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New Year 2018 to Valentine's Day Challenge

Welcome to the newest challenge! We are celebrating our scaled and non-scaled victories and progress. Following are some acronyms typically used by those who post. Some of us also track body fat or measurements, please add those as you wish.


USW - Ultimate start weight

SW - starting weight for the challenge

CW - current weight 

PW - previous week's weight

GW - goal weight for the challenge

UGW- ultimate goal weight


I hope everyone had successful and fun winter holidays. Many of us are continuing on or beginning again or newly starting our healthy journeys. Big reminders...have FUN, enjoy life, laugh every day, stay positive, drink your water, move your butt, come share with us.


To join, please simply post and you are in! Have a great time, let's get this going!

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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it is really inspiring how retired marine took things.. and same question from me.. how this valentine challenge is going to effect you or others?

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inspiring people every where 🙂 

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Looks like a good motivator and love setting goals to reach so I am in 🙂 currently I am training to do a 5k run, goal is 12k by end of year. Huge step for me as I have never run since gym at school, always hated it. Now enjoying it.


 USW- 121 kg

SW - 119.9

CW - 117.1

PW -118.9

GW - 100

UGW- 68

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I haven't checked in for a few days. Days ago I had a bit too much salt and some preservatives (I stay away from it normally) so I felt swollen and put on a few pounds of water. I purged using plain tea and lots of extra fluids and making sure to walk and exercise. I dropped all that extra water, phew. I'm being careful with my food and getting more and more determined to break this plateau. 

I think I'll attend the writer's group meeting tomorrow morning so I'll walk there and back. That should give me 7500-8000 steps. It's supposed to be quite cold in the morning but I can bundle up. I've been overwhelmed with the pets lately...they ALWAYS need me for something. Attention, walks, going in and out the door, cat chewing stuff, dog eating cat litter, dogs fighting over my lap, feeding, etc etc etc. I have no peace.  So I think I'll disappear for a while tomorrow and stay at the library for a few hours and work on a new story. I need to take care of myself. That is what this entire journey is about..taking care of ourselves. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend and is revved up to go for the new week.

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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Other than indulging in sugar cookie on yesterday, I have been sticking to my plan.  I have also been drinking lots of warm tea because I have a bit of a head cold with a cough, but I only add stevia to it, so it shouldn't affect my weight loss this week.


@workingitbaby, I agree with the value of stretching.  I do it twice daily and I find it really helps my muscles throughout the day.


@njoe755, welcome to the challenge. 


@SamaraW, welcome to the challenge.  I think it is great you have a short term plan of training for a 5k, then a longer term one for a 12k by the end of the year.  What wonderful goals.


@_Lilac_, sorry you have been overwhelmed.  It is good you  have a plan for today that focuses more on your and your needs.  Take care of yourself & stay warm on your walks.


I hope everyone has a great weekend.

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USW- 215.0 (2/4/14)

1stCSW- 211.4 (2/14/17) First Challenge Starting Weight

2ndCSW - 210.8 (4/18/17) Second Challenge Starting Weight

3rdCSW - 212.0 (5/31/17) Third Challenge Starting Weight

4thCSW - 209.8 (7/4/17) Fourth Challenge Starting Weight

5thCSW - 209.0 (9/04/17) Fifth Challenge Starting Weight

LCSW - 206.4 (10/31/17) Last Challenge Starting Weight

CSW - 212.4 (1/1/18)

LW- 207.6

CW- 208.4

GW- 200.0 (February14th)

UGW- 150


Went up a little bit but I know the reasons why and exactly what I need to do to put it back in the down direction.


Welcome to all the new people!

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!

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Starting Weight - 320 (1/07)

  Sunday1 - 318 (1/14)
  Sunday2 - 314 (1/21)
Sunday3 - 312 (1/28)

  Sunday4 - 000 (2/04) 310 Target 
  Sunday5 - 000 (2/11) 308 Target

Valentine's Day Goal - 307 Target

-2 lb

In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.
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USW - 308

SW - 280

1W- 280 (08th)

2W- 275 (15th)

3W- 271 (22nd)

CW - 266* (29th)

GW - 265

UGW- 148


Down 5 more pounds this week.  Things have been going better than I planned.  I think having a head cold may have helped reduced cravings since I cannot smell or taste food very well.  I have also been drinking more warm green tea to soothe my throat.  I hope to be through with the cold later this week.   I am currently slow cooking a beef stew for later. 


@Cele21, it is great that you recognized what went wrong this week and have a plan to tackle it & make this week a success for you.


@almost_where, Congrats on losing 2 lbs this past week.  You are doing great.


Have a beautiful day everyone.

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Checking in!  I had such a crazy morning yesterday, and had to be out of the house at 6 AM, so I actually forgot to weigh myself ( also forgot my glasses, and phone but that’s another story... ).


Anyway, no change this week, again.

