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Looking for MOTIVATION and a Friend!


Hey Everyone!!! 🙂


I just got the new fibit surge and I'm loving it! I'm starting working out and dieting tomorrow and I would LOVE to become friends with you guys and be able to stay on track and share this journey and be each other support! I'm looking to lose 50+ pds! I know I can do it and so can you! We just need to put our minds to it and want it! 🙂




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Hi,glad your bought your new Fitbit,I enjoy walking,cycling,swimming to maintain weight control and fitness.
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Hi everyone!! 


I am ALWAYS happy to meet new fitbitters because in the end we are all following the same goal: to live happier, healthier and fitter!!


Message me / friend me and we can do some challenges together! I am doing short term challenges (like 5 day clean eating) or long term challenges over 60 days. All of these are fun, but I find together they are the best! 


The 60 day challenges are great for a longterm goal (like shedding 25 lbs) but the short term challenges really keep me focussed and accountable and motivated!! Especially together with a group of people who are in the same boat!!


Happy walking everyone! 



I love yoga, pilates, knitting, my fitbit and walking my dog! +++ Started with 100 lbs to lose - 60% there - reclaiming my life and health!
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Hi Abby,

Well, I am "charging" the Fitbit right now, so can use a friend and motivator on this journey. So here we go!


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I am just starting and this is Almost my first day. So much to learn. I am not a runner but a walker so should get to 10,000 steps by end of next week. Have been in a foot cast for 4 mos. so "catching up." Love to have you as a motivator partner as well. maureen

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feel free to add me as well. you can't have too much support or too many friends. 🙂


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Hi all,


The start of a new week and I'm feeling good. Happy walking.


Sue x

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Thanks Judy. May we all meet our fitness goals together!

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Hello everyone,   Just purchased a Charge HR a few weeks ago.. Loving it so far.. However, i have noone to help with motivation.. Would love as many "friends" that would like help themselves to stay on track.. I have over 80lbs to lose.  Thank you in advance..

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Hi Abby,

Yes, I would like to pair up for motivation. I lost 3.4lbs this week and trying to get to 10,000 steps this weekend. It seems to be a struggle but my challenge is to get there by Sunday. Let me know how you do. Are you using MyFitnessPal? It syncs with Fitbit and Really is important for food tracking.

Let me know how it goes. maureen

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Having you ladies as friends really is giving me the encouragement I needed.

I'm starting to believe I can do this instead of coming up with excuses. Like "it's too hot outside" -  I've come up with a track in the house I use. Instead of dusting the indoor bike I now use it. 

Start small and build up on the exercise. Something that helped me in the beginning was keeping my own record. Just doing a few more steps each week was good. Then I wanted to do more each month. Chart what other exercises you do and see the results. This has also helped me.

Finally I've started to lose some weight after a bad patch. 


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I'd like to be friends!
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Hey, i bought my HR 2 weeks ago, and I'm really surprised how motivated it's kept me! I love it! Feel free to add me!
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My son got me the surge for X-mas, just getting done setting it up & figuring out how it works..would luv to add some friends so I can do the challenges..I am 40 years old & looking to drop 30lbs & get back to being fit & healthy!!.hope to hear from some of u soon..:)
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