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New Year 2018 to Valentine's Day Challenge

Welcome to the newest challenge! We are celebrating our scaled and non-scaled victories and progress. Following are some acronyms typically used by those who post. Some of us also track body fat or measurements, please add those as you wish.


USW - Ultimate start weight

SW - starting weight for the challenge

CW - current weight 

PW - previous week's weight

GW - goal weight for the challenge

UGW- ultimate goal weight


I hope everyone had successful and fun winter holidays. Many of us are continuing on or beginning again or newly starting our healthy journeys. Big reminders...have FUN, enjoy life, laugh every day, stay positive, drink your water, move your butt, come share with us.


To join, please simply post and you are in! Have a great time, let's get this going!

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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@erinwdesign  Fitbit will show you your weight loss over a week, over a month, over 6 weeks, a just have to click on the options. I LOVE having it pull up the 6 month or year chart for some added motivation. "WOW...look what I've done!!!" does wonders to the morale.

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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So today I was having sugar cravings! And ran to Kroger and bought some low calorie cookie sand Halo icecream(didn't eat them all in one sitting of course)! Hopefully these help. I know I need to stay away from sugar but it is somewhat difficult, especially with my sugar cravings that usually hit around 10pm 😞

How do you all combat sugar cravings?

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I struggle with cravings - especially for sugar and carbs. I am NOT one of those people who can eat a bite of dessert, one cookie or one small piece of chocolate and be satisfied.  I wish!  I have found that reducing the total amount of carbs that I eat each day is helpful in reducing cravings.  If I have reduced my overall carb intake, the occasional splurge is easier for me to control. When I eat foods high in carbs I feel like I am never satisfied and only want to keep eating - and usually do!  Even fruit is a problem for me -which of course is sugar.  Not everyone is carb sensitive like I am, but having that awareness has been helpful for me.



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I'm new to FitBit, as the Blaze was my must-have Xmas present, but I look forward to participating in this challenge. 


My son is approaching 18M and this "post baby" Mama needs to GIT (get it together)! 


New Year 2018 to Valentine's Day Challenge - Fitbit Community


USW: 210lbs

SW: 208 

CW: 207.1

PW: 207

GW: 200 

UGW: 180

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Hi there!


I looooooooooove me some sweets, but I combat it by allowing myself dark chocolate squares or choc chips after lunch or after dinner. At least dark choco is healthier. 


Also, I have found a lot of success in lemonade packets for water: sweetness + hydration = success! 

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I am definitely in for the challenge.

Started off the year with a goal to decrease my sugar and choose healthier options whenever I eat.


USW - 93 Kgs (when I got back from maternity leave - Jan 2017)

SW - 80 Kgs

CW - 80 kgs

PW - 82 kgs

GW - 75 kgs

UGW- 70 kgs (This is my dream! pre-baby weight)


Excited for this challenge

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Good start! You inspired me. Thank you, Lisa
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Yas! Met this week's goal already! Back on track, and a huge hike planned for Saturday that is almost enough work in itself to shave off another pound (6 hours of hiking x around 500 calorie/hour burn).


USW - 217.8

SW - 217.8

CW - 213.8

PW - 215.2

GW - 204

UGW- 192.

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@SparkleNoSweat I use popsicles as my way to help curb those sugar cravings. It's water, it's flavour, and a little bit of sugar. They aren't high calorie but they are a treat. I don't go in for the sugar free or diet or lite stuff. I consider artificial sweeteners 'fake' food and can cause more I stick to original popsicles. I hope this gives you an option for a sweet treat.

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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Ugh, the daily weigh in.  I have to chart my weight daily for my doctors, and at first it was crazy making.  Then I seriously started tracking everything, not just food I found some patterns that make it easier, for example ; the morning after weight lifting days I’m a pound + heavier, ( water retention ).  So before I weigh myself I mentally review my previous day, workout type, salt, hydration,carb cycle etc... it helps me and I’ve gotten pretty good and not being surprised.  As long as my trend in pounds and bf are down I’m good.  


@erinwdesign Yes, it’s kind of a mental shock when you recover from unexpected medical issues and find your body responds differently!  I’m glad your doing well after the pancreatitis.  The low fat diet makes it harder, but like you, I have found longer workouts like hiking really helps.  I’m in The north so I’m adding cross country skiing to get outside and a longer calorie burn, good for the body and the mind!  

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Good Morning and HAPPY FRIDAY!!! My word for this week is “Patience”. Living a healthier life isn’t something that happens overnight. It takes a whole bunch of little steps that combine to make a better you. It isn’t always going to work. You are going to be tempted by foods you know you shouldn’t have, you may not do an extra set at the gym or even go for that last ¼ mile on your walk or run.  You may get frustrated because your significant other is either not working with you, or is farther ahead in their fitness journey than you are. We are all facing our own challenges, but we all have the ability to be better versions of ourselves!!!!

Be patient with yourself and others. You will give in to temptation, and others may not be as enthusiastic about your accomplishments or as impressed with you as you are. That’s okay!!!!

F.I.D.O.!!!!! (FORGET IT! DRIVE ON!) You have all got what it takes to meet your goals.

Let's make this our motto!!!!!!

“Mirror mirror on the wall,

I’ll always get up after I fall.

