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July 4th to Labor Day Challenge 2016

Welcome one and all to our next challenge for better health and weight loss or maintenence.

We gather here to support each other, cheering and empathizing with the process of life style

change to improve our health and quality of life.

Set reasonable goals so you can feel success.

USW= heaviest weight when you began to lose

SW=starting weight

CW=current weight

GW=goal weight for Labor Day

UGW = Ultimate goal weight - long term healthy weight goal

Some people include their BMI = Body Mass Index, and some add their height as well. 



You can stop by once a week and post your progress or every day to get and give ideas and support. 

Most people track their food intake as well as steps to make sure you burn at least 500 to 750 more calories than you consume. Remember eat healthy food and portions in a way that you can maintain.

We can do this together. We have seen great progress over the last 7 challenges. 


Barbara G


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541 REPLIES 541

@Bobbinyc wrote:

@OCDOC  Does the Rex Harrison reference mean you are back down again?  Great!

I used to think of the scale as a trampoline - I'd bounce around, but gradually the bouncing would slow down.  Now I think of the scale as, well, broken!

@Bobbinyc Yes you've got it right 🙂  The Oscar year for my pic is always my current weight eg 196.4...Monday July 4 was all bloat!!  Ty for noticing, and keep up the good fight!

Warner Baxter won Best Actor 1930 for "In Old Arizona"
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Jan 2015 I started moving by dancing around the house with my granddaughter.  I just had rotator cuff surgery and couldn't do anything.  I slowly increased my walking distance and speed.  Oct 2015, I had lost 50 lbs and I slowly started jogging.  So, keep working at it!!!!


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Debb21, great job.  You are inspiring.

The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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Hi all! 


I'm new to fitbit as of today, coming from jawbone. I'm hoping the community aspect of fitbit will help to keep me motivated and moving!



Goal: 144

Ultimate goal: 115-120



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Thursday...check-in day for me.


USW 246

CSW 200.4 (weekend bloat!)

Today 196.0

C/UGW 189


As expected, the scary 200+ was a result of long-weekend devil-may-care 🙂 Super-strict and active made it go away (thank goodness).


Gives another dimension to the old 'Work hard play hard' adage 🙂


Best to all! Rob

Warner Baxter won Best Actor 1930 for "In Old Arizona"
Best Answer

Good Afternoon Everyone!!

I've retained so much water that I had to remove my ring. 😞  That was two days ago. I went down two pounds and back up two pound overnight. I still can't put the ring back on. I've had to double up on my water pills. I guess that's one reason for the breathing problem. But I'm breathing easier today. Anyone have healthy smoothie recipes??

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@SunsetRunner There are literally thousands of recipes for smoothies online, in every recent cookbook, on every cooking or health related tv program.

I'll look up some for you but basically, I use a little liquid, usually almond milk (I make it) or water. Some use coconut water or milk.  Then add whatever fruits and vegetables you like.  Add them to a blender slowly, blending as you go.  To make it creamy, you can add some banana or avocado.  To make it sweet, I add berries.  Green drinks are made by adding green vegetables like celery, spinach, kale. I usually use spinach because I can't taste it from the blender.  Greens have to be put in early with the liquid so the fibrous parts can be really smushed, then add the other ingredients.  Some add apple.  It really is whatever you like.  If you use greens, make sure to add something rich in Vit. C, to help absorb the iron.  Your berries or banana can be frozen if you like it cold, or  you can add ice.

 You can also add a bit of peanut butter if you like that.

I tend to make mine with whatever looks fresh and is organic that week.  Warning: if you use greens, and add rapberries, it will be brown and look really yucky.  I still like the taste so that doesn't bother me.  

Sometimes my blender lets me know that I didn't blend enough as I went along.  Some times they taste better than others, so I learn what I like in it.  

I never fuss about it, because for me it is a way of getting in more nutrition easily.  And more liquid.

The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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Hello everyone!


I love a good challenge and a bit of friendly competition so of course I am in!

I've struggled with my weight my entire life, and as I am maid of honour for my sisters wedding in October, I have the motivation I need to get rid of the padding.


Age: 27

USW: 92.6kg (204 pounds)

Current Weight: 88.6 (195)

Ultimate Goal Weight: 60 kg (132)


I would be happy with a 1kg loss per week, but would love to lose more, obviously!



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I am a virgin with the challenge routine. I've been a runner all my life but at 56 I'm slowing down. I walk now and meeting my daily goal of 12k. I recently upgraded to the charge HR.
Usw 245
SW 236
GW 225
UGW 205
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I'm a little late to the party but better late than never...;)


Married mother of two, had two boys, put on plenty of baby weight, and am just now getting around to trying to get the weight off. (Pretty sad since my youngest is I've been taking my health and weight seriously since April 10 of this year, when I quit smoking and signed up for my first 10k, which takes place on July 30. I havent lost a ton of weight yet and it is an EXTREMELY slow process, but I gotta say, I havent felt this good in years.


