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July 4th to Labor Day Challenge 2016

Welcome one and all to our next challenge for better health and weight loss or maintenence.

We gather here to support each other, cheering and empathizing with the process of life style

change to improve our health and quality of life.

Set reasonable goals so you can feel success.

USW= heaviest weight when you began to lose

SW=starting weight

CW=current weight

GW=goal weight for Labor Day

UGW = Ultimate goal weight - long term healthy weight goal

Some people include their BMI = Body Mass Index, and some add their height as well. 



You can stop by once a week and post your progress or every day to get and give ideas and support. 

Most people track their food intake as well as steps to make sure you burn at least 500 to 750 more calories than you consume. Remember eat healthy food and portions in a way that you can maintain.

We can do this together. We have seen great progress over the last 7 challenges. 


Barbara G


Best Answer
541 REPLIES 541

SW 190.5

GW anything lower, continue focus on health goals

Goals for this challenge:

Continue increasing water intake

More hours sleep (4 hours really doesn't work!)

Move every hour

Eat lots of vegetables

Even lower sugar 

Increase all activity and fun

UG - since my body is reacting strangely to the antibiotics I was on (I gained over 25 pounds and have not been able to lose one ounce!) I am focusing on my real goal - be healthy, energetic, and live with purpose and joy.

The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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Ok... didn't do too good last round but will do better this round. I see my cardiologist in early Sept. and he wanted me to surprise him and lose some weight. Even if it's only 5 lbs. I'm almost at 10 lbs but I want to lose way more of course. But to start, I want to surprise him.

As for myself, I want to do more for me. With 8 grandchildren ranging from 3mths to 13 yrs of age, I need more energy and hoping that losing the weight will help me breathe easier and do a bit more. My cardiolosgist first told me that he will try to make me as comfortable as possible. Well I'm sorry but I'm not ready for that statement yet!

My goal is to eat more veggies, fruit and less ice cream.

Walk more and do some type of movement during commercials while watching TV. With the length of those ads these days, that's quite a bit to add to a work out for someone who can't do it all in one.



GW- 254

UGW- 150

Best Answer

I'm in!

I was in the last challenge and fell of the wagon and stayed off halfway through so I'm hoping this time works 🙂


CW - 137

GW - 120

UGW - 115 


This may be a lofty goal but I know I have about 3-4lbs of food in my stomach right now from the 4th of July so it won't seem as scary next week (I hope). Good luck everyone!

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I'm right there with you @iMike! I have done these soo many times it's not even funny but I'm hoping this one will stick. Good luck to you! I know you can do it!!

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I'm in. This is my first challenge.

CW: 278.8
GW: 260.0

I've had a fitbit for a while now and I've yoyo'd with consistency on weight loss and steps. I have yet to get any friends for challenges or join any like this so I figured I'd just jump and and see if this will help me get back on track and stay there on track this time. I look forward to making new friends and working on this goal and journey together. is the email I use for fitbit. I have only been averaging 6k steps some days I do over 100 but there some days that I barely seem to hit 5k. I'm wanting to change this and get consistently over 10k. This august I'm signed up for an inflatables 5k with my family and I'd like to be in better shape for this as well.

Hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July
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Over 10k not 100. Silly autocorrect
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USW= 340 lbs (Oct 2010)

SW= 275 lbs

CW= 269.0

GW= 250 lbs

UGW = 200 lbs

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@SunsetRunner  I am so impressed with you.  You have several ways of motivating yourself, including doing it for you.  And you have a plan.  Make sure it is doable, increases gradually, and then just stick to it.  If you find yourself slacking off, come on in here and we will get you back on track.  Being active throughout the whole day is supposed to be the healthiest, much better than one quick workout and then sitting all day.  Make sure you eat the way that is healthiest for you, and drink the amount of water that is healthiest for you too.  

The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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I'm in!


