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Lose 30 pounds by valentines day

Lose 30 pounds by valentines day

lets start this again from old forum

how a is every one doing for first month in

Kim C
Best Answer
Thanks for starting the new thread. I hope i have better luck by valentines days than i did with the christmas goal. I did lose am down 17lbs since sept, so am happy about that but fell off the wagon for a few weeks and now trying to catch up wont hit the 30 lb by christmas. But this will give me a new goal to aim for
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Hi I am new here.  Just bought the fitbit flex and the aria scale.  I would like to lose 30 pounds by Valentines day.  Is that even possible in a month and a half?  Did this group just form or am I behind?

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Count me in! I have fallen off the weight loss wagon and gained 10lbs!!!! Eek! Seeing as how I would like to lose around 60lbs now, losing 30 by valentines would be awesome! I have my Flex charging as I type and hope to start logging some steps in about an hour!


So what is everyone's routine? Any special diet? Exercise? Gym?


PS. I'm 34, work full time and have two kids, 3 and 5. I'm busy!!!

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Woman Surprised

How would we safely loose 30 lbs by valentines day?   I am trying to do this safely,  in hopes I won't gain it all back.  30 lbs is exactly what I need to loose to reach my goal of a healthy weight.   Fitbit has me at July.  My doctor had said one pound a week was good.  Although, future fitness and overall health is my goal. Maybe this is for those that are younger and more fit than I.  =D  Good luck!  I hope you reach your goals.  😄


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I'm in!


I need a challenge to kick my fatty-patty behind. Ha!


How is everyone approaching this? What diet method is everyone using?

Best Answer

I am in! I only have ~20 or so pounds to lose. I've been stuck at 130-131 since last Spring after losing 45 pounds in 6-8 months. At this point if I keep a 1000 cal/day deficit I can lose bysometime in February so that sounds like a good goal. 🙂


I just got my fitbit & a garmin so I have been running a lot this week!

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I am walking about 15000 plus steps a day and will be starting to work with a personal trainer for strength training in January.  I'll also use Atkins and I have lost quickly and easily on Atkins in the past.  Of course, I'm older now so it might be slower.

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Looks like I'm late joining the group, but I definitely need your support, so I'll take whatever weight loss I get by Valentine's Day!  Thank goodness the last of many Christmas treat buffets was in our school staff lounge today.  I feel like I'm going to pop, and I'm so ready to get fit.  Feedback welcome!  Here goes :smileyhappy:  Jocelyn 

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Oh 30 pounds by valentines day would be perfect! I need to lose it for a cycling race I'm doing early march.


For those who have already lost a lot of weight, any tips?

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I'm keen to join this group. 30lbs would be amazing, I just need some help on the food front. I find counting calories and logging food just obsesses me to think about food all the time. I would rather stick to a plan everyday changing a couple of things in and out. Any advice would be awesome.

Best Answer

I've found that what works for me for losing THAT much weight in such a short amount of time goes along something like this...


Workout (I know this sounds like a lot, but just something simple and easy to get your metabolism kicking)

I like to do this before my shower in the morning and BEFORE eating because if I eat I will NOT want to do it.

50 sit-ups [you can break them up into sets or just bust through them]

25 push-ups

10 Donkey Kicks [get on all fours and kick back and up with one let at a time]

10 squats

If you have dumbells

20Male/10Female Bicep Curls, and Triceps curls


Breakfast: High Carbs and Filling
Ex: Oatmeal - made with milk (1.5 servings) and some brown sugar/cinnamon to help remedy that sweet tooth early

Or Ex 2: Biscuits/Toast with butter and honey (2-3 servings)


Morning Snack

Some very light

Exs: Serving of Fruit, Fiber bar, small protein shake, etc...

{the point of this is to keep your metabolism going as well as hold you over till lunch}

**Don't be tempted to continue eating here, you will still feel slightly hungry (some will) but it will go away in 20/30min



This is your free meal of the day

That means eat what you want, just don't go overboard.  You don't ever want to feel "stuffed" if you're trying to lose weight (duh right?)


Afternoon Snack

Depending on what you ate for lunch you might not even want to have an afternoon snack



Try to have cardio in here for weight lost, the morning workout should take no longer than 10-20 minutes.  This is your real workout.