Here's my stats:

USW: 204 (ack)

SW: 202.6

CW: 189.6

GW: 170 by Labor Day

UGW: 145


Also, side note, what a great community this is!! 🙂

Good luck to all of you!

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I'm not checking in with my weight this week, I already know what to expect. Our house still won't sell, the house we had set up (that I absolutely fell in love with) is now pending sale, I sprained my ankle pretty severely at the gym and now I barely walk so it's off the feet until my doctor okays it. I could go on and on with everything else wrong but it's not worth the time. I just hope that I can see a light at the end of the tunnel because whatever challenges i've had until now I have been able to conquer...right now I feel too defeated by life. 😞 

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@awood08  Yikes!  Sometimes it really piles on, doesn't it?  I'm just barely starting to see the end of the tunnel after way too long a time, and some things are still dicey.  That is just how it goes sometimes.  

I'm really sorry you are going through this.  

The only thing I'd recommend, is take good care of yourself.  Your body and mind have a load of stress and your job isn't to solve it all immediately.  Your job is to take care of you.  Not being able to walk changes things so much.  But this is also very temporary.  Meanwhile, you still can eat very well (maybe  a little less to make up for lack of movement), and do whatever mental de-stressing (meditation?) you can do.  You need to be as healthy as possible when you get back on your feet.  And your family gets to pitch in more, and that is good for them to do.

My sense of your determination is that you can run the household, take care of your family, and heal yourself, while laid up, far better than most people could without an injury.

I know this is all tough.  I also know you can manage it, until it is over.



The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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@Bobbinyc Thanks for the info. I did make one from a recipe I got on youtube. I was just wondering what others were using that were tried and true? I used Strawberries, kale, peaches, coconut water and vanilla yogurt. It was pretty good actually. No sugar needed and it was my first one.

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@awood08, chin up lovely lady, life is full of ups and downs, blocked pathways to climb over or find a safe detour, the law of life is that nothing is static, everything moves, changes, continually and we have to learn to adapt and go with the changes or get stuck in limbo. Everything, including us, is undergoing changes, daily, minute by minute even and mentally we have to learn to take advantage (find the silver lining) of those changes. I feel for you, but I also know you are stromg with a lot of determination and I know you will beat this. My best wishes hon and start delegating the chores.

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Greetings all,

I have had a big week, having increased my gym from 1 hr Mon and Wed to also include Fridays. My energy levels have increased but my scales are still having de ja vu moments and esp moments, I have been 56.7 for two consecutive days now, very happy.

USW June 2013 84kg, 185.2 lbs

End of last Challenge July 2, &SW 57.1kg, 125.9 lbs, BMI 23.8

CW Jul 9, 56.7kg, 125 lbs, BMI 23.6,

UGW 55kg, 121.3 lbs, BMI 22.9


Keep positive, work on your goals, clap each achievement, you have earned, evry day is a new start to a brighter more beautiful you.

Remember, the flowers, the grow side by side but none competes against the other, they simply grow to bloom.

So lets get blooming shall well. Have a great day.

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I just caught this today.  Sorry,  I am late.  Hopefully,  I can still join!

Age: 42

USW= 303 lbs

SW=292 lbs

CW=253.3 lbs

GW=220 lbs

UGW = 130 lbs



Meeshka Mouska



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Well two days I did not get to my 10K step goal. I have been getting up early in the morning to walk around my subdivision..lots of hills by the  time I am done it says I did 20 stair cases 😄 then I get the rest of my steps at work, I work 10 hour shifts with 45 min drive to and from work so that takes a good chunk of my days. We have been having some storms so one morning we couldn't walk before work...and I have bad sciatica problems right now but walking does help it just hard to get going. Today we are going to Nashville to hike at a wilderness area. Our walking trail here in my town is mostly closed due to flooding and after 6 am our subdivision gets too hot to walk shade. Next week I will get at least 10k every day.

If the door doesn't open, it isn't your door.
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Good Saturday morning! It is 10:47 here and I am up to my 10,000 steps already. But here is my thing. Instead of striving for 10,000 more, I sort of goof off. I do my 30-minute cardio/abs/strength workout, then walk on the treadmill or head outdoors, so I am ambitious when I start. But by about this time, I find myself just puttering around. I am not terribly competitive, I guess. Anybody else think like this?
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Seems like you pace yourself automatically. A body needs a rest sometimes. 10,000 steps is 4.2 miles for most of us so that is a lot of exertion. Do you get a second wind later in the day? I would make sure that I drank enough water to replace the amount used. 

Also when it is hot we do tend to slow down so as not to overheat. Sounds natural to me.

Barbara G

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Hi you are in. Just set reasonable goals for yourself and come here to give and get support. Welcome to you and all new folks that join now and later. Labor Day is Sept 5 so lots of time to get healthier.

Barb G

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