Whether I walk, run or have to crawl,

I’ll set my goals…


(I don’t know who wrote it, but it wasn’t me)

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Good idea, I am putting popsicles on my shopping list.  Lisa

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Good idea. I’ll put popsicles on my shopping list.
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I have fallen of the wagon a bit so started again on New Years Day

USW - 176
SW - 145
CW - 140
PW - 142
GW - goal 133
UGW- 126

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here's my weigh in stats:


USW - Ultimate start weight                             196

SW - starting weight for the challenge            181

CW - current weight                                         177.7

PW - previous week's weight                           181

GW - goal weight for the challenge                 171

UGW- ultimate goal weight                              164 (for now)


This was a little more than a week...for me it helps to look at it 10 lbs at a time so now I'm out of the 180's and into the 170's. I have been really exercising a lot and even if I don't feel like it, I tell myself to do just a little, and I usually find something kicks in and I go longer than I thought I would. I also make myself walk down to the first floor at work for bathroom breaks and then walk back up 4 flights of stairs. I need to do better on my water intake. Anyway I've been doing this for almost 11 weeks, the first few were the hardest, this is becoming more routine now...I also find drinking green tea in the evening (or peppermint tea) helps. Evening is when I like to pig out!!


Anyway I enjoy reading all of your posts hang in there, it's a process not just a destination. Those of you who are caring for others with health problems or have your own, my heart goes out to you. Take good care of yourself. 

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@lynda604 You are my inspiration. Our starting weight is so comparable. I've only been doing this for about 10 days. I'm participating in a 23andme study on weight loss and was randomly assigned to the exercise group (which I was hoping for). If I make it to the gym today, I'll have met my goal for this week. Despite paying a lot of money to my gym for the past year, I had been unable to motivate myself to get there. With the support and inspiration of this group, I think I can do it.


The study is for 12 weeks which coincides exactly with a speaking engagement I'm doing. I want to look better than I do now. I'm down two pounds which will be great motivation to keep it going. 

CW 194.8



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USW- 215.0 (2/4/14)

1stCSW- 211.4 (2/14/17) First Challenge Starting Weight

2ndCSW - 210.8 (4/18/17) Second Challenge Starting Weight

3rdCSW - 212.0 (5/31/17) Third Challenge Starting Weight

4thCSW - 209.8 (7/4/17) Fourth Challenge Starting Weight

5thCSW - 209.0 (9/04/17) Fifth Challenge Starting Weight

LCSW - 206.4 (10/31/17) Last Challenge Starting Weight

CSW - 212.4 (1/1/18)

LW- 210.0

CW- 208.4

GW- 200.0 (February14th)

UGW- 150


Cooking at home and better portion sizes. Still need to up my water intake and find a way to add movement.

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Thanks for starting this challenge @_Lilac_! I wonder if it might be helpful for all of us who want encouragement, whether it's to stick to healthy eating, exercising, or just living a more peaceful healthy life if we can share some more tips or quotes that inspire us? Everyone's path is unique, what works for one may not work for others but that's ok, so whatever we share if it fits for you great.  I'd love to learn from others what keeps you motivated or helps to keep you on track...


Here are some of the things I've learned along the way:

1) Slow and steady, have patience, (the hardest part is getting started). Life brings many ups and downs and so does trying to lead a healthy lifestyle. I try to be my own best friend, and not beat up on myself (again work in progress) when things aren't going in the direction I hoped, Also reminding myself perfection isn't realistic, so if I stick to my plan (eat healthier & exercise), for the majority of the time, knowing I will blow it, then it's easier to stick too. 

2) I try to "move it" everyday (even if it's turning on some great music and dancing around the room - enough to get my heart rate up and it makes me happy - love music and dancing - don't worry if you're not a good dancer, I'm not). Exercise doesn't always have to be formal - like going to the gym. Take opportunities to move, park farther away, take the stairs..I had some arthritis in my ankle, was painful and swollen but sat in a chair and lifted my legs, sometimes you have to get creative with exercise.

3) Build in some kind of reward for the goal you've set, something to look forward to whether it's renting a movie, going for coffee with a friend, massage (or if you can afford it a trip). I'm hoping to meet up with some friends at the end of this challenge in Las Vegas! They don't have to be big rewards whatever you can afford. I also have a "cheat meal" once a week (over Christmas I had more than one!).

4) I lead a stressful life, like many of us. I try to make a place in my house that is my retreat (in the evening, I'll light a candle, turn on music or the news, dim the lights, drink my herbal tea and have me time). A goal I have is to start to meditate, and live more mindfully. I need to find peace in my chaotic life and realized the only way to get it is for me to make it happen. I'm also finding exercise helps me with my sense of well being.

5) Lastly remember the definition of insanity, which is that you keep doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. I try to move on, learn when it isn't working and try something different.


Anyway here are some of my favourite quotes, love to hear from others:

  • "Age wrinkles the body, quitting wrinkles the soul" (Douglas MacArthur)
  • "Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th" (Julie Andrews)
  • "If it doesn't challenge you it won't change you"
  • "Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe if you must but take a step." (Naeem Callaway)

We all can do it, one step, one day, one moment at a time. Don't loose sight of the big picture!

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I'm back, long time no see.


CW : 318

My Target for Valentines day is going to be 310lbs

In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.
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Thanks for starting the challenge. I just got a new Fitbit 

Ultimate start weight: 153

Current weight: 150

PW : 153

Goal weight for the challenge 145

UGW - 140



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