when I got the fitbit) down to 235 now. I consume 1800 calories a day.  So far, so good.

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Sounds great!  Learn what it takes for you to lose the weight you want to lose and you will do it by and by.  Congratulations on your success so far.
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thank you Fanniema, that makes sense and no deprivation : )
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At 1800 calories a day I have no deprivation. I eat a lot of green stuff ( I grow my own micro greens), eat very little processed food and even have room most days for an IPA at the end of the day.

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Hi all, have owned my fit bit for about 17 days now.  Best $120 I've spent in a long time.  Love the reminders and the goal setting.  A little structure and commitment goes a long way.  Started at 198 pounds and set a goal of two pounds a week, with a goal to get to 185. I weighed in at 193.6 this morning.  Couldn't be happier.  With respect to diet and exercise, you have to find what works for you.  For exercise, I set a goal of 12,000 steps a day, which is for the most part, manageable for me(there are some times in in my bedroom at 10 pm at night trying to knock out the last 1,000 steps).  I hit the gym 4 times a week for light circuit training and treadmill, elliptical, keeps me toned and feeling good.


Dieting: Again this is trying to find the right balance of what works for you based on your metabolism.


Here's what works for me:


1. Drink plenty of water (I've been sticking with the 64 oz. a day).

2. I minimize my intake of carbs, when I eat them I eat them in the morning or for lunch, never dinner.

3.  Drink water, not sodas.

4.  I eat my dinner (protein and vegetables) no later than 6 pm.

5.  Drink more  Water

6.  Two pieces of 90% cocoa chocolate each day

7.  On weekend I have one day I eat and drink whatever I want, when I want, this prevents me from bingeing.

8.  If you have a craving, don't deny your self, go ahead and eat it, but find some sort of exercise to offset the calories.


At the end of the day this is not a sprint but a marathon, start small, and make minor changes, until good habits become routine.  Have fun, be grateful for the good things you have in your life, and stay positive!!


Good luck to all.




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You have it down to a science.  Congratulations!  You will make this happen.
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Your path looks so close to mine. I need to add the chocolate though. I
have done my 12K/day for almost 500 straight days. I just keep plugging


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Good to hear Mike. Yes, the chocolate curbs my sweet tooth and I get the added health benefits, just eat it in moderation (I have two squares a day).  Also, I try to knock out about 25,000 steps on my sanity day on the weekend when I eat/drink what I want.  Keeps me honest. Enjoy the journey .



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I do a few pieces of cocao each day that has to be over 60 % cocao.  Enjoy this a lot.
I am determined to keep this weight off and am doing just that.
Congratulations on your success.
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25K? Oh Mufassa!


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Hi Frannie,


yes, the chocolate is my guilty pleasure, only after I've finished my workouts and steps.  Enjoy the day.



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I started 3 weeks ago and I've lost 10lbs. I haven't stuck to a diet but have tried to improve since being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Praying for results


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If you continue on your journey, it will make a difference in your blood
sugar, pressure, and pulse. It has made an enormous difference to me.


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Great.  Take charge of this diabetes thing.  You can adjust your diet to fit what you like but eat the right things.  I will say that using ICBINB really helped me.  I use it where I would have used mayonnaise or dressings.  I make my cole slaw with ICBINB and I love it.  When we have pizza every Friday night, I have a salad and one slice of pizza after the stomach and eyes are satisfied with the one piece.  Sweet potatoes are great to fill up on.  Mushrooms, blueberries and moderation, are great for your metabolism.
My favorite snacking food now is baby carrots.  GREEEEAAATTTT!

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Frannie, luv those baby carrots too! Eating some while I type. Smiley Happy

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I’m in the same exact boat

i have a month to turn it around if I want to avoid meds

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Good luck on your journey for health and fitness


I started 3 weeks ago and I've lost 10lbs. I haven't stuck to a diet but have tried to improve since being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Praying for results



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