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Newbie looking for friends : )

Hi all. I have finally got my ChargeHR and I'm super excited. I'm looking for friends for support and to help me along and motivation, challenges etc I'm on my journey to lose 120lbs hope to meet some great people x
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Hi I am also a newbie looking for friends for motivation and inspiration 😀
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I'm back with a new Charge.  My Force died last fall and it took me a while to get back into this!  I love the dashboard and all the tracking/logging capabilities.  My Aria scale keeps me honest too.  Looking forward to reading and reaching out to Fitbit members!  We're all on the right road.

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I'm new and would love some friends as well! Please add me! I work full time, finishing up my masters and have 2 kids! I got my flex about 3 weeks ago and have lost 14 lbs...I have another 50 (ish) to go!

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Hey 🙂 I'm new to fitbit as well. If anyone wants to add me feel free, I would love to have some more friends so we can motivate each other to achieve our goals!

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I have the Biggest Loser DVDs to be really good. They are somewhat hard which makes it a good challenge and the people you follow are inspiring I think. I have 4 DVDs and they have all proven to be a good workout.

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Hi all im also looking for friends for motivation please add me 🙂

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I love the TV show! 😀
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Still trying how to workout how to add friends from forum?
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Hi Dee

Click their NAME, then click GO TO FITBIT PROFILE, You'll see ADD A FRIEND button.  Good luck it took me a while to work it out too.

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Thank you Eve. Got it sorted 😀
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