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Holiday Challenge! Maintain or lose but do not gain!


I read that the average person puts on 6 pounds over the holidays and doesn't ever lose them.  Let's not let that happen to us!  This challenge will run through December 31st!  Here is the challenge:


Pick a goal for how you plan to eat through this challenge.  It is your choice but some examples might be giving up all processed foods, eating mindfully, eating plant based diet, etc.


Choose an exercise regime you will commit to do daily.


Stay accountable to the group by reporting in daily or if you can't do that just report as often as you can.


Who is with me??  Let's do this!  Here is my commitment to the challenge:


I am eating 90% plant based diet with no processed foods and limiting salt.

I will walk enough to get 10K steps a day 


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ugh i did not get either goal today.  I have a migraine.  I am 60 calories over, since I haven't gone walking. I hope everyone else is feeling well.  Merry Christmas all! 🙂

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I feel for you... Migraines tend to take me out. I hope you feel better soon. Merry Christmas to you and your family:)
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I met the 10000 steps, drank plenty water and included 60 squats and 60 sit ups. I weighed myself for the week and I lost 1lb, total loss 46lbs to date:). May you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy, Healthy New Year!
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Welcome vkkesu and skimajor!  Glad you are joining the challenge!  Good luck to you both!


Merry Christmas everyone!  Yesterday I exceeeded my steps goal of 10K by getting over 17,000 steps.  Another first!  I also was way under my calories for the day which resulted in me meeting my Christmas deadline of losing 30 pounds!  Actually lost 30.8 # since Sept. 13th.  Whew!  I am relieved, excited and happy!  Now, to get through today and another week without putting some back on!!


Today my intention is to make "life moments" and not "food moments."  May we all enjoy Christmas and be healthy!!  It CAN be done!!  

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I got my steps, I eat within my calorie budget, and the scale is down again.


On Dec 15, the day before I joined this challenge, I was 135.8 and feeling very, very discouraged. This morning, I am 127.4 and feeling great! I have been maintaining at this lower weight for a while, so getting back to it wasn't too hard, Ijust had to DO IT. 🙂 Thank you all for your support, and for giving me a place to be accountable.

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Thank you for your kind words "Craziness"  :D.  I feel better today.  I am still within my calorie budget.  I am not doing Zombie 5k drills today, but hey it's x-mas!  I am doing well on my steps so far today too. I wish you all a Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year.  I made it through this challenge maintaining my weight.  My new year's resolution will be to continue to work on my fitness goals. 


see ya in the forums 😉

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Looked at the scale today and it is in reverse but not all that bad given the season.  Yesterday I baked all day and found that I only did about 5000 steps.  Today I managed over 11,000 but then Christmas dinner was served.



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I managed 11,193 steps today and 60 calf raises. I am looking forward to New Year's eve! Going to my sisters house to get together with my entire family. I bought an outfit and heels:) My excitement comes from losing the weight and going from 225lbs to 184lbs! For the New Year, I tend to make sure I meet my goal and plan a trip with my friend to hike the Grand Canyon, once again. This journey that we are all on, doesn't stop the moment we reach our goal, it continues, to assure that we maintain the healthy lifestyle so that we can keep making memories with those we love. Merry Christmas everyone!
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I have set up our new scale now i need the courage to step on it.  Will walk this afternoon

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Went for a walk after having late Christmas lunch for about an hour and half.  Was so cold (at least cold for Maryland).    Fell short of my 11,500 per day average goal but on the positive side, I did not gain any weight.    I  also did not make it to the original 30lbs lost by Christmas goal.  Was .4 lbs away from the goal.  Maybe, I can round down.


Happy New Year Everyone!