SW 171 

CW 168

PW 168

GW 163

UGW 155


I'm okay with this, again I have a new dose on a Med and no weight gain, like in the past.  I also met with a new doctor yesterday and she gave me some changes to the diet so we will see how this week goes.  


Hope you are all doing well!


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USW - 217.8

SW - 217.8

CW - 212.0

PW - 214.2

GW - 204 210

UGW- 192 180


It's become clear that I'm not going to make my original goal by Valentine's, but I'm okay with that. I've decided that I'm in this for a the long haul and I'd rather make progress at a pace of 5 pounds/month and feel good about it. After all, if I lost just a pound a week, by the end of the year I'd have lost 50 lbs. Now, looking at my lean mass (thanks for that Fitbit!) I don't think that's reasonable--I cary 130 lbs lean mass, so back of the napkin calculations say it's only reasonable to expect me to get to between 185 at average body fat % and 173 at ideal body fat %. So maybe this is cheating, but I'm revising my goals. If I can hit 210 by V-day and get down to 180 sometime later this year, I'll be pretty happy with that.

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@erinwdesign Not cheating at all!  One thing I find about the Fitbit data, it sure has helped me to set realistic goals.  I used to think 140 was a good goal for me, then get frustrated when I couldn’t get there, and quit then the weight would creep back up.  Now I’m changing my lifestyle, and finding my optimum weight and health.  So much better then dieting!  



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@Coracora very true. Looking at a BMI chart would have me believe that my ideal weight would be one that I now see leaves me at 0-5% body fat. I've always had the impression that chart didn't jive with how things feel for me--when I'm in the 160s I feel thin and muscular, 170s I feel lean, 180s still feels pretty darn good, but to the BMI chart that's all overweight. I'm going to start judging that by fat percentage from now on instead of pounds. Going by that I still have quite a bit to lose, but the end goal is one that makes sense for how weight feels on me, instead of feeling like a lost cause.

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Down 1 pound!!!!!


SW: 174

CW - 171.5

GW: 165

UGW: 160  

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Two weeks left to the challenge and I'm still in this plateau. I'm still having trouble with retaining water too. My scale isn't being friendly even though my food is good. We had a snowstorm so I've been kinda sitting around a bit more, but over the last week I've put up decent step numbers. I dunno. Tired but not giving up. I'm having quite a bit of intestinal discomfort in the evenings in one particular spot. Not sure what's going on. I don't have a gallbladder. I might have to get it checked out if it continues. 

I'd like to go to water aerobics in the morning if I can force myself out into the snow and cold. I'll set my alarm and insist I MOVE. 

My daughter bought her first car the other day. She's 22 and just got her license last week. This is a BIG deal. She'd been so frightened before but became determined and did it. Her new car will give us a chance to take the dogs to the nature parks to walk the trails, to the dog parks, and anywhere we want to go. I'm normally limited by the distance my two feet or the city bus can take me. 

Two weeks. I hope I can budge this scale a bit. I've been stuck in this plateau for months and months and months. 

Perhaps I need a vow my love for myself and my methods.

I hope everyone has a good laugh today, drink your water, move your bottom..and as a friend reminded everyone on facebook...'impress yourself today'. I'd love to impress myself daily, wouldn't you?


Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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Today I DID force myself out into the snow and cold for water aerobics! Then my daughter wanted to drive so we took the dogs to the dog park and I walked the big one on a trail. It's snow-packed but they've put dirt down to help with traction. I have 8600 steps so far and plan on doing some bum-flattening writing this evening, but I'll be able to get in the rest of the steps too. 

I am absolutely sick of looking at the's going off and should be banned. 

Alright, off to make supper, feed the dogs, pick my music for background and WRITE something. Have a great evening, all.

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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Retired soldier who broke the same ankle the last year before I retired.  Gained a bunch of weight and then bought a fitbit. I eat 1800 calories a day.   I use an elliptical for an hour a day and walk an hour day. Hope to start running again once I hit 220 as well as integrating a routine with weights and yoga this summer.  Best to all.


USW - Ultimate start weight: 250 lbs

SW - starting weight for the challenge: 250 lbs

CW - current weight: 235 lbs

PW - previous week's weight: 237.0lbs

GW - goal weight for the challenge: 231 lbs

UGW- ultimate goal weight: 190lb

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Hi everyone! I'm a litttle late to this challenge but will jump in for sure. Now that the holidays are over and our many family birthdays (lots of celebrations and cake lately), I can finally focus on my weight goals. 🙂


Has anyone established an Easter challenge yet?  April 1st is just 8 weeks away and I think that it would be fun to have an Easter challenge!

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Double Post

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I'm late too but would like to jump in.. I'd love an Easter Challenge. 8 weeks til Spring Smiley Happy


USW - 229

SW - 189

CW - 189

PW - 188.8

GW - 160

UGW - 155



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OK I am in once the Valentine's Day Challenge is over.
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