I did the Memorial Day to Independence Day challenge and lost 7 pounds but did not hit my goal (which was pretty lofty to begin with). 




USW= 345.6 (1/16/16)

SW=298 (7/5/16)

GW=285 (Labor Day goal)

UGW = 140 (?)



  1. Definitely need to get back on my diet. For two weeks I didn't adhere to it. 
  2. Continue hitting at least 8,000 steps and doing Zumba
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USW 235

CSW 163

UGW 150's


I was seriously off track last challenge, have been dealing with a ton in my personal life, summer is drawing to an end and my kids will be starting school in a little over a month. Home buying/selling has been exhausting so my gym time and diet has suffered. I've managed to stay in the low 160's but I just can't seem to get in sync with life right now lol I actually am not wearing my Fitbit for a few weeks to do a test to see how much I can rely on myself instead of that little device reminding me to get moving and log my info. Thanks for all the support and encouragement from our veterans and welcome to our group for the newbies!

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@awood08 If anyone can get back on track it is you.  You have been fierce through your weight loss, even with all kinds of challenges. If you stayed in the same weight range with all that stress and activity, you are doing well.  Summer drawing to an end? Yikes.  It's just starting to get really hot here.  Just a question - is this the best time to test your Fitbit independence?  Or would it make sense to get on track first and then find out?  Then again, I am totally dependent.  It has been great for rehabbing my foot.

The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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Smiley Very Happy

Highest weight (of my life!) 212

Current:  177.6

Goal: 150 (interim)

Ultimate goal:  135


Down a pound this week!  Go me!


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@mommo77 Great job being down 1 this week!  Losing 27.5 pounds by Labor Day seems like a lot to me - a steady 3 pounds weekly.  Do you have a plan?

The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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@Bobbinyc Thank you for your encouragement. We'll be going camping in a few weeks. We'll be gone for about two weeks. I will be giving my wrist a rest from the Fitbit but I will be either putting it in my pocket or finding some way to attach it to my clothes. I've lost 2 lbs since yesterday so I know I've got a lot of water gain and could be the reason for my breathing being more laboured than usual. Plus I seem to have forgotten my meds for two days in a row which doesn't help either. That may be why my heartbeat was a little wacky on the weekend. SCARY!! But sometimes it happens when you have company and your routine changes. lol  I know I have to cut down on my water but the cardiologist told me that I will know when I've had too much to drink. I will find it harder to breathe.


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I guess I call it a plan, Bobbyinyc, lol.  I use Fitbit and Sparkpeople to track activity and food, obsessively count calories in and out, try to get all the fruits and veggies, whole grains, and healthy protein I'm supposed to.  I'm a teacher's aide so now that I'm during the day I have a lot of flexibility to exercise more.  Some days I just get up and dance, lol.  I can't believe I just shared that! Smiley Embarassed

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Is there a group for this challenge similar to how it worked for the Memorial Day to 4th of July challenge?

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@awood08 @SunsetRunner


This whole weight loss thing is a roller coaster ride, not a straight slide down a hill 🙂


Ups and downs happen all the time (guilty!), but keeping with the overall plan will eventually get you where you want to be. (I think you already know this).


You will succeed...I would place money on it!  R

Warner Baxter won Best Actor 1930 for "In Old Arizona"
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@mommo77 I love your plan, especially the part about dancing.  That way, no matter what the scale says, you know you are getting healthier and having some fun.  

The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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@OCDOC  Does the Rex Harrison reference mean you are back down again?  Great!

I used to think of the scale as a trampoline - I'd bounce around, but gradually the bouncing would slow down.  Now I think of the scale as, well, broken!

The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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I did a 4 mile walk today, by far the most since the foot surgery!  I think it was a month ago I was thrilled to walk 1000 steps.  I also drank 4 glasses of water, and did a little yoga.  All by 9 am.  If that scale still doesn't move tomorrow, I'm .....I'm.....I guess just trying again.

The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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