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I have 12445 steps and as I was walking I was thinking... I lost 41lbs not 46 as I thought I had? Oh well, I'm still doing good, eating good, drinking enough water and am keeping a positive attitude. I bought my friend at work a fitbit for Christmas and she and I are competing on the number is steps per day. It helps a lot! Have a great evening everyone!
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How is everyone doing?  We made it through Christmas and now just a few more days to the end of the year.  I am out of town and away from my scale.  My new Force was overcounting my steps and Fitbit staff suggested moving it to the other wrist.  Now it is undercounting (when compared with the zip).  I know I didn't get my steps yesterday but today, I think I probably did get at least 10K although it currently only shows 9432.  I got about 50 minutes of walking for exercise, went grocery shopping and played with twin 4 year olds so a lot of movement today.  Hope everyone is doing well!  

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Today is my off day... I have to give my body a break and tomorrow I can resume. I walked over 12000 steps yesterday along with sumo squats, regular squats and deadlifts and I'm sore today. Tomorrow, I hope to walk 12000 and work my upper body. I'm doing well with food, water and making sure I have enough protein. Have a nice evening everyone!
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Weigh-in day and return to good eating tomorrow. I'm afraid to see what the scale will reveal.

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I couldn't believe my scale this morning, I'd lost 1 pound and it was Christmas!  I just threw the last party on Saturday night.  I think I can contribute the loss to the fact I did substitute the treat as breakfast with my coffee (almond butter cookie, for example) and that I did all the cooking and cleaning before and after for two family parties while working.  So = no back stepping and only forge ahead 

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Up slightly, but its in the noise. I haven't been getting my steps, because I've been helping a friend birding. Lots of sitting still and looking around, not much walking. 


Today should be quite a bit of walking. 🙂

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The Holiday Challenge is set to end at midnight tonight!  Thanks to everyone for participating!  It definitely helped me stay motivated and committed to my plans and I enjoyed hearing about your successes and exercise routines.  I lost 6 pounds from December 14th to Christmas Day but then gained two back.  It is just too easy to gain!  But I am happy to be ending the challenge being down 4 pounds from two weeks ago and plan to continue with my exercise and healthy eating to get even more weight off.  


I am going to start a new Challenge for Mother's Day.  So look for Mother's Day Challenge under topics under Weight Loss.  This challenge will be to lose 20 by Mother's Day and is open to all Mothers, Grandmothers, and anyone who ever had a mother!  Maybe I will see some of you on the new challenge site.  Happy New Years to all!!

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What great results, Shelley! I just checked and I weighed exactly the same as I did on December 14. Can't believe I didn't gain any. Will check out your new challenge.

Georgia, USA
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Hi Shelley I started my holidays 1- jan it was always my plan to have a healthy active January I too plan to be active and have a  90% plant based diet I have reduced my caffine intake too 2 cups a tea in the morning and no coffee at all. No salt & upping the anty on exercise I'm away so no PT for the month but have a goodlife monthy pass so plan to do classes each morning which will mix things up,Walks i've planned Sunshine coast area beautiful also Kyaking. Taking the bike, riding to the gym and back and along the foreshore. Pool swims and also taking my juicer & Food processer for salads. My Mantra 2014 is all about my health. 

Lou Lou  

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Good morning everyone😊 this past week has been a tough one for me and I wasn't sure why my body was tired, energy very low and all I wanted to do is sleep. I decided to listen to my body and give it a rest while making sure I still ate healthy meals. I just woke up from 14 hours of sleep and I have to say, I feel fantastic! I weighed myself today and lost 4 lbs, making my overall weight loss 46 lbs. I kept thinking this entire time, I probably gained since I wasn't maintaining 10000 steps daily and wow, was I wrong. I guess what I want to say is, listen to your body, its OK to rest... This doesn't mean you hit the cookies and ice cream during this time. Keep in mind what you want to achieve before you begin eating unhealthy. I do want to say that I did have some ice cream and enjoyed it very much... but I didn't binge nor did I revert back to my old eating habits. Its OK to enjoy something once in a while as long as it doesn't become a habit on a daily basis. Anyway, beautiful day here in California and after I enjoy my cup of coffee and my bowl of hodgson mills oat bran with a banana, I will begin my first workout (cardio only) for 30 mins and then begin cleaning my house. Everyone, have a great day and I will be back later.
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