30 min - 1hr cardio (whatever you like to do: treadmill, run/jog, swim, jump rope, endless list of cardio stuff)

You want 3-4 days of cardio and 2-3 days of weight training.  On the days you do weight training you want more protein and less carbs (fats ok), on the days you do cardio you want more carbs and less fat (proteins ok).  Weight training can be something you make for yourself.  If you do 3 days, you want each day to target a new muscle group or area so that you have plenty of rest in between.  The other alternative is that you can do a full body workout (work out all muscle groups) but make sure you have 2 days of rest in between.
(Ex: M, Th Weight Training Full Body///Tues, Wed, Fri, Sun Cardio)

Another note: try not to go beyond 1 day of rest between cardio days, and try not to go beyond 3 days of rest for weight training days per muscle group -- which is why most find it easier to just do full body 2x a week)



This is your light meal of the day...(this is probably the most difficult because you've worked out and you need to replenish your body, but you also don't want to go over the calories...this can also be difficult because many people have dinner as their main course.  You don't want that - heavy dinners make you gain weight while you sleep.  If you can keep dinner to before 630-700pm (as in finish eating by then), that would be best if you go to sleep by 11pm.  If you go to sleep earlier well adjust it.  Try to keep FINISHING dinner 4 hours before bed.  No snacks after unless it's fruit/water or fruit juice from a juicer.  The fake juices are horrible for you.

Drink lots of water.


Just keep in mind that if you're trying to lose weight and what you're doing now isn't working, then something needs to change right?  So give this a try for a couple of should lose 10-15lbs.



1 - never try to lose more than 4lbs per week after the first 2 weeks of dieting.  The first couple weeks, you lose a lot of water weight, weight that's just not REALLY there, and it's safe to lose up to 10lbs during that first week.  This means, that if you're doing nothing at all and suddenly start doing this, then 10 lbs is fine.  If you've already been dieting and losing weight gradually.  You don't want to lose more than 4lbs per week.  If you're losing more than that, it starts to get a little unhealthy and it's more than likely you'll fall out of plan and re-gain the weight.

--You can avoid going overboard by gradually going into this plan.


I will say that 30 lbs by Valentine's day is a tough goal.  That's about 2 months.  Though if you stick to your plan.  2 weeks in Feb is 8 lbs.  4 weeks in Jan is 16lbs.  And 1 week in Dec is 4 lbs.  I guess that's 28lbs...but that's with no cheating or anything.  Good luck. 🙂


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hi all

  DEC 15 was the first 30 days of the group how did every one do i l lost 9 lb so so close

but this month i am having a thoug time


any one new joining it would be goal of 20 ib this was started so you can do it safely in oct

so the goal worked out  about 10 lb a month

Kim C
Best Answer

I joined on Dec 19 and have not weighed myself yet.


I'm all over the place lately. For the past couple of years truth be told!


Here's what I know works for me:


  • eating fresh, whole foods
  • no fear of the beef
  • lots of chicken
  • fish!
  • no sugar
  • no grains
  • lots of veggies
  • no potatoes
  • eggs eggs eggs!
  • my wonderful coffee with full fat cream

I'm sure there's more.

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I wish I could do the no sugar part...that's the hardest thing on earth for me

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Hi All -  Just got the the fitbit today and was happy to find the forums.  I would love to join this challenge, even though Valentine's Day might be a tough goal to meet for me since it's almost January, at least it will get me

@kimslamp wrote:

Lose 30 pounds by valentines day

lets start this again from old forum

how a is every one doing for first month in


Best Answer

Hello all, I just got the fitbit today would like to join this group.  Would like to try to lose 30lbs by Valentine's Day also but anything is a plus.  I started dieting a week and a half ago and have lost 10lbs so far.  I am doing a low fat, low cal, plus exercise.

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Hi everyone, like a cople of peeps around here, got a fitbit for christmas and am really excited to get motivated with some challanges. Bearing in mind I'm starting waaaay late, I will not be aming for 30(!) but more in the 20-25 range. 

The way I'm going about this is eating clean vegetarian food and the 5:2 diet, which kind of works with the way I eat anyway - some days loads, some days very little. 

Also, I'm doing the insanity workout at home and aiming for aroud 10000 steps/day.

Good luck to everyone and hope to hear from you  


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Thank you and good luck to you as well


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Thank you very helpful and good luck on your success


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