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Holiday Challenge! Maintain or lose but do not gain!


I read that the average person puts on 6 pounds over the holidays and doesn't ever lose them.  Let's not let that happen to us!  This challenge will run through December 31st!  Here is the challenge:


Pick a goal for how you plan to eat through this challenge.  It is your choice but some examples might be giving up all processed foods, eating mindfully, eating plant based diet, etc.


Choose an exercise regime you will commit to do daily.


Stay accountable to the group by reporting in daily or if you can't do that just report as often as you can.


Who is with me??  Let's do this!  Here is my commitment to the challenge:


I am eating 90% plant based diet with no processed foods and limiting salt.

I will walk enough to get 10K steps a day 


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Hello, All.

I am IN!  I have had the Fitbit since Jan 1, 2014.  My goal was 10K steps.  I achieved this goal in 6 months.  My next goal was weight loss.  For 3 months, nothing happened.  So I did 2 things.  I began the DASH diet and increased my daily steps to 11K.  In the last 10 weeks, I've dropped 10 pounds.  I am 1.2 pounds away from my goal of a "normal" BMI.  With the DASH diet, I am never hungry.  Never.  With 11K steps, I am never exhausted.  Never.  For those who are truly discouraged, I have been there and am so thrilled to share with you the above information to achieve success for those last 10 pounds!  I can not say enough about the DASH diet for weight loss.  It is so nutritionally sound. 

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I am going to try this this year, but I have a huge road to climb.  I just got put on a medication for an injury that is going to make me retain water and gain weight.  I am going to try limiting my sodium, upping my water, and increasing my steps to 11K.  I also started the Couch to 2K program.  Here's to hoping!

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I'm in!!  Plan to have a loss by early January.  Exercise a problem now - just moved and much unpacking still to do - but I will try to remember to at least stretch each day - and as soon as I unpack my Cardio-Glider (a recumbant exerciser - for those of us who are old and/or physically challenged) - will get on it for at least a few minutes a day and work my way up.

Made a lentil, carrot, parsnip soup with ginger and will be eating that the next 4 days.

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I'm in!  My FitBit's battery ran out weeks ago and I didn't recharge.  I know that not tracking steps definitely affected how much I walked per day, so I am charging it up now and getting back on track!


I have about 25-30 pounds to lose.  My goals for the holiday season are:


1.  Maintain calories in/calories out balance to lose 1 pound a week except I will be happy if I maintain Christmas week.  No specific diet, but cut down on snacking and increase fruits and vegetables.  Also, drink water and log it.


2.  Make sure I log 10,000 steps/day, try to run 3 times a week, and add in strength training 2-3 times a week


If anyone has suggestions for a strength training program, I'd appreciate recommendations.  I could join a very hands-off gym fairly cheaply, or will be doing it at home from a DVD or website.  I just need to do basic push-ups, crunches, planks, squats, arm curls, etc.  Anything is better than the nothing I do now.


Happy holidays!



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@SweetLou I can send you the template I use for strength training. It requires a recreation center with machines and free weights. Something you are interested in?
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This is a gret program, been doing it for awhile now. Got my husband to do it as well. My problem is keeping the weight off. I lose it, but gain it right back.

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I'm in for not gaining any weight over Christmas. I just got my fitbit last weekend and I am still learning a lot about it. I have about 190 lbs to lose but I know that I can do it, so my goals for Christmas are really to keep losing weight.  


Wishing everyone the best as they do this journey

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I am in also! This is my first week, and my whole family is unhealthy... Overeating is ALL I know! Holidays will be rough because my family goes all out, and they get weird everytime I try to "get in shape." Its been a really rough battle! Thanks for the encouragement!

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Not gaining over the holidays is my goal, too. I've made it through Thanksgiving, that's a start.... 🙂

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definitely all in!. Having some difficulty for the passed few years shedding those pounds especially during the holidays. I'm planning to throw out soda and replace with a caffeinated tea or just simply water, maybe venture into the realm of smoothies.




