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New Year 2018 to Valentine's Day Challenge

Welcome to the newest challenge! We are celebrating our scaled and non-scaled victories and progress. Following are some acronyms typically used by those who post. Some of us also track body fat or measurements, please add those as you wish.


USW - Ultimate start weight

SW - starting weight for the challenge

CW - current weight 

PW - previous week's weight

GW - goal weight for the challenge

UGW- ultimate goal weight


I hope everyone had successful and fun winter holidays. Many of us are continuing on or beginning again or newly starting our healthy journeys. Big reminders...have FUN, enjoy life, laugh every day, stay positive, drink your water, move your butt, come share with us.


To join, please simply post and you are in! Have a great time, let's get this going!

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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177 REPLIES 177

USW- 215.0 (2/4/14)

1stCSW- 211.4 (2/14/17) First Challenge Starting Weight

2ndCSW - 210.8 (4/18/17) Second Challenge Starting Weight

3rdCSW - 212.0 (5/31/17) Third Challenge Starting Weight

4thCSW - 209.8 (7/4/17) Fourth Challenge Starting Weight

5thCSW - 209.0 (9/04/17) Fifth Challenge Starting Weight

LCSW - 206.4 (10/31/17) Last Challenge Starting Weight

CSW - 212.4 (1/1/18)

LW- 208.4

CW- 207.6

GW- 200.0 (February14th)

UGW- 150


@_Lilac_ - The idea of surgery is very scary but better that they think they can help you rather than saying you have to live with it. I'll keep you in my prayers and you keep us updated. Glad you are able to keep the Y membership.

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Hi, Good for you for keeping at it.  Walking the mall is one of the worst ways to walk for knees because the floors are so hard.  If there is a track at your gym or a treadmill that would work better.  Of course, outside on a soft trail is best but it's winter so that won't work for now.  The YMCA is great of course.  They are usually fairly reasonable and offer lots of programs.  And of course, water exercise is excellent for joint problems.  Seizures can be scary for sure.  Hope you have lots of support.   Best of luck with all of it.   

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@workingitbaby  I lost my first 50 lb by going to water aerobics at the YMCA. The program is very much so that I have to find a way to fit it into my budget and schedule. They have subsidized membership costs for those in need so I'll apply for that Monday. I typically walk outside on sidewalks, trails, parks, etc. Winter makes it a bit more difficult since we have almost constant snow coverage on the streets here, but I manage to walk the dogs when I can. I don't mind the cold. 

I've had only 4700 steps today. I think I'll do a workout in my livingroom to add some. I can't let my knee go bad again. I'm still suffering with plantar fasciitis on that same leg. Sigh...not one thing it's another.


Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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Nice work @IdahoSandy !  You are getting ever closer to your challenge goal & ultimate goal.  Keep up the good work.


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@Cele21, good job on losing weight this past week. 


@_Lilac_, great job losing 50 lbs doing water aerobics at the Y.  I hope you are able to get the subsidy & continue to attend.  I also hope things  look up for you.


I hope everyone has a good weekend.  I will be posting my weigh in tomorrow for week three.

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Starting Weight - 320 (1/07)

  Sunday1 - 318 (1/14)
  Sunday2 - 314 (1/21)
  Sunday3 - 000 (1/28) 312 Target
  Sunday4 - 000 (2/04) 310 Target 
  Sunday5 - 000 (2/11) 308 Target

Valentine's Day Goal - 307 Target

-4 lb

In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.
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I am angry at myself for putting my fitbit on the charger then doing exercise without it ON...Sigh. l did livingroom walking/marching for about 45 min and didn't have it. And, I've tried adding the steps but there isn't any way to add quantity of steps? Grrr. I know how many I do in 45 min.

I was sitting in my recliner earlier and through my laptop screen I could see myself reflected dimly. I was staring into the fat face of what appeared to be the old me. I was having yogurt but it looked like it could have been a bowl of ice cream...and it scared me. Why was I sitting around?? So, I got the dogs leashed up and took them for individual walks. Then I did that 45 min workout. I can't return to being that person  who sits in a recliner all day long. Naturally lazy people (ME) need to be reminded constantly to get the butt moving. 

Having dinner...Everyone, I hope your weekend has been fantastic and you had fun.