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I'm in.  My goal is to drop 25 lbs by April.  I plan to have 30 active minutes daily and reach my 10,000 steps.  I have been lifting weights and adding cardio in and am frustrated by the scale not moving.  I will continue to put one foot in front of the other and practice the 80/20 rule when it comes to eating.  We have this guys.

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I can nearly agree with all of your statements!  Tell me more please about your modified ab challenge.  That is my problem area mostly.  I really would like the scale to be moving down but I would settle for some movement in measurements.

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Okay, so how is everyone doing?  I confess:  not well.  My dongle is not working so I haven't been able to sync in days and I started logging food which just made me want to eat more.


I did decide to join a gym with a pool because I think if I can make time for swimming, that will be a twofer for cardio and strength some days.


I'm trying to fix my dongle now.  Hopefully I'll be on track soon.


How is everyone else doing?

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@SweetLou I'm sorry you're having a problem syncing, have you tried syncing through a mobile device? I had the same problem when I was at the hospital and I used my brother's iPhone to sync my data and avoid losing my stats. Another option is to uninstall and reinstall Fitbit Connect, you can get a guide on how to uninstall here


As a personal tip to avoid the stressing on food logging; check the Mealprep thread on Pinterest, they usually have the portions and shopping lists to cook all week. Also if you are fond of snacking like me Smiley Happy a water infussion, veggies and saltines should help with the craving. I wish you the best of luck Cat Very Happy


Fitbit Community ModeratorHelena A. | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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Thanks,@helenarriaza.  Unfortuanately, I think my dongle is broken.  I emailed suport about it.  And, my phone (Samsung G2) doens't support the mobile app.  Maybe Santa will bring me a new phone for Christmas.  🙂


@kjean , I'd love your strength training routine.  When I join the gym (hopefully tomorrow), I'll have access to the machines and weights.  Can you post it here, or do you need my email?  If so, it's  Thanks!

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doing well with food so far - made a huge pot of 'unstuffed cabbage" - which I have been eating last 3 days. Breakfast has been a protein fruit shake for last 20 years.  I do not have a sweet tooth and only bread in house is cocktail rye - and I have 3 pieces of that (80 cal) with olive oil, or hummus or guacamole as a snack.  But..cannot have real baked bread in house or real cheese!!  Will start with 1 oz of cheese and end up eating 3/4 lb!!

Used to love fatty meats, but old age has taken care of that!! Cannot digest spare ribs or even a great steak too well nowadays.  Supper is often a vegetable omelet. 

When unstuffed cabbage finished - will make a huge pot of mixed veggies and beans and eat at room temp with oilive oil and balsamic vinegar.  (make these huge pots for 4 days eating - do not enjoy cooking for one).  Weigh ins are Wednesday at TOPS meeting (it is non-profit - so think it is OK for me to mention the organization  - TOPS.ORG.

Going out to eat next week and plan to  make a sensible choice.  Hang in there everyone!

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This is a great challenge.... I am in.    starting today... 


@Shelley wrote:

Choose an exercise regime you will commit to do daily. 


I am eating 90% plant based diet with no processed foods and limiting salt.

I will walk enough to get 10K steps a day 



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This is a great idea!


My goals:

to lose 5 pounds by January 15th.

Increase my step average to 11,000 daily.


I have only had my fitbit for three weeks now, I'm down three pounds but it's been slow progress--I need the motivation!


I always walk 10,000 a day (I'm a teacher and on my feet a lot), but I need to bring these numbers up in order to hit my goal. Hopefully that will help with my weight loss, too! I used to run a lot but I developed bad plantar fasciitis in my heels and that has slowed down my fitness a lot. If anyone wants to buddy up with me in this, please let me know--I always do best with the added motivation! 🙂

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Ok.  I am in. what do I need to do to sign up?  thanks
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I would love to help you.  My first suggestion is for you to make a route in your car and then walk out your front door and make this your daily goal.  Since you are new to fitbit and have had some past issues with running.  Walking at a fast pace is awesome.  Gradually add an additional mile every other week.  You will be amazed at your accomplishments.  Good Luck,
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