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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@_Lilac_I think all of us have done that one time or the other. You can manually log in your workout under activities. Do that. It will allow you to record you distance and estimated calories.

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@_Lilac_ We visited Goose Bay and related areas last year. Where do you live?


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USW - 308

SW - 280

CW - 271* (22nd)

LW - 275

GW - 265

UGW- 148


Dropped 4 lbs this week, pretty happy with my progress. 


@_Lilac_, sorry you forgot your Fitbit.  It sucks when you put in that effort but it wasn't recorded. 

@almost_where, great job on losing 4 pounds this week.  Keep up the good work.


I hope everyone has a great week.  Good luck on your workouts & eating plans.

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-1 lb from original post on 1/11/18. I'm disappointed, but had to work late and skip lunch gym sessions last week b/c my Mgr was abruptly fired. My new Mgr started the next day so had to stay late. 


USW - 210

SW - 208

CW - 206.3

LW - 275

GW - 200

UGW- 180



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Hi all, 

No change from last week, but I’m okay with this.  The docs upped one of my meds again, the last 2 times this dose was upped I gained 7 pounds in 2 days.  That’s 14 of the pounds im working on losing. So maintaining my loss so far is great.  


@_Lilac_ Yup, I think we’ve all exercised w/o our Fitbit’s.  So frustrating.  

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Okay, so I lost 4, gained 6, lost 5... time for the trendline on this graph to become a little steadier. But after a week of not feeling so good (found out I can't eat hazelnuts, which were in my salads last week), hopefully I'm back ready to roll.

USW - 217.8

SW - 217.8

CW - 214.2

PW - 219.2

GW - 204

UGW- 192.

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@khreed  I live in New Brunswick, which is northeast of Maine. Goose Bay is even more north and east of me.

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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So the good news is, I had a great monday in terms of activity. 160 active minutes, 15,000 steps, did both my morning hike and my evening spin class (ranked #5 in the class)... 

The bad news is, my body may have stopped recognizing my morning hike as exercise. My average bpm was only 99 for the hike today! That's not even in the fat burn zone! I feel like I'm being punished for getting my heart healthier, because it's going to be so much more difficult to lose weight if my daily routine is no longer making any impact. 

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Down .5 pound.  Wish it were more but a loss is a loss - right?  Last week my husband decided he just HAD to try a pie recipe that involved real whipped cream, cream cheese, graham cracker crust, etc.  Of course I had to taste it - actually more than a taste.  He is banned from cooking this week!  


SW: 174

CW - 172.5

GW: 165

UGW: 160  

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@Jasmine333, congrats on losing half a pound.  Just keep moving that scale in the right direction.


@erinwdesign, great job on the steps & activity minutes.  I know it sucks when your body gets efficient at a workout ( your hike) and you either have to bump up the challenge or change to a different activity  altogether.  But of course the flipside is that you are getting healthier, so be proud you have reached that point.


@Coracora, better to maintain than gain.  Good job on that.  Good luck with your meds, I hope you don't get the weight gain you experienced last time.


@GloriousG51, I hope the scale continues to move in the right direction for you.  I think it is great you have lost a pound.  Congrats.

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For sure; just think;  If you lose 0.5 lbs a week every week, you'd be losing 10 lbs in 4 months.  A whole lot better than gaining the same in the same amount of time or even faster, which is what could happen.  It's a bit frustrating, I know, but it's definitely going the right way despite the dessert.  And you just jump back on your wagon which is great.  Everybody slips now and then and this is life.  It's getting back on track that's important.  And keep on dancing (or whatever you like to do as long as you're moving).  Have some fun with it.  

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Glad to hear someone else put in mileage in their living room.  I do the same, just by walking through all commercials, well some of the programming as well as I don't have a lot of tolerance for sitting still unless it's on the computer.  Unfortunately, I can spend a lot of time sitting surfing or playing games.  That's where the reminders to move on my faithful little Alta come in handy.  I do also do at least one exercise class a day 6 days a week and try to mix them up so it's not all the same type of exercise.  I notice not many people talk about stretching.  It's a super important part of fitness, especially as we get older.  A little yoga can go a long way to prevent injury.  I have to remind myself of that.  Most of my classes do not include enough stretching.  

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I weigh myself at least once a week but sometimes more often than that.  Some people say not to weigh more than once a week if you are trying to lose.  

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